Everything posted by grannyknot
75 280Z & 83 280ZX at the Lucky Old Car Auction in WA
The 280z doesn't look too bad
What is the deal with this website?
http://240zforsale.com/about-us/ He seems to be taking ads for cars that are for sale from around the country and listing them by location, there doesn't seem to be any advertising on the site. Could it be he is just a nice guy doing all this work for the convenience of potential buyers? Something feels fishy about this, or maybe I'm just cynical.
- ZCON 2016 Pics (with love)
The official "Post pictures of your wheels" thread
Well these aren't my wheels but since I'm in the market for new wheels and happened to be at the big ZCON car show in Toronto today I thought I would share some of the selection I saw today.
- Locking Gas Cap Solution for S30 that works
Anyone running MegaSquirt in their Z?
multi-disciplinary, that's for sure, it's certainly pulling me out of my comfort zone. I have a thread going here, http://www.msextra.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=132&t=63449&p=480309#p480309 The current problem is trying to get the MS ECU to see the signal coming from the crank sensor, I'm hoping it's just a hardware or wiring problem. I'm sure the crank sensor is sending the signal as I tested it with a voltmeter and got 3-7mv while cranking the engine, maybe I'll get a new sensor just to rule it out. Matt Cramer, one of the authors of that book you linked to is the guy who built my MS unit and is trying to help figure it out.
Anyone running MegaSquirt in their Z?
I will be running MS in my Z, it won't be on a Nissan engine but it is a fuel injected straight six. Wondering if there is anyone in the membership who is fluent in the MS lingo that I can bounce some issues around with. I am on one of the MS forums but they don't have a lot of time for newbies stumbling their way through. Thanks, Chris
[2016] What Did You Do To/with Your Z Today?
Looks like it`s all coming together beautifully. Do you know what the weight difference is between the STI diff and the R200?
Fuel tank repair
Some of the older formulations of tank sealer aren't fairing as well as the newer coatings with regards to the alcohol in fuel now, maybe they don't want to risk the liability and quit doing it altogether. Before I started using the POR15 tank sealant, which I love and have never had any problems with I would take the tank to bare metal with acid, neutralize it, dry it completely and then pour in some 2 stroke oil and coat all the inside surfaces, let it sit in there for a couple of days and then return it to duty. That's a fairly common procedure for restoring motorcycle tanks and works well.
market, demand and rarity for 240z Series I
I posted this comment and then read zKars comment above, were saying the same thing I guess. Although there is a strong market for early numbers matching 1970 Z's, in order to get the $40,000-60,000 prices you would have to put at least that much into the car. If you do the work yourself and you are good at it you can break even or make a bit but your labour has to be free. Your car being made in May of /70 is a good example of a series 1 car but it's not really considered early. The most money is going for cars that are under the 00500 serial number. The outside sheet metal looks solid with no serious dents or dings and looks like a good candidate for dumping lots of money into I'm serious though. I just sold my 03/70 Z on ebay in the spring, got $19,400 for it. I spent 4 yrs restoring myself, I got my cash outlay back and maybe 2 cents an hour for my labour, but my labour is free and I had a great time working on it. On this forum the love of all things Z is almost spiritual, deity like. When someone comes on asking what their great buy is worth you can practically hear the teeth grinding (mostly because we didn't get to buy it before you) So don't be offended if we don't fawn over it. The best thing I can see about your car is that it doesn't look like it has been messed with too much, the engine bay although in rough shape looks original, the car looks like it may have had a respray in the past but quite original. Good luck with it, be nice to it. Chris
73 240Z in Olypmia WA
Ah, I didn't notice that, now the price makes sense.
Please close the AD
That looks like a terrific project, you guys have so much selection out there.
73 240Z in Olypmia WA
Looks like some collision damage just above the tail pipe, worth looking at with some cash in your pocket.
- ZCON 2016 - Toronto (Who is going?)
Knob under dash
As Old Hat says, it's a instrument light dimmer switch, why anyone with a Datsun would want those lights dimmer is beyond me, can barley see them now.
quarter window seals
I have never seen that long seal on the MSA site, it looks like the perfect solution for the quarter windows, the only seals that I have ever come across are the ones below, one is glued to the top edge and one to the bottom then the door seal is glued into place over top, pretty sure these are factory applied.
ahmmeter / fuel gauge on 1972 240z issues
There is a search window at the top right hand corner of every page on this forum as you have been advised on multiple occasions. Step up to the plate boy.
1973 Rebuild
Woo-hoo! Vintage '72 tag
Low VIN 1970 240Z "Barn Find" in Los Angeles Area
That's the way I like them, solid and neglected.
ZCON 2016 - Toronto (Who is going?)
If traffic is bumper to bumper and all lanes filled in then moving over in your lane is all they can expect from you as everyone would be traveling slower anyway. It's the guys that blow past them doing 130kph with 2-3 ft to spare that they want to stop. Also, the stated speed limit of 100 kph (62mph) is ignored by virtually everyone, 120 kph (75mph) is the standard excepted speed, above that you risk a ticket. Besides, that American licence plate will go a long way to getting you let off with a warning. Exchanging your money at a bank will get you a fairer exchange rate then doing so at a retail store. Waiters/waitresses, bartenders, cabbies live and die by tips, 15% min. is standard unless service is terrible.
ZCON 2016 - Toronto (Who is going?)
Anyone driving into to Ontario, there is a new law that came into effect this year, if you see any emergency vehicle on the side of the road (Cop, Ambulance, Tow truck...) you are now required by law to move over so there is an empty lane between you and them as you pass. That is on a major multi lane highway, if on a 2 lane road (one going each way) then slow down a hug the center line, give them as much room as you can. There has been a lot of fatalities of emergency workers in the last few years with drivers running into them while they are working. They have started ticketing this offence and I heard from our local Z club that there will be a blitz on for the next week or so where they will be actively looking for people not moving over. I don't know what the fine is but I'm sure it is a big one. Chris
- ZCON 2016 - Toronto (Who is going?)
Are rubber steering couplers available?
Poly transmits a lot more vibration then rubber does, when installed in the suspension some of that vibration is soaked up by the drivers seat foam, but on the steering wheel it transmits directly to the hands which can get tiresome and irritating on long drives. For sure the steering will feel crisper in turns with poly but it is a trade off. I installed a solid nylon coupler and it lasted one season before I replaced it with OEM rubber, much nicer on the arms.
is it worth it?
That one is worth looking at.