Everything posted by crazy428z
BCDD and vacuum advance question
Just lately,I had an issue with my 77 280 running excessivly rich.I figured out it was a bad fuel pressure regulator,and a stuck injector.I replaced FPG,and all the injectors,and now she runs well.While I was replacing these parts I noticed a green wire that was cut.It goes to what looks like some sort of sensor that is threaded into the side of the BCDD.I also started car and pulled vacuum hose going to vacuum advance unit from BCDD unit.Even when I revved engine to 4500 RPM,and then let off throttle suddenly,there was no sign of any kind of vacuum.Is there suppossed to be?Also I remember faintly something about VAC. ADV.not kicking in until 5th gear was engaged.Sound familiar to anyone?{Anyone know where the green wire might connect to?}
77 280z began blowing black smoke.and missing.Idles fine for 10 seconds or so before
I finally can get back to all of you that gave me advice on my 77 280z,and the rich running condition I was having.I tried tapping on ECU,and even swapping it out with another I had;with the same results.I ran a fuel pressure test and found PSI to be in mid 40"s{44 to 46 PSI}I then replaced fuel pressure regulator.I had to pull the injectors,and found one that was jammed,{maybe from excessive fuel pressure?},so I replaced them with a set that I had cleaned up.Lo and behold...she runs, and not too shabbily either.Thanks for the tips though,as they were all good advice.Now, not to abuse this new fount of info,but does anybody out there know if the vacuum advance operates on full engine vac.,or if it is reduced?The hood that is on my 77 is not the original hood,and is missing vac. diagram.
Thanks for advice.I checked them both and they seem to be in good mech. condition and seem to be moving fine.
77 280z began blowing black smoke.and missing.Idles fine for 10 seconds or so before
Thanx for reply,and advice.Wouldnt I get a bad reading from ohm meter when doing circuit test through ECU pin connecter,if that were the case?
77 280z began blowing black smoke.and missing.Idles fine for 10 seconds or so before
dont know what this FSM is{field service manual ?} I do have a disk from nissan that has the circuit tests using 35 pin connecter.Thats how I ended up replacing AFM.I should go through it again though.As for history of car,I bought car three years ago not running and it had been sitting in a garage for two years.I got it home, went through all wiring and connecters,and replaced EFI relay,and lo and behold,she ran.Scince then,2000 dollars later, and a lot of work put in,everything relating to engine is new, including fresh rings and bearings 2000 miles ago.Shes been running top notch for ayear before Itore it down,and scince I put it back together.And about the other thread....I just touched a computer for the first time in my 48 years yesterday.Someone else even printed out the info. I needed from nissan disk on to paper for me.Anyway please understand this is all new to me. Thanx.
I just put a new AFM on it yesterday,because one of the fuel injection circuit tests related to the AFM wasnt quite right,so I replaced it with a rebuilt unit that now tests out right.I will check out info.on TPS though.I did replace it with a new one last year,but as we all know........ "stick" happens,right? Thanx.
thanks for the reply,and the advice.Battery is new.Ive cleaned every electrical connection in my Z with elec. cleaning solv.,and a toothbrush.{thank god for lots of spare time,and having a warm garage while living jn the rainy northwest}Ive reringed and put new bearings in this motor 2300 miles ago,and did a vac. leak check,and retorque at 2000 miles.It was running great until mon.I drve home, parked it.When I went to go start it 30 mins. later, Ibegan having this problem.Z"s are a learning experience at times.
77 280z began blowing black smoke.and missing.Idles fine for 10 seconds or so before
my 77 280z will start and idle fine...then begins missing and blowing black smoke out of exhaust.IVE REPLACED THE afm,the water temp. sensor,fuel filter,and tuned it,and I still have the same problem.this does not happen gradually,but all of a sudden,like a switch or relay kicks on.anybody out in Z land have or of had a simular problem,that might have an idea what might have went wrong? Any help would be greatly appreciatted.
hey z lovers;iam new to this "Z" club thing,even though i have owned a number of Z's over the years.Ime also computer stupid,so i feel like Ive taken quite the step today!the reason Ime doing this is I have a 77 280z that is having a problem that I thought i might be able to get some input on.It starts and idles fine....for about 10 seconds.Then the motor drops in RPM,begins missing,and starts blowing black smoke out exhaust.{obviously too much fuel}This does not happen gradually,but suddenly,like a switch or relay opens.any ideas?