Perforated Leather Headliner
any updates on this? sounds/looks great.
Newbie from sf, CA
Thanks guys. @grantf - its a 77 and yes, SF is amazing. I moved up here 1.5 years ago and definitely love it. Let me know if you're ever in town again! also - my pops lives in seattle (saw your location) and that place is amazing.
Newbie from sf, CA
Hi all, I've just become a member a few weeks ago and thought I'd introduce myself. I've been yearning for a Z for a few years now, window shopping online here and there, but it wasn't until recently that I could afford to buy one. I finally found one out in sacramento and am still trying to get used to all the compliments i'm getting on the road . The car is pretty middle of the line in terms of condition - overall its fair, but it definitely needs work..especially suspension. So far i've posted a couple times and everyone here seems extremely helpful. You guys will be hearing much more from me in the future (a lot of newbie questions to come) pics Also, if anyone is from the bay area and looking to teach someone or need help on their Z, let me know! i learn better by getting my hands dirty ha.
side moldings on '77 280z
side moldings on '77 280z
Thanks guys! EScanlon - I am really intrigued by the soldering option. Have you had any experience with this method or know of anyone? I might just give it a try... Charles
side moldings on '77 280z
Thanks for the advice grantf. Thank you Oiluj for the source Here is a pic of the ride (sorry for all the noise in the shot). Also, i'll post pics of the holes later. IoE
side moldings on '77 280z
ah, see that's the thing. i eventually wanted to re-paint the whole car, but the teal is really growing on me haha. in which case i didn't know if i would be able to cover the holes for cheaper than repainting the whole car
side moldings on '77 280z
Hi all, Newbie here. I recently bought a '77 280z that did not have the side moldings on it. Instead there were the holes in which it is attached to. I was wondering if anyone had any insight on how much this would cost to fix and what kind of work? I imagine they would bondo it over and then try to match the paint? I'll be calling local body shops, but just wanted to check in with the forum. Thank you, IOE
Parting out 78 280Z
Any chance the exterior side view mirrors are available?? Would you ship to CA?
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