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Everything posted by MikeW

  1. Obviously it would be cheaper for you to install the header yourself. If would be far easier to let them do it. Be prepared for some difficult nuts. The nuts that connect the exhaust manifold to the down pipes can be especially tricky since they're hard to get to and subject to a lot of heat. You'll probably find a lot of rust wanting to keep the nuts from turning. Do yourself a favor and soak everything thoroughly with some good penetrant well in advance.
  2. MikeW replied to GregP's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    I'm guessing a long vacation (holiday for some of you).
  3. Well, almost 20 years ago was Jan. of 1985 and my car is a 1972 model.
  4. My first car was a 240Z, and I still own it almost 20 years later.
  5. There have been quite a few London Bridges in roughly the same spot over the Thames. Early versions were constructed of wood and therefore prone to fires. Apparently in the early days superstition caused people to do all sorts of crazy things to protect the bridge, including human sacrifice - hence the portion of the "London Bridge is Falling Down" nursery rhyme that references "my fair lady".
  6. MikeW replied to echocluster's post in a topic in Electrical
    In addition to Enrique's advice, keep in mind that the radio in an early Z is quite primitive by today's standards. With it's tiny single speaker and low power even when it's operating at 100% it's really not much to listen to.
  7. So why haven't you posted it?
  8. MikeW replied to jayz240z's post in a topic in Interior
    Thanks for the kind words; I appreciate it. Well, you kind of have to squeeze it a bit to get it in place. I suspect this is one reason that so many of us tore them up trying to get them out. The blower fan housing and defroster vent tube get in the way. This is one reason why a rigid box would be impossible to install without completely removing the dash. Luckily the cardboard will bend enough to get it in but still return to the proper shape (perhaps with a few wrinkles).
  9. MikeW replied to TTDRIVER's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    http://www.classiczcars.com/photopost/showphoto.php?photo=10374&password=&sort=7&thecat=998 http://www.classiczcars.com/photopost/showphoto.php?photo=10655&password=&sort=7&thecat=998 http://www.classiczcars.com/photopost/showphoto.php?photo=333&password=&sort=7&thecat=998 http://www.classiczcars.com/photopost/showphoto.php?photo=7055&password=&sort=7&thecat=998 http://www.classiczcars.com/photopost/showphoto.php?photo=7466&password=&sort=7&thecat=998
  10. Here's what mine looks like; I suspect it's the same.
  11. MikeW replied to AdrianZ's post in a topic in Electrical
    Neither of these should be too hard to find: <a href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0856962066/qid=1088033875/sr=8-7/ref=sr_8_xs_ap_i7_xgl14/002-2739112-8034437?v=glance&s=books&n=507846">Haynes</a> <a href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0801978513/qid=1088034069/sr=8-1/ref=sr_8_xs_ap_i1_xgl14/002-2739112-8034437?v=glance&s=books&n=507846">Chilton's</a>
  12. MikeW replied to Corganx33's post in a topic in Interior
    I personally shipped my dash pad to Australia to Dashboard Restorations. It's a whole lot cheaper than a new OEM dash which I would be worried about. After all, they're 30+ years old and we all know that the vinyl was inferior. Even if it's been out of the sun in a box in a warehouse I'd still be worried about it cracking in a few years. Now that DR has a US location it's an even better deal.
  13. MikeW replied to Corganx33's post in a topic in Interior
  14. MikeW replied to jayz240z's post in a topic in Interior
    To those interested in dimensions: I will try to come up with a way of providing something electronic. Others has asked about this and the problem is that it's not easy to go from a paper template (which is what Andrew sent me) to a measured drawing of some sort. There are a lot of precise angles and cuts and few right angles. I may be able to provide something based on a coordinate system but a small error could cause problems. I think anyone who wants to go the route of producing their own will quickly find that it's a lot of work. What at first seems like a simple exercise of cutting and stapling cardboard turns into several hours of work and possibly a few false starts. You'll need to find the proper materials and likely buy some tools to make it easier. Based on prices on the US postal service web page, I can ship the 1 pound box to the UK for $8.70 and Australia for $9.70.
