Everything posted by MikeW
Exhaust question for all you 240Z owners...
Here's another thread by the same person: http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?t=17613 Perhaps you should simply contact him ...
Exhaust question for all you 240Z owners...
Does Anyone Know??
The were just for looks on 1970 models where the vents were in the hatch and thereby helped suck even more exhaust fumes into the cabin.
A new z-less wonder
http://www.georgiazclub.com/ Note that the web page doesn't always get updated properly to show the next meeting time. The meeting is the first Tuesday of every month at Hooter's on Jimmy Carter Blvd in Norcross. The meeting officially starts at 7:30pm but most people show up early to eat. The entire outdoor covered porch area is reserved for the club. There is always a wide variety of Z cars from 240's to 350's.
A new z-less wonder
It's on the west side of Alpharetta Hwy about halfway between Holcolmb Bridge and Woodstock. The last time I looked it was parked right by the street. Another option for you would be to come to tomorrow night's GA Z club meeting in Norcross. There are often cars for sale or a least people who know about cars for sale ...
A new z-less wonder
There's a blue 280Z that's been sitting at a used car lot in Roswell for months. I haven't bothered to even stop and look but I think it has $4500 on the windshield.
Help me find these
There's a new pair on eBay right now: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Datsun-240Z-REAR-DECK-VENT-GRILLS-NEW_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ34204QQitemZ4578635500QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW
Need a Z Mechanic in Vancouver, WA
Hopefully EScanlon will see this thread. If not, send him a private message.
What is the most attractive part of a Z?
FWIW my wife grew up a couple of doors down from there on the same block of West Jones street. She used to get free biscuits every morning on the way to school. I haven't eaten there in years but get the impression that things went down hill after the namesake died. Hopefully things have improved ...
MSA Air dams???
That's essentially why I went with an airdam myself. On a 240Z it completely replaces all three metal pieces under the bumper: the center valence and the two corner pieces that the turn signals mount into. Mine were fairly banged up and new pieces were a lot more expensive than the urethane airdam. I still have my originals if I decide someday to get them straightened out and painted.
MSA Air dams???
Urethane will paint just fine provided you add a flex additive to the paint. This will keep the paint from cracking when the airdam flexes. It's really a matter of preference. I'd avoid curbs and such whichever way you decide.
Piecemeal or the whole enchilada?
The steering wheel vibrating could be a result of a tire out of balance. The play in the steering wheel could be a result of the steering coupler, or more likely, the steering rack.
Undercoat removal technique?
Interesting technique ...
My 260z is hurt
It's possible that the flywheel is warped due to overheating. This causes high spots that grab intermittently as you let the clutch pedal out. My daily driver has this problem and it coincidentally started just after teaching my wife how to drive a manual.
1970 Fairlady Z on ebay
It's hard to say since the pictures are so bad. The following are apparent: rear louvers, wheels off a 280ZX, and the front air dam. In fairness, those are all easy to change out. The carpet doesn't look right and the paint scheme is certainly not original.
Save S30-0002
One more theory: perhaps it was just a factory error. Presumably the firewall VIN was done by hand somehow. Perhaps this really should have been HS30-10002 and someone just made a mistake. Is there a matching VIN on the dash or any of the ID tags?
Save S30-0002
1,2,3,5, and 6 could have easily been changed at some point. #4 and #7 don't make sense to have been redone, especially #4. Is there any chance that this car is an one-off factory prototype of the later features? Could part of the shell been laying around the factory when someone later decided to go ahead and make it a production car? Perhaps a good way to determine the age would be to look for the type of hand made stitch welding that 26thZ pointed out earlier. Your theory of forging the VIN seems strange to me. By the looks of the car that would have been done quite some time ago, perhaps before there was a true appreciation for the historical nature of these cars.
The factory spec is for 20W oil. The purpose of the oil is not for lubrication but to dampen the piston thus preventing it from opening too quickly during acceleration. Others have claimed success using automatic transmission fluid (ATF) but I've always just used the 20W. The most convenient way to get it is in this form: http://www.wd40.com/PressRoom/StockImages/gifs_xl/3in1-p_3oz_motoroil.gif
Need Parts?
It might be helpful if you let people know what parts are available and even provide some pictures.
trying to find p o
I've had luck finding people using http://www.zabasearch.com who didn't show up in other people finding sites. Since you already have the address it should be easy to find a match.
Hurricane Katrina
Kansai airport itself is sinking faster than planned, just like New Orleans has over the last several hundred years.
Hurricane Katrina
I agree but as I posted earlier the levee was only designed for a category 3. Even had all the funding been provided it might not have made a bit of difference. Some of the projects are still over 10 years from completion anyhow.
Hurricane Katrina
I think that is out of line. It appears to me that the main group of people that the government is having to help are the "downtrodden". I can't imagine how you think voting is somehow tied to this. If you're somehow claiming that all of the victims stuck in the city couldn't vote then you're just plain wrong. Since you also seem to be claiming that this is tied to party politics please remember that the mayor of New Orleans and the Governor of Louisiana are both democrats and both have just as much responsibility to the citizens as federal officials. This is a massive natural disaster and there is much work to be done. There will be plenty of blame to spread around in the future.
Hurricane Katrina
I think it's important to get the facts about the levee system. It was only designed for a category 3 storm so even if the whole project was complete it might not have helped with a category 4 or 5. The levee projects being discussed as underfunded are scheduled for completion in the year 2015 even with a full budget. Here is the Army Corps of Engineers for New Orleans site with lots of reliable information: http://www.mvn.usace.army.mil/pao/response/index.asp Here is a project specific to the New Orleans vicinity. The other projects are up and down the river: http://www.mvn.usace.army.mil/pao/visitor/lkpon1.asp
Driveshaft Removal
No kidding. You can pretty much get by with a 10, 12, 14, and a 17. I seem to recall that some of the manifold nuts are 13 but there really aren't that many different sizes required. I've lately been using the newer ratcheting combination wrenches although I don't have the kinds with swivelling heads.