Everything posted by MotoManMike
Mud Guards
/\---- how can you be super moderator and call people Dumb?? What a joke. Post should go in parts wanted...period.
Tracked my L28ET and it is inbound
Its got a 5 speed in it now, whines a little in second and third but operates fine. I'm glad to see so many taking on the project. We shall see how it goes. I'll get worried about keeping the power to the ground once I cross that bridge. I feel kind of bad because the car i'm swapping it into is pretty much original. I probably wouldn't have done it if it hadn't been in a small accident in the rear at some point in its life and has been repaired. If it wasn't i probably would have left it as original as possible.
Tracked my L28ET and it is inbound
I bought a turbo L28 for a swap in one of my 240Z's. Hopefully everything will arrive by the 23rd. Super anxious to see how it drives when its done, but not anxious to swap 2 engines. The one i'm pulling out i'm putting in my other 240 as its getting tired. I'll post up some pics when the pallet arrives
Just ruined my fuel tank w/ POR15
Send it to moyer
Diary of a resto mod - my story and pictorial
Awesome dedication. I love to see when people tackle something this nice in their own garage and finish it. Nice car.
how to wire a pertronix up when you have a 3 kohm coil on a 71 240Z.
Appears to me the way its wired, the ballast resistor isn't doing anything. If I remember correctly though you had to use the higher ohm coil to even use the pertronix and i used the ballast resistor on both my cars. I will send pics when I get home tomorrow if you need. Mine both run great using the pertronix/flamethrower. I have converted both my 73's. My ignition is as stable as I can get it with that set up and tuning is much easier. The tach jumps at high RPMs but i have a pretty good gauge by ear so no worries. It is interesting though and never occured to me they let full battery voltage to it originally when starting. They were very thorough when designing these cars indeed even almost 40 years ago, its pretty amazing.
Gas getting into oil
This is a scary issue as it will wash your bearings out and ruin your engine if not resolved immedietly. Change your oil TWICE EVEN THREE TIMES!!! Run the engine a few minutes in between each change. Buy some cheap oil on sale somewhere as it doesn't have to be what you would normally run, you are simply using it to flush. Take your carbs off and check everything! Sounds like a float issue, carbs over full and letting fuel run down the intake runners prematurely. While you have them off clean and lube the nozzles and the sticking issue will be gone. I can't stress enough that this WILL ruin an engine. Not an issue you want to be riding around on figuring out. Gas is even thinner than water or oil and wreaks havoc on any bearing as it doesn't allow the oil to lubricate properly. I don't have first hand experience with it on a Z car but have seen this kind of issue trash $5k race engines on smaller machinery in a matter of minutes. Consider yourself warned. Check carb floats first, set float level. I've not seen a carb with proper float setting seep gas into an engine so mixture wouldn't be an issue from what I have seen. Even overyly rich carb settings wouldn't cause this kind of issue in my opinion and the car would run crappy I would think. I want you to take from this write up from me that you should not drive the car until you figure this out, whether i'm right on the reason or not gas in oil will ruin engines fast.
Article: New Datsun Emerges, but no more red rising sun
It is very plausable and totally agree, these old Z cars are raw mechanical greatness, thats what i love about them so much.
Article: New Datsun Emerges, but no more red rising sun
Unless they come out with the prototype 240z that was in magazines a year or two ago, orange and black, i'm not interested at all. Seems like a waste of a good name. Datsuns were raced heavily for R&D. This is why our old Z's will eat cars alive on the S turns. I think bringing back the name on a small compact gas sipping poor performing car is a spit in the face of the name. The 370z wouldn't be what it is today if it wasn't for Datsun, have some respect
still no charge from alt.
I love solving charging and starting issues, it will never get old to me. I'm always still amazed though by the guys that use a test light for drains. I used to, now i've got an amp clamp that goes over the battery terminal but alot of the newer vehicles have a certain amount of mil-amp draw normally so its hard to do with a test light anymore. I'm glad you are back riding. Good luck with getting all the other bugs worked out, these cars are awesome, keep it alive for us.
My 72 Z is acting up.......................................
Lee let me know how this turns out I didn't have time tonight to probe for specifics on the phone but if turns out not to be the problem I've got another possibility, I wanted to ask if your ignition had been converted to electronic or not. Let's hope it is the alternator that's cheap and easy.
what damage makes a Z unrestoreable
Serious frame rail rust, upper strut mount rust or rot, strut rod mount rust. anything safety related, if its not solid you'll know, poke a screw driver in it.
- still no charge from alt.
S30 battery boiling over, need reg jumper
If they don't jump a wire to sense the alternator will put out 17 volts as its trying to put out all it can because it has nothing to gauge its output by. Newer alternators need to sense voltage from a battery to operate properly and many shops don't know how to test much other than a 10si chevy alt. Even with the proper adapter plugs on their test benches they fail miserably. Be weary. I'm curious to see how this plays out. Good luck. You have my number if you get stuck too bad, I can walk you through bypassing all car harness aspects for charging to get you going.
is the rust too bad?
Looks better than my first Z did when I brought it home. Body work is expensive but most pretty things are... Datsun or not.
How do you brake in a new clutch?
