Everything posted by Inf
How to remove 240Z head
I'd sooner try the hammer method, maybe put a chunk of a 2x4 up against the head to keep from marring the surface and give it a few hits with a 5lb sledge. With a putty knife, I'd be afraid of pushing chunks of gasket material and other debris into the oil/coolant passages...
Dashboard Restoration - Material?
I was pretty impressed by some of the results posted in this thread: http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?t=23919 I'll probably go that route when the time comes. For now, I'm just afraid to look under the half cap a PO installed...
Nissan Fairlady Z432? How about the 531?!
15x7 rb rota wheels
FWIW, I went with a 195-60/15 on my 15x7 Rewinds. I feel they do look a little stretched in width. When I buy new tires I'll probably go up a few sizes and get the clearance issues taken care of.
New 260Z owner from Central Texas
Agreed. I think there's a reason the PO put such low profile tires on there before you got it...
New hood color?
I think you mean the 432R? Are you sure it had a flat black hood? http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4051/4626588843_4cd4e87e8f_z.jpg
A letter from Adam Carolla
Interesting. Has Rob Schneider ever had a Datsun? I googled but didn't find anything. Deuce Bigalow cruising around in a Z... hrmm..
Suspension update (review)
Just thought I would mention this -- with my 240Z, I DID need a spring compressor to install both the front and rear Eibach Pro-kit springs (just so someone in the future reading this makes sure to get some compressors!).
New guy in Austin TX
I think a better argument for an automatic is the terrible traffic during the rush hour(s) here in Austin. I rarely try to drive anywhere between 7-11AM and 2PM-7PM, I always end up waiting through multiple stoplights or idling on the freeway!
Ball joints
RockAuto has the Moog units for 42 bucks each. Gotta pay shipping, and it'd be a PITA to do a return, but I was impressed with the quality myself when I got some, and I've only heard good things about them from others. AutoZone lists theirs as Duralast, hasn't been much discussion about those on the forums... There's some discussion here about some of what's available: http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?t=36784
Datsun Coin
Yeah, gotta watch out for that whole numismatic coin scam. Most of the companies out there are selling gold and silver coins at way above their actual worth. I read an article a while back about a lot of people getting ripped off that way, thinking they were making a good investment. Pays to do your research I guess.
Datsun Coin
Isn't that just a regular silver proof coin with a Datsun 240Z sticker on one side?
Jack Stand location pictures
I've always used the spots recommended in the Nissan Factory Service Manual (they're different from yours). See the pdf attached to this post: http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showpost.php?p=194989&postcount=3
Eibach the way to go for a lowering kit?
I think you're confused, the progressive springs MSA sells ARE the Pro Kit set. It's just a marketing term... Not sure what you've got against MSA, but their price on the Eibach sets is decent, and, as LeonV said, they ARE on sale right now (and have been for the past year). I should know, I bought a set last winter.
SEM Clear Chip Guard - Spray - How does it work?
The spammers are putting more and more time into this crap. I hope this guys IP gets permabanned. On a side note, every time I read the thread title, I think of the commercial "I Can't Believe it's Not Butter - Spray"
1972 Fairlady Z for sale
Same car on the local Craigslist http://austin.craigslist.org/cto/2038584122.html
$35,000 73 240z?
Hahaha. "He chewed on this pencil!"
Just got my bumper smashed into by anther car
When I had someone hit my car in the garage under my building, I never even called the other driver's insurance (USAA). She left a note, so I got her information, I called MY insurance company (AllState), told them what happened, gave them the info, and let them handle everything. I ended up getting my car repaired at one of the best places in town. Cost a pretty penny (5x what AllState's adjuster "estimated"), had a rental car for the entire time also, but my insurance company did not fight me on it - the other company was paying for all of it (no deductible or any BS like that). You may have problems because there was no police report. The other guy could just as soon change his story and say YOU ran into HIM, and most people would probably believe it just because the front of your car made contact with the back of his car. If you don't have a witness to corroborate your story, it's just your word against his, and that is not a good position to be in...
Like a G6! Z-Cars in new video.
Nope. Different group.
i need sirouse help
Most new browsers (like Firefox) have an integrated spell checker. Won't help on improper word usage, but it should help most people from typing things that aren't words...
- Auto Meter Gauge Pics- Let's see 'em!
Braided Hoses...... Who Needs Them?....
I'm astounded that some of you guys are running the original 40 year old fuel lines. I replaced some of my fuel lines with new stuff from Napa less than 5 years ago, and I recently discovered some had started cracking from the inside out and were already leaking fuel. I guess I just figured that in that high temperature environment, normal fuel line rubber just breaks down within a few years... FWIW, here is a picture of my 03/72 240Z when I took delivery of her in early 2003... Most of the fuel lines were braided, but I always assumed they had been replaced at some point (the car being 31 years old at the time...). The non-braided lines going from the fuel rail to the bowls were clearly new replacements.
Keep water away from under hatch flat area?
Hmm, if it were my project, the first place I would look is McMaster-Carr. Seems like that would be the kind of thing they would carry, and their online catalog has diagrams showing all the shapes and dimensions. It really makes one wonder why Nissan didn't extend the gutter in the first place, but I guess hindsight is 20/20 when we see all these cars with rust problems in that area.
remanufactured steering racks
Hi mgmoreau, Yeah, I saw your post, just hoping to get another data point in favor of Carsteering.com :] Still not sure if I'm being too nitpicky on how tight the steering is or if I genuinely need to replace my rack. I replaced the rubber bushings with urethane parts about the same time I replaced the ball joints and outer tie rod ends, and the steering seems kinda loose. Need to wait until I have a helper to turn the wheel back and forth while I lay on the ground and see what's moving that shouldn't be. I recall seeing the rack shift back and forth after installing the new bushings when I had someone helping be months ago, but I'm not sure how much movement was too much. In another thread someone mentioned the possibility that I have a 280Z rack a PO may have installed, and that my 240Z bushings are too narrow to hold it down correctly... still need to investigate that.
- remanufactured steering racks