Everything posted by MikeW
JDM aftermarket and OEM parts
You are correct.
Starting problems - all of the sudden
It sounds very much choke-related to me. Cooler temperatures certainly have this effect. I would first verify that pulling the choke handle back all the way actually actuates the chokes on both carbs.
help !!!!!!
I assume you meant you take this curve twice a day.
brick wall va 73 240
Once you get the digital images on your computer you can simply attach them to a follow-up post here. When composing a post just scroll down to the "Additional Options" section and click on the "Manage Attachments" button. Note that there appears to be a maximum size of 1024x768 for attached images.
Plugging the air pump connection on the air cleaner ?
I just put a piece of tape on mine. I drove with that connection unplugged for years (a previous owner had removed the pump) before realizing that the place where it enters the air box bypasses the air filter. A rubber plug of some sort does seem like a better idea.
71' Z how to get the center vent out???
I think it's pretty obvious once you look at them how they come off. They all have some sort of clamp that firmly attaches to the black cable sheath. Some of mine have a straight wire coming out of the end with a type of set-screw that grips it while others have a sort of loop on the end that simply hooks around a control level.
71' Z how to get the center vent out???
This is far easier if you follow all four of the control lines and unscrew them at the far ends. I wish I had known that years ago when I first tried to remove mine ...
$20,000 240z on Ebay..and rising
Your car might well have only 13,000 original miles. I didn't inspect it close enough last Saturday for the typical things that would indicate that it had rolled over. One often-overlooked indication of a car that has higher mileage than indicated is the amount of wear on the brake and clutch pedals. While these can easily be replaced if they are worn it is a good indication of high miles.
$20,000 240z on Ebay..and rising
A while back I was talking to some other car guys (Corvette, Mustang, etc.) and found out about a growing problem with restored show cars: counterfeited records. People actually make up documentation to prove their car is somehow special. Frankly a super-low mileage car that hasn't been driven for long periods of time could actually be in worse shape than a properly driven and maintained car with high mileage. I let my car sit practically without cranking it for over 10 years and I had to replace a lot of rubber parts to feel safe with it.
Using a DA sander to remove paint
Not to hijack this thread but when I was looking for a proper high-speed circular (non d/a) polisher I couldn't find anything that wasn't high end. When I went to my local Lowe's home improvement store I found a large selection of angle grinders which are essentially the same thing. When I asked if any of them were variable speed I was told that the only such model was actually the lowest priced model. I removed the guard and bought a velcro polishing disk and matching wool bonnet. It works perfectly as a polisher. For the following link you may need to plug in a zip code. This isn't exactly the same model I got but it's the same idea: http://www.lowes.com/lowes/lkn?action=productDetail&productId=149192-38307-AG458UL&pad=true
? regarding posting large MB images
If you are using Windows XP there's a free set of tools from Microsoft called PowerToys that makes resizing as simple as right-clicking on the file in explorer and telling it to re-size. It will optionally keep the original and create the smaller file with a new name. Here's a link to all of the PowerToys: http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/downloads/powertoys/xppowertoys.mspx Here's a direct like to the image re-sizer tool: http://download.microsoft.com/download/whistler/Install/2/WXP/EN-US/ImageResizerPowertoySetup.exe
Posting your ride, please read!
Mark, For what it's worth, I find that the "ignore list" feature of this site can be quite useful.
For Sale: Classic 280zx Targa Coupe
$6000 Australian dollars equals roughly $4500 US dollars. While I know next to nothing about those cars that doesn't seem high to me for any car that's been restored well.
where to buy new fenders??
You may be thinking of ZBarn which is near Knoxville ... http://www.zbarn.com/
Door panel plastic retainers
There are two sets on eBay right now: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Datsun-240Z-280Z-510-Door-Panel-Clip-Cups-NOS_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ33705QQitemZ8007227833QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Datsun-240z-260z-280z-Door-Panel-Clip-Cups-NOS_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ33654QQitemZ8007872658QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW
lots of parts for sale
Google maps: http://maps.google.com/maps?q=32%C2%B0+51'+N+96%C2%B0+51'+W&iwloc=A&hl=en
Car Dies after turning on headlights
You can buy one for $10 or $15. A multimeter will measure voltage, resistance, and amperage - all of which can be quite useful working on these cars.
ARRRGGGG My Z got hit!!
Cool. I'll be anxious to see it.
ARRRGGGG My Z got hit!!
Why is that stupid? It seems to me that the rule has always been "keep right except to pass" and if everyone followed that rule things would be much better. Even here in Atlanta, where's it's common to have 5 or 6 lanes in one direction, I make a point to trying to drive faster than the people to my right and slower than those to my left. If I'm not driving fast enough to make that work then I need to move to the right. Admittedly the exception to this is when you need to make a left turn. I have a rule for that as well. Here's the proper order: put on your turn signal, get into the turn lane, then brake. I often see that done in the completely opposite order.
$500 for used taillights??
Well, if it was a typo the seller sure made out well ...
$500 for used taillights??
I need an american to help me out !
So now you have two copies?
Color Choice
Another advantage of sticking with white is that white more visible than most others and therefore you're less likely to get hit by someone who's not paying enough attention to their driving.
Rust Bullet
Rust bullet may well be good stuff. I just don't appreciate the way it was presented. It's quite clear to me that someone who has probably never owned a classic Z car registered here for the sole purpose of making this post for commercial purposes.
- Rust Bullet