Everything posted by MikeW
Need front air dam for 240Z, early 260Z
They're not very expensive; you may wish to just buy one new: http://www.zcarparts.com/store/merchant.mvc?Screen=CTGY&Category_Code=7AD1
where to find 2+2 rocker panel
You might try asking one of the places that sell used body panels. I don't see a any rocker panels listed here but they list some 2+2 door shells which means they may have access to some rocker panels: http://zbarn.com Here's another: http://www.zparts.com
Replacement headlights
Here's a couple of links I've been keeping for when I get around to this job: http://mywebpages.comcast.net/pparaska/Headlight_Relay_pg1.htm http://www.zccne.addr.com/tech-docs/headlight-relay-upgrade.pdf
Do you have a pic?
What happened to the holes that came with the car?
Do you have a pic?
There are two bolts each that attach in the space behind the grille but in front of the radiator just below where the hood hinges attach.
Got her started, have a question
Not in his initial post but after I mentioned that the carbs might need adjusting he replied that it's a fuel injected '79 280ZX at which point I basically turned clueless.
Got her started, have a question
Just because you had to floor it to keep it running doesn't mean it was actually using a lot of gas. It could be that the timing is off, the carbs need adjusting, etc. If you don't already have one I'd suggest getting one of the aftermarket (Haynes, etc.) manuals.
Replacing floor tar?
Thanks for your always valuable advice ...
Replacement headlights
I would be careful about making any headlight upgrade without wiring in relays at the same time. I plan to do this myself sometime in the near future. The consensus seems to be that the stock wiring/headlight switch is barely up to the task with stock lights. The full current travels a long path from the battery to the lights and back to the switch and from there to ground. Higher wattage headlamps will put a greater load on this fragile system. That being said, the specific lights mentioned are probably worth the extra price over cheaper (sometimes plastic) alternatives.
Headlight wattage ratings
Low beam/High beam
Replacing floor tar?
I've been wondering what to use for insulation. Do you recall how many pieces you needed to do both pans? Did you try to cover the floor completely? As I recall there are plenty of places not covered with the tarmat.
Top Gear 350Z video.... um.. ouch
I don't think the video or sound on the video is enough to judge the car's performance. While I still prefer the G35 coupe, it does seem to me that this guy was a bit biased. I'm certainly not sure about the claim that the engine is French from Renault. Unless the UK version is somehow different I believe the engine is simply the latest version of Nissan's rock-solid VQ35.
Hydrogen fuel Means Trash your Z!
Agreed; I'm still patiently watching these guys: http://www.commutercars.com They seem to have solved many of the problems that the big manufacturers couldn't solve with billions in research. I think this would be the perfect solution for a vast majority of travel.
3 more Darwin award winners
Actually, he's quite dead (apparently killed by the impact) despite this quote from the article: "Gebreegziabher is originally from Ethiopia and now lives in Toronto. He was in northern Virginia to visit his brother."
Very rare 240Z emblem
Pick the post you want to reply to and click the quote button. You can then delete the parts of the original post that you don't want. Since the quote part is just a special HTML tag you can quote anything you want if you like. For example
Ferrari actually provided the show with a real Testarossa (actually, a couple if I recall correctly) to mitigate the unhappiness over the fake Daytona.
For Interest Only (Toyota 2000GT)
Yamaha is quite popular in the US. Besides the obvious (motorcycles, ATVs, Waverunners) they also have a big market in musical instruments. I've got a couple of Yamaha electronic keyboards and I think both of my accoustic guitars are Yamaha (I guess that's a sure sign that I haven't played them in a while - can't remember the brand).
For Interest Only (Toyota 2000GT)
Apparently none. He was a 2000GT passenger in "You Only Live Twice". Here's an interesting shot I found on the net: http://www.f4.dion.ne.jp/~kato360/IMG_16611.JPG
240Z Preferably in the SE
Is Carter Racing related to A. J. Carter of "AJ's Z Car store"? He was the local Savannah expert 20 years ago but I thought he had closed up shop.
Tail light assembly removal
Yes, you'll need to remove the rear trim panels to get the light housings out. My panels were actually held on by screws instead of rivets but that may have been the work of a previous owner. I don't remember exactly how they were attached but then I seem to have a knack for taking things apart. I think the only fasteners are across the top but if not you'll no doubt figure it out. Once you get the panels off the light assemblies are removed by taking the screws out from the inside of the hatch area. You'll need to remove the rear plastic panel to get to those. If you plan on reusing the gaskets you might want to be careful removing them.
Help, I need a lawyer
Are you sure the package has been destroyed? Unfortunately at the going hourly rate of most lawyers in this country your lost $120 represents about 30 minutes of work. Even if you can find a volunteer something like this will require more work than that. Airborne will probably tell you that's what insurance is for. If anything the hotel was probably wrong but you'd need to get a copy of the shipping label to prove it.
Found on the web: "The origin of the word automobile is credited to a 14th Century Italian painter and engineer named Martini. The word comes from the Greek word, "auto," (meaning self) and the Latin word, "mobils," (meaning moving). He never built an automobile, but he did draw plans for a man-powered carriage with four wheels. The word car comes from the Celtic word "carrus," (meaning cart or wagon)."
Do you have any references for this information? I've walked along the path where the original flights were made. They've got granite markers for each of the 4 flights made on Dec 17, 1903. The first flight was indeed 120 feet. The 2nd and 3rd were around 200 feet. The 4th and final flight of the day was 852 feet. http://www.nasm.edu/nasm/aero/aircraft/wright03.htm
I don't think this is true. They certainly went to Kitty Hawk because of the winds. In fact, they went there several years in a row flying gliders in 1901 and 1902. As witnessed by the recent re-enactment failure, the 1903 flyer needed a sustained airspeed of about 15mph to fly. A steady headwind was absolutely required for this.
rotary engine
Given the fact that the lightning has just come through several miles of air would reinforce the idea that nothing's going to stop it. Maybe it was aiming for a spot on the ground that the car just happened to drive over. :stupid: