My Vintage Rallies Texas 1000 Thread
sounds like a lot of fun, great looking car btw!
Introducing my '73 240z
congrats bro, very nice find. I've had good luck with Blackdragon.com for parts, most shipping is free even to me in Hawaii. you're gonna love filling up and every time you stop, people love the way these look, even mine which looks awful! you bought a car with a soul, good job!
- new sweety
E 30 cam? E88 head? anybody have any info on these?
thank you for the help!
E 30 cam? E88 head? anybody have any info on these?
i assumed it was stock, it doesnt look clean enough to be a regrind or very new but i did sit for some time. i cant seem to get her to run good for more than a few days at a time. i set the points, clean the plugs, adjust the carbs, several times now and it slowlly goes back to running poorly by the end of a week. plugs are not fouling but they still look a bit rich. i do spend half the day at sea level and half at 3000 feet. im tuned at 3000 ft cause thats my house. assuming im running rich while on the coast.
E 30 cam? E88 head? anybody have any info on these?
just curious about what im working with. the engine work was pre-me, wondering if its necessary for premium fuel, the previous owners mechanic said it was a big cam, and while it sounds mean with the header and big exhaust but i dont feel it. also, ive noticed a bunch of you using 20w50 oil, is there a reason why so heavy a weight? im in hawaii so i dont have to worry about starting under 60 degress:) but i dont want to ruin my engine with overly thick oil.
is there a painless kit that fits the 73' ,thats relatively painless?
found a super clean spark plug, replaced bad wires, again found super clean plug. checked spark...good. took off v cover...bad. spring looks fine, valve dosnt appear to be stuck open. never seen this before. explains why i couldnt get my rear carb to tune and why z car didnt like to climb hills...at all. rocker doesnt seem to be badly marred, adjusted all my valves which seemed to be to tight, even cold.
is there a painless kit that fits the 73' ,thats relatively painless?
ok, thanks guys. ill try them tomorrow, and look for a good used one. i found a distributor cap and wires finally but im pretty sure i have the last. ive gotten a few parts delivered from black dragon, free shipping so far on suspension stuff. its just there are no extra parts cars here and really no parts on island so my frustratoin level is kinda high, im used to mainland, and im used to having the parts local, new and used. there are only 5 here that i know of, total, and nobody wants to part with "parts". pretty sure i need the whole harness, while everything works now in the back (except fuel gauge) i keep blowing brake light fuses when wired into combo switch, which is new. this car is mostly new parts, fuel tank and harness is all i can see that could continue to give me headaches, knock on wood, everything else is new. that and calipers. and weather stripping. and...
is there a painless kit that fits the 73' ,thats relatively painless?
so, i had the z up for sale, mostly cause i cant even find a dist cap on the islands, but then, i started driving this white refridgerato on wheel commomly known as a villager and i decided it was time to appreciate my z again. so, my wiring is jacked! splices everywhere, nothing works, fuses blow, hazard switch broke into 7 million peices, head lights keep finding new reasons to dim. i need a new harness...i guess. all the links i found are not supported anymore. please forgive me if i dont navigate forums well, im used to having a more local support group. thanks for any help. i promise i wont sell her!
[2012] What did you do to/with your S30 today?
mine came on by itself last week, i was so shocked and happy but as i went to turn it off (shutting the door didn't help) my finger went straight through the plastic and the bulb and everything fell on to my shoulder. i just lightly pushed on it, pieces!
[2012] What did you do to/with your S30 today?
im not going near that for a while, nice job though, looks like you just bought it.
[2012] What did you do to/with your S30 today?
i did, as if anyone really cares, a lot. timing was at 40degrees, adjusted my SUs after dismantling them to find the valves stuck (one open one closed), plugs, adjusted my points which were closed ( not sure how it was running at all, alternator swap to 79 280zx finally complete, fixed left head light now just as brightly dim as the drivers side, my passenger side door now closes AND locks, fixed leak at thermostat to head installed new thermostat where there was none and ran new heater hose (or should i say around the back of the motor hose and slimed one tire in hopes that ill only have to fill three tires every few days instead of four. tomorrow ill do less i think and may have to go beach so i stop dreaming about all the things i have left to do to this datsun. thanks for your support...
Dry sumped L series motor
still no charge from alt.
so, the MotoManmike saved me from aternator peril, on the 79 280zx alternator the L and the S terminals are swapped thus producing no alt output/atlernator death or a battery drain of arround 9 volts in my particular case. thanks so much so checking on that diagram and helping me out bro. i was swconds away from zapping another alternator and spending another month scratching my head and feeling like a rAtard.
- still no charge from alt.