Everything posted by grannyknot
The blue 510
Sort of, I got the idle down to 800 rpm and the timing set dead on 20*, it still hangs a bit but doesn't affect the driving of the car, it only does it at idle when I blip the throttle so at the moment it's not a problem. I have a new water temp sender coming this week, I've read that a bad sender can screw with the idle.
The blue 510
I don't actually remember what the problem was, I used Permetex HD weatherstrip adhesive as a contact cement and they went on nicely.
The blue 510
And she's done! Licensed and on the road and it only took 42 yrs. I'm wondering anyone is even going to notice the 240Z sunvisors, they look like they could be stock.
Fuel Filler Neck Install Question
I think I just used whatever sealant I had on the shelf at the time, it doesn't need strength, the screws are taking the weight so you just need to fill the air gaps. Nice clean undercarriage!
How do I test power to wiper motor??
Z's on BAT and other places collection
I'm not much of a 2+2 fan but for a $1,000 that was a great buy.
Series 1 water and oil gauge?
The other 2 gauges are held on the same way the clock is, just a couple of wing nuts if I remember correctly.
How Do You Properly Run An Oil Catch Can?
I agree, at times air is drawn in through the valve cover vent and that would be difficult if there is always the positive pressure from blow by from the bottom end.
Series 1 water and oil gauge?
Having removed and replaced that center heater control/vent many times I would suggest you remove the glove box cardboard and access it from there, the 4 stiff wire cables going to the various vent levers can be a real buggar.
How Do You Properly Run An Oil Catch Can?
I don't think it really matters but I would assume there would be more oil mist coming from the crankcase, you won't believe the stuff that accumulates in the can, in racing circles it's known as a snot can for a good reason.
How Do You Properly Run An Oil Catch Can?
I run this baffled catch can, https://www.ecstuning.com/b-ecs-parts/ecs-tuning-baffled-oil-catch-can-8oz/003779ecs05-02~a/ It is configured as your #1 setup, works great. @AK260, beautiful engine bay!
Project Boondoggle (or, so I went and bought a Z!)
Ah come on man, give yourself some credit, they asked about the paint because you did a damn fine job on it.
15x7 Konig wheel tire thoughts?
If were going to add a tire size calculator then this is the page, https://www.blocklayer.com/tire-size-calculator.aspx Also does transmission gearing and a bunch of other calculators that might be useful.
15x7 Konig wheel tire thoughts?
I have 195/60/14 Falken Azenis on my 510, good looking tire and although I haven't pushed them yet they seem to be pretty sticky.
15x7 Konig wheel tire thoughts?
A tire calculator is always fun to play with to try out different sizes, https://tire-calc.com/
Fenders welded on!?!?!? 280Z (OK no, just... bondo...)
As long as you haven't run into thin heater duct sheet metal held on with wood screws you know your PO wasn't too bad. It looks like you'll need both outer rockers at least, you may be able to save the fenders with repop fender patches, https://tabcoparts.com/16721.html There are more expensive, more accurate patches but Tabco is not too bad.
Series 1 water and oil gauge?
The water/oil gauges don't fail very often from what I know, I think you could p/u a used one fairly easily especially in your neck of the woods lots of parts Z cars in your area.
240z gas tank fuel feed line question
If it is just moving on the outside then it will be much easier to solder up, just make sure you go through the usual measures for cleaning the tank and purging it of all vapours. I like using the vacuum clear on reverse so it is blowing fresh air in.
240z gas tank fuel feed line question
Swivel is not good, do you have any leaks around where the feed line enters the tank? Both the feed and return lines are crimped on then lead soldered, I've repaired one with plumbers solder. The question is did that feed line start turning because the crimp and solder failed or did it rust through? You'll find out when you drop the tank and have a look inside.
New Vendor to me
As it turned out Riley got back to me on the next business day but by then I had ordered from somewhere else so it seems he is very much still in business but just busy. I will certainly be ordering from him next time I need something. Below is Riley's response to me. Sorry Riley, I read some comments on the forums about how difficult it was to get a hold of you that I moved on and ordered from somewhere else. Next time for sure, your inventory is impressive and prices are reasonable. Thanks, Chris parts@lynchburgnissan.com Jul 12, 2021, 8:50 AM (11 days ago) to me Sorry about that! Please do give me a shot next time Many people do not know or understand that the Vintage operation is a small part of a very locally busy Nissan dealership, so I am forced to give priority to the local business traffic Other than a couple of people that I am still having delays with, my response time via email is pretty quick I was also very active in a bunch of Facebook groups, but it started taking up so much of my free time- nights, weekends, holidays, etc, that I had to go on hiatus. I havent shut down the account, so people have kept messaging me there and not getting an answer Looking forward to fulfilling your Datsun needs in the future
Z's on BAT and other places collection
https://www.ebay.com/itm/324721775605?hash=item4b9aed13f5:g:PRUAAOSw1-Jg9zYr Perhaps he's so confident that he will get good money for it that he's thrown caution to the wind, if the word gets out about its potential he will get a good price. It could be an extraordinary car with some work.
TTT Outer Tie Rods or Moog?
I've driven with both and didn't feel any difference but if you already have a bunch of TTT hardware installed you might as well keep going, at least all the components will have equal strength.
What is your (most) valuable "made it myself" PART! and most valuable lesson learned about Z-cars!
Jeff, have a look at Baltic Birch Plywood, very interesting effects can be made with it. Unlike other plywoods it's a densely packed with no voids, high quality material.
Help needed diagnosing a hanging idle
I contacted kruked at the Zilvia forum, sent him a pic of the circuit board and he confirmed the ECU is for a manual car so my next move is to replace the Coolant Temp Sender and see what that does. Apparently some of these engines hang on idle and some don't.
Best Penetrating Oil?
50% ATF 50% Acetone