Everything posted by Inf
Mull Project ...
Ain't that the damn truth. I really enjoyed his videos, it'd be a shame if he quit
40th Anniversary Z
I don't. Nothing is lamer than all these retro-styled new cars, and I'd rather they just leave the 240Z alone. My two cents.
Transformers 3
Either that or the script will call for constant ridicule of his Datsun form. The car equivalent of looking like a total bum to blend in. Hollywood doesn't have high regard for Datsun stuff, just look at Bruce Almighty.
Moving to Indianapolis in 2011!
Aww man, you just missed Formula One Better get transferred to Austin
Heavy pulsing when brake pedal applied!
I was told recently at the local AutoZone that almost no parts store in our county (probably pushing 1 million people) still turns rotors/drums. Something about liability, although I haven't looked into it beyond what I was told.
Z Car Source sponsor...
I ordered some brake tubes bridges from Z Car Source (the little S curves between the calipers and the front soft lines). I haven't installed them yet, but I'm hoping they'll work out ok... Nissanparts.cc at first said they had the NOS originals, then flipped around and said there were no more, so I had assumed Z Car Source had bought them up and doubled the price - nope, it was a hand-bent reproduction. They don't quite have the same dimensions as each other, and I imagine some more bending will be involved when I go to install them. They shipped fast, but I just wish their website had a better description and/or pictures of the items they're selling. Had I known these were what they are, I would have instead spent the 50 bucks on the parts and the tools to make them myself...
A weathestrip story - help needed
I'm also hoping someone can chime in on a McMaster-Carr seal for the hatch, the price is definitely right.
All electric 1200 datsun drag car
There was an electric Z on eBay not too many years ago, it did not boast anywhere NEAR the performance of this one, however. Not sure how much I'd enjoy driving a nearly silent Z, though. It just feels like something's missing...
how did he use these coilovers?
Threads like these mysteriously fade away when school starts again!
Any opinions on: thecarcover.com?
I've had two of them, and the fit was good on both. Their most basic cloth, as well as their top of the line Technalon cover. Try searching for Technalon, there are sure to be a few threads.
- Hood Vents
Stainless steel header??
Seems like that has been settled... ? Not sure what was ambiguous about Somecreep's post....
ZXP Adaptor buyers, Please read and respond!!!
No problems in my 72, I've left the car parked for as much as 2-3 weeks at a time since installing it with no trouble starting it up again.
Stainless steel header??
That looks pretty sweet, I'm envious!
A little Eibaching help please...
The Eibachs are going to keep your nose slightly higher. I came from a set of Tokico red springs, so it was quite noticeable to my eye, but slowly I either got used to it, or they settled out after some driving. Looks fine to me now. If you switch the springs, you'll have the opposite problem, and it will be to a much greater degree... The Tokico springs gave it a slightly lower and more even stance, which I admit, looked pretty sweet, but we have some monster speed bumps around here in nearly every parking lot and I got tired of hearing my exhaust scrape on them.
Drug this home today
Nissan sure made the 2+2 back seat look amazingly spacious in their advertisements!
240Z Brake Questions
I have also wondered this, but saw no reason not to do the rears first in cases where I had to do all 4. As I'm about to replace the front calipers, I'm wondering if I still need to bleed the rear brakes, or can I just get away with bleeding the fronts only?
1969 Fairlady Z Japanese newspaper advertisement
I had someone send me this, I didn't see any associated article, but was told it was the "first newspaper ad" for the Fairlady Z in 1969: Page 1: http://www.yomiuri.co.jp/atcars/history/shimen/100720fairlady/viewer0.htm Page 2: http://www.yomiuri.co.jp/atcars/history/shimen/100720fairlady/viewer1.htm
Custom Vent Ducts for Vintage Air A/C Install
Yeah, I have messed about with that stuff a lot. Cheap and more user-friendly microcontrollers and stepper motors have made crude DIY CNC stuff a reality. It's definitely not a piece of cake, but it's on my list of projects for when I have time.
91-year-old puts 562,000 miles on same car
No small feat up in rust-land.
280zx alt upgrade question
I've got the 280ZX alternator along with the adapter plug made by Dave, and my ammeter behaves the same way as with the stock alt/VR setup.
Storage question
I've left my car stationary for more than a month before, restarting with no ill effect (that I am aware of). My main concern would be theft deterrence. I would try to park it in such a way that towing would be difficult, i.e. park it between your house and a car with a good alarm end-to-end. You can do all you want to disable the car, but a thief with access to a tow truck won't be slowed down at all.
Vintage 240-Z Sports promotional video
That's an impressive spambot.
what are the make/model of those rims...
Search for "slot mags," you will find plenty of related threads. They were made by a number of different manufacturers in the 1970s.
my NEW 500$ 240ZZZee!
Yeah, I can't imagine a sticker like the middle one being native to Arizona, either!