Everything posted by grannyknot
Advice for inertia kill switch
Okay, so no real advantage and some possible drawbacks, thanks, I'll stick with the way I know.
Advice for inertia kill switch
I'm installing a 4psi electric fuel pump for triple Webers and am going with Ford inertia switch, in the past when I have done this I have always used the switch to kill the positive side but now I'm wondering if there aren't some benefits to killing the negative side instead. The neg lead is isolated from the metal housing. Any thoughts?
Stroker or turbo?
I'm firmly in the stroker camp, boo turbo. Ztherapy SU's are great but you could go for a set OER triples or the fuel injected triples 😁
1973 240z Custom Wiring From Scratch
Making a full harness from scratch is a big undertaking, it looks solid, professional. I've used the Tessa tape on a couple projects, it looks great, is good protection for the wires but awful to remove if you screwed up.
Changing an Amp gauge for a Volt gauge
I can't believe is has been 10 yrs since I started this thread🥴 Seems like you have it figured out but you could also go the cigar lighter route and get a couple of USB chargers to boot. I have one of these in another car and it works well.
Thermostat Housing replacement
That coolant hose going to the intake manifold I believe helps warm up the incoming gas, helps atomize it on cold mornings, the earlier cars didn't have that and they work fine.
Palco/Dashtop interior panels
You would have to ask them.
Palco/Dashtop interior panels
https://www.dashtop.com/categories/240z Price was $1273.00 but by the time they got up here with exchange, S&H, duties, taxes it was more like $2,800 CND
Palco/Dashtop interior panels
The panels that came with the car were in very poor shape so the owner has sprung for a full set from Palco panels, they arrived today. We only placed the order a week and a half ago, good customer service, lots of communication. From what I can see, for new panels they are pretty much the only game in town. There is this guy, https://jpfibershop.com/producto/datsun-s30-240z-260z-280z-full-rear-interior-trim-frp-version/ who says he can make you a full set of panels for $400, but I just can't see that. Too good to be true and the photos of his work don't inspire me with confidence. So here are some pics, the plastic is just slightly thicker than the originals or it could just be that the plastic is new, the colour is perfect to my eye and they are painted, the pattern is an exact match. I test fitted 2 panels and some small trimming will be needed but so far I'm very impressed. I've got a bunch of other stuff that has to be done before I get to the interior but I'll post pics when I get to that part.
How Do You Properly Run An Oil Catch Can?
Racer, I like it. Does there need to be any kind of fresh air going into the engine or is thew blow by enough?
Retrobelt install success
You and I seem to be doing the same jobs at the same time, my seat belt kit should be here in a couple of days. There should be a dedicated seat belt mounting hole near where you have mounted, it has the proper reinforcement to handle an impact, where you have it I think it is just sheet metal and not strong enough. Also the home-depot bracket doesn't have the strength for the job, there should have been a bracket in the kit that would work with the Datsun mounting point. Here is the proper mounting point on the D/S on a 72/240z.
Rear Diff.
No problem, the 3.54 rear end will give you a little more go, faster off the line but not much compared to the stock 3.36 ratio.
Cleaning Western Wheels
So you are talking about their aluminum cleaner? I've been using the their protectant for many years and it is great on aluminum, keeps the finish from oxidizing for years with kind of a satin finish.
Fuel rail upgrade?
I take it you have a 280Z? Those injectors are getting pretty ancient these days, a modern injector on an L28 engine will allow better tuning, mileage and maybe power. You would probably have to change over to a different FI management system but I think there are some plug and play units available now, I think MegaSquirt has one but it has been a few years since I played with that stuff.
Fuel rail upgrade?
Sounds like the only reason you have for getting a new rail is looks? A fuel pressure gauge is nice but you can plumb that in for $30. Is it worth it? Hard to put a price on pretty.
Z's on BAT and other places collection
There is an antenna on both rear quarters, back in the day it probably had the dual "whippers" for the CB radio.
Building Up HLS30-59920
BEAUTIFUL, that must have been a fun day. You'll love the Wilwood's.
ZCON 2024
You guys are always welcome to come back up to Toronto again, land of the temperate climate.😁
Interior roof and pillar trim
You might want to chase those fine threads before you cover them over with foam and vinyl, locating the holes is hard enough but getting the right angle to catch the threads is where I have a hard time.
Looking for compatible sway bars for my L28 Datsun 240Z
If you have a 240Z then sway bars for a 240Z will fit just fine, a little extra displacement in the engine will have no effect.
Triple Webers setup
Found another backwards item so I guess I have to stop counting now. Air breather hole on the wrong side of the carbs, unfiltered air sucking in through the back and breather on the carbs essentially blocked off.
Triple Webers setup
Z's on BAT and other places collection
Nice car, lots of good work done, it's a shame about the engine not being original, would like to hear the details about that.
Triple Webers setup
What Would You Do? Long lost HLS30-07631
The poor old thing.