Everything posted by grannyknot
83 280zx turbo half shaft CV's
OR, I could just remove the springs and be able to move the strut through the entire arc full droop to full bottom while the car is still on jack stands.
My rat
I like it, great wheels, never have to wash it! I thought about doing a Ratsun but this car was too far gone, one of these days.
83 280zx turbo half shaft CV's
Zed, I tried your trick with the wood clamp to hold the shaft fully compressed, worked great. D/S 280zxt shaft 22" P/S 280zxt shaft 22 3/4" Compared to the 240z shafts with stub axle and adapter flange measured in the same way the P/S 280zxt shaft is 1/2" longer, the D/S 280zxt shaft is 1/8th" longer. I think I can live with that. But before I put the car up on the rotisserie I'll install the R200 diff and the new shafts, lower it down and pile several hundred pounds in the back of the car to see if the shafts bottom out, if I do it that way I will still have a year or so to fix it if there is a problem.
83 280zx turbo half shaft CV's
For anyone thinking about doing this CV swap I would advise you to think hard about what your time is worth. My free time is cheap and I like doing things the hard way it seems. Even with my boneheaded move of throwing good parts in the garbage(a $200 mistake) I have saved about half what it would have cost me to buy the Wolfcreek shafts...so far. I'm not foreseeing any further costs but who knows. It has been time consuming hunting down the articles that describe this swap, finding the parts and doing the rebuild. Never seeing the inside of a CV joint didn't help. Also, there are 3 internal seals that are no longer available, at least I couldn't find them. If any one of those seals are damaged and can't be reused, stop what you are doing, you can't proceed without them if you want to get long life out of the shafts. If you think bearing grease makes a mess then you are in for a real treat when you start handling CV grease, it's a different animal, like black runny snot from hell. It gets on everything, have lots of rags around to grab easily. I had to build a stand to support the boot shell so it could have the edge hammered tight around the top, without that stand I can't think of how else I could have completed the job. Some pics,
Oil pressure uneven
What a nightmare, thanks for sharing this with us. Hopefully your recording this here will save some other guy the heartache. That 1st drive with new new engine is going to feel pretty good. Chris
83 280zx turbo half shaft CV's
So the new D/S halfshaft arrived, it is slightly different then mine, the ends of the boots are secured farther apart, but I'm only going to use the stub axle end of it. The un restored shaft is from a 1981 280zxt, the other two are from a 1983 280zxt. The boots seem to be the only difference.
Another door panel thread
Good points, I have never FG over anything like the fiberboard that these panels are made of, should I soak them in resin first and let it soak in and cure then coat again and glass it?
S30 Harmonic Balancer Question
I remember that, couple of years back one of the members had that damper come apart at speed on the track. I'll see if I can find the thread.
77 280 restoration
Looks good, is that new paint?
Choke Cable replacement
My choke cables are .055" or 1.4mm dia.
My best 260Z yet!
That looks like someone colour stained that steering wheel, there will be a deep mahogany red under that.
Another door panel thread
I'm about to start working on the door panels to try and repair some age damage before re covering. I thought perhaps some kind of a fiberglass repair kit from Amazon, any suggestions? Thanks, Chris
Door panel question
That's a shame, he's coming off my favorites list.
Window NOT lining up
How did I miss this thread, the tarp grommet idea is brilliant! Well just like the now famous R/T mount is named after it's inventor Ron Taylor, we need a name for Ziggy's grommet fix. Seriously, I'll bet most of our early cars are missing those flimsy cone washers.
Would you use this weather stripping?
It came with the car and it's better then what was on there right? I just received a complete weather strip the other day, with the exchange rate, S&H and taxes it was over $500
1981-83 280zx VIN needed
Thank you sir, her royal highness Aminatu Zazzau will send her agent around to collect the car. Please feel free to cash the cheque for $100,000 pounds sterling, take what you think is a fair price for the car and return the rest with the agent, we trust you.
1981-83 280zx VIN needed
I have an R200 diff from an 83 zx that I'm rebuilding right now, going to put an OBX limited slip unit in it. I ordered replacement diff axle bearings online from autopartsway and they sent the wrong ones, they sent the wheel bearings. I have sent them the proper parts number, Nissan 38440-N3100 or NSK-RHP HR30209J but they don't believe me, they want the VIN number for the car. Well, I don't have the car, I just have the diff. Can someone loan me their VIN so I can get a refund or the right bearings? I promise nothing will happen to your car, no Nigerian prince claim it as his. Thanks, Chris
Options to Restore Plastic Panels
It looks like nice stuff, looking forward to seeing the results.
My exhaust fume location
Yes, just 1 of the dozen places it can sneak in.
83 280zx turbo half shaft CV's
I'm back in business! Mr. super cool black gold man has come to my resuce. Thank you Bill https://youtu.be/kWF-hH1nloo
Leather door skins
Not into S&M but I sure do like the smell of leather in a car.
Leather door skins
And to go with the leather door skins, the leather interior just arrived from Interior-innovations. Very nice work,
1973 Rebuild
I did those oil gallery holes alternating with spray can brake cleaner then compressed air, then carb cleaner and compressed air. I kept that up until it was dripping clear cleaning fluid. Chris
83 280zx turbo half shaft CV's
Okay, so I should fess up here, it's official now, I am a complete f---ing idiot! I finished the rebuild on on the passenger side shaft and started in on the drivers side, I rested the stub shaft end on top of the garbage can to let some of the CV grease drain and then .... I forgot about it. Friday morning I took the garbage down to the curb and now the top half of my CV shaft is in the landfill somewhere. Moron right? Shouldn't have done all those drugs when I was younger. So unless someone has a spare D/S CV shaft for an 83 280zxt they want to sell me, I guess I'll just save my pennies and buy those CV shafts that Wolfcreek racing sells, http://www.wolfcreekracing.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=72&Itemid=61
Fan blades
^ That's probably a very rare piece you have there, I didn't know it existed.