Pay it forward!!!
well the reason i was askin is there is a 1980 280 zx near me tht the guy wants little to nothing for,i am hoping the pressure regulator is the same, and its a five speed as well so if the cover is good its yours. then u wont have the weld marks or grind marks
Executive BRE Build- You gotta see this
well, excuse' moi, its short for probably!!. i love silver and white.
Executive BRE Build- You gotta see this
that is freakin awesome man, prolly one of my favorite color combos.beautiful car bro.
Pay it forward!!!
grant would that be like the one on mine, and also are the motors in the 80 vertualy the same as our 77
Pay it forward!!!
does anyone have a good pressure regulator? also, i have several things that i am not going to use will try and make a list tomorrow.OH yeah,nd there are a couple of 280z and i think azx or two at the local pull-a-part.if there is anything specific ur lookin for pm me and i will make a list hopefully gonna go this weekend.
possible zx parts!!
Tennessee,ok on the tank.
CANNOT get pics to upload!!
LMAO!! I know...its not a showcar or nothing but it has had a complete paint and interior sometime in the past.and its two tone ideal 70's kinda.and the normal rust issues i have learned. it was factory green with black and has the tanish color interior now and brown with copper...ish hood and door area. i just never fool around much with computers but have had to teach my self in order to work on cars...im infatuated with cars. unfortunately very very small budget. i sold my bike to get the car. you guys have been very helpful, i WILL get this figured out......and maybe get more input from the snoots!!! jk oh yeah update... the tank, someone just had a post about the job they did on thy're tank...that all i have left most of the junk and rust came out.....wont be long now.
CANNOT get pics to upload!!
0k....i think i have used photo bucket before.....thanks lemme see what happens
CANNOT get pics to upload!!
please....help? wont see my brother in law( comp whiz) till the weekend and cannot figure it out. it just keeps freezing up 1/3 the way into the upload.
possible zx parts!!
I was at my local salvage yard and spotted several 280 and i think one 300. if anyone needs any parts just let me kow and i will see if they r there. i was lookin for parts for a truck when i saw them, pretty sure they are around 85 86. i have a 77 im workin on so no luck for me,.
Pictures!!! I got pictures!!
okay, so i have decided that my pics are to big maybe. the pics say JPEG, but on the upload it is in lower case.... So, am i right or is that crazy. So, Grantf that was very cool. the sending unit is great.And,actually started working on the tank i think i am going to be able to save it. i have pics and videp i have been taking. as soon as my brother in law can get to my laptop he is going to downsize the pics.And, again thank you so much for the help getting my car closer to the road.
Pictures!!! I got pictures!!
well they are on a sd card, and everytime i try to uplaod them to here it kicks off.and thanks by the way, for good directions.im sure it something im doin or not doin.
Pictures!!! I got pictures!!
Ok, so I have pics and some vid of my z, now how do i get them on here......i dont do this stuff much and my girl cant figure it out. please inform me.
gas tank help!?
gonna get a bunch of pics this weekend i hope and have a friend of mine get them up here. as far as the engine, i already went thru the electrical and engine compartment hoses and vac lines, not the a/c system or coolant rubbers but they are next. like i said its been sitting 16 years. i am pretty sure they were chasing the short i found.that sending unit looks brand new compared to mine..the reason i say this is it looked like someone had already been searching the harnesses and fuse block and relays un bolted but hooked up not completely invasive like i did.one of the shorts ended up being a barely corroded tail light. well, i gotta get to work on my place. once i get settled in good and organized i will try to get to know everybody, these little cars are incredibly cool, think i fell in love at 8or 10 years old .still trying to find out who had one.
gas tank help!?
.copy that. i will get my "girlfriend" to fix my pics this week. and yeah the sending unit is obvious u will see a pic of it too. Well fortunately i did put a stock type fuel filter in before start up , however i hooked the pump straight to the tank but havnt had any issues before discovering the tank. i forgot to mention the car has been sitting 16 years almost full .it had to be full when it was parked cause the sludge was 1/3 the capacity of the tank . the engine runs really good i cant wait to be driving this car regularly. plan a 5 speed for sure. i have to pay as i go so, its a little slower than an open budget. oh and i gotta find a hatch sometime mine is pretty bad also.AND, before anyone gets me......i know, check tank first.....i got excited when i had everything replaced and ready to turn over, hooked it right up and never thought twice, total error on my part.