Everything posted by grannyknot
What is this black wire from above the speedo?
Brake light switch?
Looking for a fuse block
So here is how it turned out, I still have to cleanup and wrap the main engine bay wiring harness. But I also used this down time to add 4ga cables to the battery, alternator, starter, grounds and back to the amp. I found a new product at my favorite online electrical store, shrink wrap big enough to go around a relay, Although I wouldn't call it water proof, it's pretty close.
Looking for a km/h speedometer!
moelk, you might also target some of the Canadian Z clubs, we have been using kms for 35 or more years.
Feedback requested on this Fujitubo exhaust system
I'll re-post this on our local club forum, many members use Whitehead exclusively. Here's the link to our forum,Florida Z owner looking for opinions on Fujitubo exhaust
Just painted my car, now how do I make it even?
It looks like you are using short quick movements with the paint gun, you want to use long,slow, even strokes that are parallel to the surface, no arching. Start your spray before you make a run and snap up your hand at the end of the run.
Metal working cutting a straight edge question
This tool is perfect for your job and I find I use mine all the time for various things, RYOBI | RYOBI Belt/disc Sander | Home Depot Canada
LSD question
It happens here too but they are called "bush buggies". Makes sense now. Might also be good at the drag strip.
LSD question
Whoa! Maybe I'm not understanding the principle here but aren't these welds going to cause damaging stress the rear end as soon as you turn a corner ?
Conversion to throttle cable - SU anchor point?
Haven't got to it yet,too busy rebuilding tranny.
Progress on rust repairs
Someone had already removed the hand throttle lever from my 70Z when I got it but I've always wondered what the purpose was? It reminds me of the PTO on a tractor.
Zombie Zs
That is a big smile for the day, there are few things more pleasing I think then bringing an old engine back to life. Good for you guys.
Conversion to throttle cable - SU anchor point?
Also, there are 2 possible problems you might run into, I certainly did. I found a couple of weeks after installing the cable linkage that either the cable stretched or a combination of other parts settled and the throttle plates weren't opening fully anymore. After adjusting all was fine again and there was no more problems with that. On the other end of that problem is the possibility of not having your gas pedal stop posistioned correctly and using the power of your foot and desire for speed to force the throttle plates too far. It's easy to add a spacer on top of the gas pedal stop if you have to. Chris
Hood problem - hoping someone has the cure
I'm referring to the bolts that hold the hinge assembly to the body, I found that's where I got the best adjustment.
Conversion to throttle cable - SU anchor point?
Dave, I wish I had taken better pics when I had the cable throttle up and working on my SU's but you might be able to see how I did it from the 3rd pic. The H shaped holder mounts to the intake manifold between the heat shield and the bottom of the air box. One of the advantages to cable throttle control besides the smooth action is it allows you the get rid of all that crap on the balance tube. I have triples on the engine now and haven't got around to installing the cable linkage yet.
Looking for a fuse block
SWEET engine bay! I think I just found my new desk top wallpaper. I'm going to put my relays in the same spot, I guess there is only a few places things like that will fit. Thanks
RearView Mirror Restoration
Looks great, the price of re-silvering mirrors has gone through the roof the last 20 years, I guess it's because of all the nasty chemicals involved, so you got a good price. Did you use the hot water and dish soap method to get the glass out and back in?
Looking for a fuse block
Thanks, some good suggestions. dawg7, that's exactly where I want to put mine, do you ever have any problem with it getting wet? fastwoman, any reason you would go with a Maxifuse over a regular or minifuse? Chris
Looking for a fuse block
I want to add a fuse block to the engine bay to help remove some of the high current flowing to the stock fuse block and ignition switch. So far I've installed Dave Irwin's headlight upgrade harness and parking light harness. The new engine bay fuse block I would power the electric rad fan, fan controller, fuel pump and starter relay. I'm thinking about using this block, 100/30A LED Micro Blade Fuse Block | Princess Auto Can I assume that it can handle 100amps total and no more then 30amps on anyone circuit? Thanks, Chris
Holley 4BBl Performance
Porkbun, my own experience with Holley 4 bbl carb is one of nothing but fustration and anger, but some people swear by them. Check out Airzona Z car, manifold.html he has been selling this manifold for years and has lots of experience with 4bbl on L series engines.
Valve cover breather
Mike, do have both the valve cover breather and the block breather going into the snot can?
DaZed & confused in Portland
You won't have to drill and tap, Nissan has made it simple by adding a spacer that goes between the front cover and the degreed tab. so this is what I'd send you if you need it.
How did I do? I'm a little scared...
Had to hunt a bit to find it, back on page 14, http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/open-s30-z-discussions/48360-240z-rebuild-restoration-right-down-shell.html
The cheap way to modify my car
Wingsuit, Wow, makes me want to take off my spook and spoiler and paint them black.
DaZed & confused in Portland
Carter rotary pump
Jeff, I'm talking brand new, I paid $80 I think. Only you guys in the States get them for $30-40