Just Ordered Black Bumpers!
Datsun Spirit in VA
I am considering an engine build with Datsun Spirit. How's your engine feel after a couple year's use
New member introduction and a problem
I just found a link to JDM hoses I believe they are NOS Braided heater hose 4-pc set for Datsun 240Z, JDM Car Parts ? JDM CAR PARTS they have heater control valve too I would change that at the same time too.
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I agree with rossiz I took my seat out and removed the blower. But I got carried away and removed the whole A/C system EVERYTHING. I'm going to take out the heater when I get the car back. I'm not going to be driving it in the winters anyway unless it's dry out. and I got a bee-nee for that .
New member introduction and a problem
These guys look like they have some cool hose options Hosecandy | Build Your Own "Jaw Dropping" Custom Hoses. you can also check out JEGGS, and SUMMIT. for braided lines
New member introduction and a problem
Make sure to check all of your hoses going to your heater core. I just had the small one that is on the core itself blow, it was pretty dramatic when it blew, it spewed hot coolant and steam inside on the passenger side. Not trying to scare you, but it is worth going through the trouble of removing your A/C blower to really check all your hoses out. If it blows it'll burn your passenger. Glad my wife wasn't with me. I can just here her now "GET RID OF IT!"
My new baby 72 240z
Now that I've got everything out of The way. I thought about it I'm not driving in the winter time. So I think I'm going to rip all that stuff out and plug it up. See how it cools
My new baby 72 240z
Does anyone know the part numbers for the heater hoses I need the heater hose core inlet, and the heater hose inlet i'm going to try and go to the dealer tomorrow and see if I can get it over-the-counter
My new baby 72 240z
Found the culprit first I removed the seat then I remove the glove box then drop the AC and the hamster cage then I can see the small hose attached to the heater control valve busted i'm going to change the Heater control valve and the hoses and I should be good
My new baby 72 240z
Do I have to remove the ac or just the blower?
My new baby 72 240z
Yeah the carbs were gonna be the first on my list before the hoses busted. I'm kind of intimidated by it though. with my lack of experience with them. I'll just have to get the rebuild kit and a book and dive in. not too many shops in my area that are experienced with them. and I think I'll get a couple oem hoses and a new heater valve, and a thermostat and call it a day. Much easier on the wallet
My new baby 72 240z
yeah they also have some black nylon braided hoses that'll probably be easier to cut and Bend I'm going to check with my speed shop that's close to me to see what they have
My new baby 72 240z
I'm thinking about getting this hose kit from Jegs Spectre 7720 Spectre Magna-Pak Radiator Hose Kits - Free Shipping on All Orders @ JEGS maybe an aftermarket heater too, are those the right sizes or is that GM stuff. I'm pretty sure its all universal size
My new baby 72 240z
Thanks for all your pics and tips. I'm going to replace all the hoses with steel braided I think depends on the cost diff. it'll probably be cheaper to get all OG from the dealer. Is the water **** valve that fitting that the hoses are attached to in the picture?
My new baby 72 240z
I think the fan's are wired to stay on. they come on when I turn the engine on and I don't think they turn off to be honest I don't remember looking at the gage before it popped so I may be completely wrong it may not even be a over heating issue but I'm definitely going to change the thermostat anyway and check for overheating I guess I have to take the dash out to check the hoses and connections I hope I'm just panicking and it was more dramatic than damaging