I'm right there with you. I'll drive it like I feel and wrench on it as needed. Parts wear out, hands get dirty, wash, repeat.
24 months of intensive restoration, and I'm almost done.
Now I want to see it roast those tires. What an amazing build.
Do people notice you in your classic Z on the road?
"Some wanted, some not. The not is when these young a** kids (no offense to anyone in this club) with their fast subaru's, mitsubishi's, hondas, etc. want to race! I wish I could race them sometimes and kick their butts!" Why not spank the kids with the hondas and subaru's. I do it all the time. Some of them get me off the line, but when I hit 4th gear its game over. I've found with my 4 speed many will always get you off the line, but once you get rolling, they just can't hang. On top of the fact many cars have a limiter at 118. I've read alot that these Datsun top out right around there but first hand experience is they are very wrong. I don't condone street racing by any means, I don't ever do this in traffic but its very wide open here and flat. If i'm on the highway by myself and have a ricer roll up on me revving his motor, i'm going to hurt his feelings I just can't help it.
To bore or just hone?
Better to do it right the first time than angry right a second time
Locked out of my glovebox
Yes i appears so. When I looked at this last night, it appeared that my friend on here had posted it because the profile picture was his no doubt. I've had this happen a few times on other sites but never on here, very strange. I'm not riding out there thats for sure. I thought they were all the same key too. They should be able to wiggle the key enough to get it to come open, its not a very precise lock by any means on these things. I wondered why my buddy didn't acknowledge my joke about the glove box when I talked to him last night, must have just thought it was the voices in my head.:paranoid:
Locked out of my glovebox
Just build a faster engine and if you see the blue and red.... just let her eat baaahahahahahaha. Anyhow Lee I hope you get it figured out. You still want to try to get together this weekend? If so I'll take a look at it and see if I can't get it open without anything other than the key. I worked at Ace for about 8 years and keyed a load of locks while I was there so i'm pretty good with tumblers. I put new carbs on my newest Z tonight and its running great so i don't have any reservations about driving it very far now since its running as it should. Hit me up tonight or tomorrow sometime.
Article: S30 Door Window Problems and Troubleshooting Procedures
Thats a very good guide. This is my next project to tackle on my Z, I have to push the window glass towards the front of the car to roll the window up or down. As a result I can't roll my windows up all the way. I'm not sure if i'd even want to but i'd like my window to work right. Thanks for taking the time to put together such a nice guide to repair. Especially with all the part numbers and availability.
I think i'm STARVING
Issue is resolved, car runs officially like a raped ape. I put the carbs I bought off ebay on this thing. I didn't even tune them yet and it it chirps third gear with 50 series tires on it. All I can say is I'm blown away by how finicky these carbs are. The ones I pulled off the nozzles move free, the slides move free, they don't look all too bad visually but I haven't cracked the open yet. I'm kind of upset on the same note because i'm pretty sure this car is faster than my other Z . Thanks for everyones input, I really appreciate that you took the time out of your day to read my posts and reply to my issues. Thanks again.
I think i'm STARVING
Bruce you bother because you care and still isn't my issue Filter was dry but either its a fluke or I can't see. I swapped tanks with my other car just to see before I spend the money to send it out, Not fun to drop 2 to fix 1 but we are talking almost 400 bucks so i'd say well worth it. Anyhow it still has the same weak feeling. It rips in first, second chirps and then like a prius in third . It looses all of its steam. Spark plugs look good in color, the front carb possibly a little on the lean side, but not what I would consider alarming. If I let out for a second and then back on that initial pedal movement it starts to pull hard, then fades QUICKLY so I feel is a carburetion issue. Bruce its been a roller coaster of weather here, hot cold, 50, 20. Really has. The ethenol is about 15 percent here most places, I didn't see any water in the gas when I drained these tanks but is it possible some lingers in the carbs for awhile somehow? I drove the car about an hour the other day I would think it would have worked its way out. I know this ethenol will absorb water quickly. Its a terrible product but we are stuck with it. Not sure what the issue is but its not the fuel tank, i'm going to order another mechanical fuel pump. Its new but just because its new doesn't mean it can't be malfunctioning I guess. It is really good I have 2 cars I can swap stuff back and forth, just takes alot of time.
Do people notice you in your classic Z on the road?
People here notice my Z. Its hard not to being orange but its not a show car by any means. The really surprising event happened when we went to Crusin in Ocean City MD. It happens every year and LOADS of american muscle cars from all over meet up and drive around, set up in parking lots, parade down the boardwalk. I took my old Z down there last year and people LOVED this car, its really awesome when you are riding in a pack of 80 thousand dollar american muscle car restorations and most are pointing at my Z, it really was a great feeling, even the drivers of those candy sweet muscle cars loved it. Its loud, kinda rat rodish with its rough worked patch panel and primer spots on rust . They are very rare here, i've only saw 2 of them other than mine here and I drive 100k miles a year easy(not in my Z I wish). Lots of people at the pump strike up a conversation and relive old memories, kids point, I had a teenager with his mom ride next to me this weekend snapping pictures with his cell phone camera, he was all smiles. I didn't buy the car to impress people by any means, I bought it to drive for fun but its pretty awesome how many that it does impress here.