I know I'm about a year late on this thread but I just had to put my 2 cents in on this. I remember this commercial from when I was growing up. Nissan has been my world for as long as I can remember. Their cars, and commercials moved me. Their class, style, heart, and soul have kept my affection throughout my life. I am rarely passionate about anything in life the way I am about Nissan. I've owned well over 20 Nissans over the last 6 years, and when I'm looking for a new car I don't even bother looking anywhere else. However there are many days when I feel like Nissan is a ghost of it's former self. I have spent many a night up late sitting in my garage with my Zs contemplating where Nissan is headed. I wish more than anything that I could have been a part of Nissan in the earlier years. Thoughts of seeing the now vintage Zs when they were brand new fills me with such a sense of longing. I wish I worked for Nissan but alas I dont have enough of an education to even be considered. I hate to see what is becoming of the car company that I love with all my heart. I want nothing more than to restore that sense of passion that cars like the Z used to posses. I dont know perhaps this is nothing more than the ramblings of a man who so deperately want to be a part of the thing he loves so much. I think what I was trying to say is thank you for posting this thread. I really brought back all the memories of why I love this company. Thank you. And may I also say that those of you who were actually able to meet Mr.K are truly blessed. I cant begin to tell you what I would do just to have a drink with him and listen to his stories. Thank you so much.