Online Z Car registry
Wow, I haven't been on this site in years but I just got an email notification about this post. Having a registry seemed like such a good idea at the time but the fact is that it was just a public spreadsheet that anyone could edit, and worse, break either unintentionally or not. It would have been much better to have a form that people could fill out and submit their own data to a list that others could only read and not modify. I'd hoped that this site could offer a feature like that but however it's done it would require someone with web development experience which I don't have. Perhaps there are better tools out there these days that would make something like this easier.
Mull Project ...
His last post here was March of 2009 and his last visit was the following month. I don't recall mention here of selling the car so it was possibly on a different forum.
Morton Crashes...
I'm glad he's OK and that the car will survive. My twist on the old adage has to do with politicians: believe everything they say about their opponents and nothing they say about themselves.
Testing oil pressure sender.
I don't see the difference. The sender is a simple device that varies resistance with oil pressure. If the sender indicates no oil pressure it's likely a bad sender but could also mean there's truly no oil pressure. Assuming the sender is working and is accurate (which they're not) you would be able to calculate the oil pressure just using a multimeter on the sender if you know the proper formula. After all, that's what the oil pressure gauge is doing with the same input.
Question about my battery tender and optima
I read the post as saying, sure, you can charge a battery at low amperage (not specifically "good" or "proper") it's just going to take a long time. If the clock draws 10 mA and will drain the battery in 3 months then it stands to reason that it would take at least 3 months to recharge the battery at 10 mA. While OptimaJim did not specifically answer the safety question I believe that the earlier speculation of doing damage by tricking the charger would in no way harm the battery and burn down your garage. It might damage the charger and burn down your garage but in that case we'd need a representative from the charger company to post. In the Optima tech videos they say they don't specifically endorse any particular brand of charger which is clearly the safe approach for any business. I also think the advise posted about sulfation due to low voltage could well be the problem that started this thread. I actually don't see OptimaJim's post as that of a salesman. It actually seems like an impressive case of customer service to me: joining a forum just to specifically answer questions that an existing customer posted. Admittedly good customer service does and should drive more sales and in this case I don't see that as a bad thing. If he joined the forum just to advertise some event I'd be the first person to be yelling about a spammer.
Help - Dropped parts into the front of my engine
I've seen it claimed otherwise but I distinctly remember pulling my oil pan to replace the gasket with the engine in the car. I believe the clearance was tight (perhaps the anti-sway bar was in the way).
'Big Sam' - Bonhams auction at 2010 Silverstone Classic.
£10,000 above the high end of the estimate not including the extra fees. It's nice to see that only the Bentley and Aston Martin sold for a higher price. I suppose it's safe to assume that the buyer is someone simply adding a toy to an existing collection.
Question about my battery tender and optima
I have a 6 Amp charger if needed. However, I'm convinced I killed my previous battery by letting it go dead multiple times. I'd want to drive the car for the first time in months, find the battery dead, use the charger long enough to be able to crank it up, go for a long drive to charge the battery, and then repeat the whole process a few months later. It got to the point where the battery just wouldn't charge (although it was several years old at that point). Since I needed a new battery I went with the Optima after seeing good reviews of it on this site and got the tender to keep it charged. We're only talking about dealing with the small drain of the clock or any other small natural leaks. A milliamp tender is more than sufficient for that. It's not like I leave the headlights on by mistake and then want to use the tender to recharge it completely.
Question about my battery tender and optima
Mine is warm to the touch (115 degrees F) even when in 'float mode' (solid green light) so presumably it's normal to be warm. If yours is still trying to charge I wouldn't not be surprised if it's even warmer.
Question about my battery tender and optima
No Yes. Unlike a normal "trickle charger" which charges a battery at 2 or 6 amps for a few hours a battery "tender" charges at milliamp levels and is designed to be left on the car for an extended time. It has circuitry to only charge as needed. This is the model being discussed: http://batterytender.com/
Question about my battery tender and optima
I don't recall the tender ever being warm at all but I'll verify when I get home. I disconnected the positive charger clamp from the battery to measure just the battery voltage instead of unplugging the charger itself so I didn't actually touch the charger.
Question about my battery tender and optima
I have a stock alternator, a < 6 month old Optima red top, and a battery tender Jr. I haven't even cranked the car in at least a month. The tender had been on it that whole time and had a solid green light. The battery read 13.05 volts with the tender in place and continued to read 13.05 when I took the tender off. When I put the tender back on it started flashing green and the voltage jumped up to 14.5. Presumably it thinks it needs to charge a bit but hopefully with change its mind soon. How old is your Optima? The actually have some good tech tip videos (specifically #3) that may help you recover yours.
1969 Fairlady Z Japanese newspaper advertisement
It seems to me that there are many flash-based image viewers out there. A Google search for "flash image viewer" (without the quotes) turns up this: http://www.simpleviewer.net/products/ Adding 'zoom' to the search criteria shows this: http://www.zoomify.com/ Those are just some of the top hits that look useful.
Drug this home today
Thank you for the clarification. I was originally dreaming/speculating that it was possible that some domestic models were built RHD but with a speedometer in mph for some sub-market (Okinawa, etc.). It's interesting to see from your brochure shot that there's a speedometer "redline" at about 170km/h (106 mph) and the max of 180km/h is only about 112 mph. While the US 180mph speedometer is wildly optimistic the domestic speedometer seems a bit short. The 2nd power chart you posted for the 5-speed makes it look like 180km/h was indeed possible.
Drug this home today
No one responded to Arnie's question in post #12 about the speedometer not being in kilometers. Is it likely that the speedometer was replaced with an mph version after it moved 'out of market'?