I'm pretty confident I've got the correct bulbs in. I put in 1157's as that's what was in them. I'm not able to find any documentation to back up that's correct though. Doing some more troubleshooting, I found that when fuse #10 is pulled, turn signals work fantastic, but the tail lights don't illuminate, nor do the dash light (well, most of them). With it put in, headlamps on, I can see some stress around the middle of the fuse, but no snap. Turn signals with lamps on, no difference. But when I put on parking lights, bam. Fuse blows. Not just snaps, but melts and blows. With parking lights on, for the few seconds they "work", no external lights engage. Put in a solid metal bar, and it doesn't snap, but it doesn't fix anything either. So, there's some wiring issues around there, but it doesn't narrow it down much for me. I've got my hanes manual, but looking at the wiring diagram, I'm totally lost. Anyone got something a little easier to follow (maybe a bit less crowded)? Or something that actually shows what wiring is on what fuse?