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  1. cool thanks man ill try to look them up
  2. bigmime4098 replied to bigmime4098's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    i went to wyotech for motorcycle tech they told us bout turbos but they didnt really go in to that much detail bout them but what i want to know is can i turbo my engine i know i need a turbo intake and a turbo ecu and can my bottom end handle the stress of a turbo but im also thinking bout just swapping engines to a rb25 im seeking yalls advice on what to do
  3. bigmime4098 replied to bigmime4098's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    no 1980 280 zx 2-2
  4. bigmime4098 replied to bigmime4098's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    ok im also add and adhd because of my add i cant concentrate on one thing for very long i cant think of one thing for longer then bout 30 sec be for im thinking bout 5 other things and my adhd everything has to be perfect and when im trying to read a book i have to sound out every word and when i get to the end of a sentence i have to go back and reread it to figure out what im reading and my add dont make that ez by no means and i spell ez like that becouse i dont know how to spell it and also when i look at a page what ever word im looking at the rest of the words and letters look like they are spinning around the word and then seeing letters backwords and in places there not sapost to be dont help ether and thats y i hate to read
  5. bigmime4098 replied to bigmime4098's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    ok but i dont know punctuation i cant use something i dont know
  6. bigmime4098 replied to bigmime4098's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    thanks and ill try harder to word my posts better and my dad found the site
  7. bigmime4098 replied to bigmime4098's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    im trying to figure out which would be better to turbo the L28 engine thats in my car or get a already turbo L28 engine and put it in my car or get a rb25 and put it in my car and i do use spell check but u have to spell the word at least half way right for spell check to work right
  8. bigmime4098 replied to bigmime4098's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    the only things im good at is math and working with my hands
  9. bigmime4098 replied to bigmime4098's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    look there are 1000000 other people out there that type short hand i type it becouse thats what im use to sorry but as far as punctuation gos i dont know anything bout it becouse see i have ADD ADHD dyslexia and a few other things i cant pronounce so back in school i had a very very hard time leaning anything and my teachers didnt know what to do with me so they didnt do anything they just expected me to learn the same as all the rest of the kids but i couldnt so i got picked on for it right now i read at a 4 grade level and spell at 3 grade what i do know i have tot my self so dont tell me i have no effort u dont know how many people told me to just quit school but u know what i didnt i finished school it took me a bit longer then the rest but i did and went to collage then when to wyotech for motorcycly tech so dont tell me i have no effort if i dont know something how am i sapost to do it
  10. bigmime4098 replied to bigmime4098's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    um no its called sounding things out if u dont beleave im i bad speller ill quet using spell check and besides y the hell whould i be trying to do that i have nothing to gane from that and stop thinking ur all high and mity just becouse u can spell right stop looking down on me im just hear trying to figure things out bout my car and then i find people like yall who critasize me becouse i cant spell or use punctuation i got enuff of that **** back in school so stop looking down on me
  11. bigmime4098 replied to bigmime4098's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    and whats thats sapost to mean
  12. well i try to find what i can but i know there r some sites that post wrong info and i dont know whats good and what ant
  13. well i have a lot im trying to figure out
  14. spell check is how i spelled most of the words in my last post right i and if i offend people on here im sorry
  15. umm ok im 21 im grown too i type short handed because its faster and im not that great a speller dont judge me for the way i do things or type things i come here to ask questions because i have tried to use the wed to find things but i dont really know how to use the damn wed i felled my computer class back in high school

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