  15. MikeW replied to jayz240z's post in a topic in Interior
    I've made 8 boxes for the people who've asked for them so far but I'm waiting on a special order of speed nuts (the metal clips where the glovebox attaches to the dash) from the local hardware store before I can send them out. They didn't have enough in stock and I didn't want to send out the PayPal money requests until I was ready to ship. I definitely plan on keeping the templates and jigs so that I can make more gloveboxes in the future. At this point I've spent over $100 on supplies and tools so if I ever want to break even on this little project I'll have to make some more. I did, however, install the prototype box in my car and it's cool to have a glovebox for the first time in almost 20 years.
  16. MikeW replied to AdrianZ's post in a topic in Electrical
    Even the most rudimentary service manuals (Haynes, Chiltons, etc.) have wiring diagrams. I think they're just reduced versions of what comes in the proper factory service manual from Nissan.
  17. MikeW replied to jayz240z's post in a topic in Interior
    Ok, PM me with your e-mail and mailing address and I'll add you to the list. By the way, mass producing is the key. I've probably got 6 hours of work in the one prototype - from buying supplies to assembling and test fitting to shopping for mailing boxes and prices, etc. Hopefully the more I can make the better off everyone will be.
  18. MikeW replied to jayz240z's post in a topic in Interior
    I thought about that as well but you really have to squeeze and contort the cardboard box just to install it. I don't think a solid glovebox could be installed without removing the dash, or, if you're lucky, removing the blower motor and defroster vent. It looks like you got a good deal on that one. The last one I saw on eBay, and it's been a while, went for $70.
  19. MikeW replied to jayz240z's post in a topic in Interior
    Sorry about the full mailbox. I didn't realize there was a limit and simply let old messages pile up. I just cleaned it up. Someone mentioned PayPal; that's probably the best option. Each box will have about $5 in materials (cardboard, clips, staples) and will probably take me about an hour to make by hand. At my going rate hourly rate as a software developer that means that the price would be considerably more than the last NOS box I saw on eBay. Since that's obviously a joke I'm thinking about $20 (US) each. Obviously the mailing weight will be next to nothing but I'll need to get some cardboard boxes in which to mail the, well, cardboard box. My office is right next to a US post office so I'll try to figure out the mailing costs up front (and maybe even include them in the $20). Does that seem reasonable? Since there seems to be plenty of interest here I'll go ahead and purchase some more materials and get started. I'll let everyone know when I'm ready to mail them out. In the meantime feel free to PM me with your e-mail address (for PayPal) and your shipping address and I'll start the list.
  20. MikeW replied to jayz240z's post in a topic in Interior
    Not really. I certainly don't plan on ripping fellow club members off but I wouldn't mind being compensated for my time and for the materials. Feel free to send me a PM if you want to discuss what you might think reasonable.
  21. MikeW replied to jayz240z's post in a topic in Interior
    With a huge thanks to Andrew I've made a prototype replacement glovebox liner. His templates arrived this morning and I managed to find a very close match for the material at a local crafts store. Andrew also e-mailed me some high quality photos which enabled me to get the staples in the right place as well as find proper clips at the local hardware store. I plan on building a metal template to make the edges sharper as well as a jig to make assembly easier. Ok, who wants one?
  22. MikeW replied to Datsun-Fever's post in a topic in Interior
    I think I just bought it at Ace hardware. It would be nice to find tape that's already the proper width but it's more like a two inch wide roll.
  23. MikeW replied to GregP's post in a topic in Interior
    The "hand throttle" was only available on very early cars and was actually removed for (apparently) safety reasons. They went so far as to insert stickers in later owner's manuals that covered up that feature. I'll have to let one of the local experts explain this fully but it has been discussed here before quite a few times.
  24. Toyota brake calipers
  25. MikeW replied to GregP's post in a topic in Interior
    Certainly not in the modern sense. People here have mentioned the hand throttle on early cars, but that mounted on the center console next to the choke handle, not on the steering column.

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