Everything posted by grannyknot
Restoration of BringaTrailer 240z - HLS30-35883
I've seen a couple of tanks that had a leak and repairs in that spot, maybe a PO put a drain bolt there to release the water from pooling.
The October Surprise this year might be Marshall Law which will postpone the election, then voting will be allowed only in "safe" areas tightly controlled ...
Mark, I forgot you are right in the middle of that mess, I guess you are trying to avoid going downtown.
- COVID-19
Sourcing Parts in Canada
Also, the new NAFTA 2.0 just kicked in so no duty is paid on orders under $150 CND.
Sourcing Parts in Canada
Unfortunately not a lot up here, there is https://whiteheadperformance.com/shop/ in Toronto, they're convenient but I end up buying most of my stuff at Rockauto, MSA, and Zcar Source in the States. I use a drop service, https://www.crossborderpickups.ca/ Everything is shipped to their Niagara Falls depot, they bring it over the border and up to their Mississauga warehouse for pick up, I save about 2/3rds on shipping. Your car car looks in very good shape, welcome to the forum.
Rear control arm bush alignment
I haven't tried this yet but some guys have started using 5/8" x 12-14" bolt instead of a $40 spindle pin. Using the rubber and steel washers as usual but with no need for the anchor/tapered bolt in the center.
New mustache bushing updates?
Not stupid at all, I've never tried it but I've heard it does improve it somewhat.
The blue 510
Refurbished 1970 240Z Sells for $77,240 on BaT
Well the buyer can back out but he will loose his privilege of bidding on BaT for future auctions and will probably still be charged the 5% commission he owes BaT. After that deal is dead BaT will reach out to the second bidder to see if he is still interested.
How to post video? What application should it open with?
SU carbs! I really didn't expect to see those when I heard the engine start up, you have done some great work there. Thanks for posting that.
Refurbished 1970 240Z Sells for $77,240 on BaT
Covid purchase.
The blue 510
It's actually not too bad now, I wrapped it with those flexible ice packs immediately and kept a fresh one on it for the first 5-6 hrs. It's the swelling that really causes the pain, ice is great. I have a lot more parts that have to be wire wheeled so I figured I better get back on the horse, grabbed the clutch pedal return spring and cleaned it up on the wire wheel. It was a bit freaky.
The blue 510
I have done a few things since April but most of it is wrapped up in Saran wrap on the shelf. All the suspension is down now and it's down at the sand blasters, hardware is at the platters. These are the shortened front springs, how does one do that to a set of springs? This car has lived a hard life. @zKars you can add a brake pedal return spring to my wish list, The bench mounted wire wheel ripped this one out of my hand today but not before pulling my hand in with it, I really thought I broken my wrist but I got lucky, just some tenderized meat.
Well some people still think it will just disappear.
movement of 83ZXT axles in a R200 with OBX lsd
Hah, I'm not a smoky burnout kinda guy, but love watching other guys do it. Drained the oil today and everything looked pretty good, only a small amount of iron/steel paste on the magnet, then wiped it off, you can see it in the second pic. I think I will nurse it through the summer, I have a track day at Shannonville on Sept 5th. If I tear it don now I may not get it fixed and back together in time. If the OBX is the problem then I may go with the MFactory unit, it seems to get pretty good reviews. http://www.teammfactory.com/catalog/partno/MF-TRS-05R200
movement of 83ZXT axles in a R200 with OBX lsd
Yes, dissembled, flipped the helicals, installed the upgraded spring washers and bolts from rbryant and it has been running well for yrs. That is next on the list
movement of 83ZXT axles in a R200 with OBX lsd
That's gotta be 6-7 years ago so probably not.
movement of 83ZXT axles in a R200 with OBX lsd
I'm getting some big clunks from the rear end and would like to ask you guys before I tear it down. R200 3.90:1, OBX limited slip with all the corrections done to it with about 6,000 mi on it, axles are from a 1983 ZX turbo. As you can see in the video the P/S axle is the worst and also quite a lot of movement on the driveshaft. The OBX was installed by a professional differential shop, the wipe pattern was perfect and bearings and seals were replaced at the same time.
Restoration of BringaTrailer 240z - HLS30-35883
A stiff long board should take care of those soft areas.
- 1976 280Z Restoration Project
- 1976 280Z Restoration Project
fuel guageOHM's readings
Clever boy! What a great idea, thanks for letting us know.
It's come a LONG way...
Over-tired was the look in the 70's and still looks nicer to my eye than huge wheels with rubber bands on them.