Everything posted by Jarvo2
Interpart louver key
My lower side mounts (with the lock) have been damaged by a previous owner using a screw driver. Anyone have any suggestions on how to restore or replace them? Can't seem to find interpart louver parts anywhere.
240z Fuse Box Replacement - Feedback Request - MSA, ST, Etc.
Here's how I DIY'ed the headlight relays. I'd suggest anyone not comfortable with electrical work, soldering, etc. to just purchase the MSA version. Dave's 1972 Datsun 240z: Headlight wiring harness with relays
Miata (Mx5) Seats
They call them "NA", which is the first body style fro the early to mid 90's. Any should work, but these early ones, in my opinion, are the most comfortable!
240z Fuse Box Replacement - Feedback Request - MSA, ST, Etc.
Just remember to upgrade to a relay harness for your headlights & parking lights! Don't want to melt out the new box.
Wiring Path for Electric Fuel Pump
Here's a quick link to my write up as well as a diagram that I drew when I added an electric pump to my '72 240z... Dave's 1972 Datsun 240z: Electric Fuel Pump Installation
HELP. New flywheel sources?
I've got a 77 280z (2-door) OEM flywheel that has about 70,000 miles on it if anyone is looking. Located in the Chicagoland area.
Timing - idle rpm?
You'll need to look at the model # of the distributor that you have. Another tell-tail sign would be all of the emissions gear on the balance tube & carbs, but given the age of these cars, who knows what has happened over the past 40+ years.
Miata (Mx5) Seats
For anyone who's installed the miata seats, I'd strongly recommend adding some headrest speakers. The cutouts are there & I ended up just using a cheapo set of speakers that I was going to throw away. Much better audio than the stock speakers. Dave's 1972 Datsun 240z: Miata seat speakers
Conversion to throttle cable - SU anchor point?
The air cleaner would have made for a much cleaner install, but I didn't want to drill into it, so I opted for the heat-shield. After a bit of re-engineering the mechanical linkage I swapped back to that and it seems to work pretty well. If anyone is interested in my setup (see picture above), make me an offer.
Conversion to throttle cable - SU anchor point?
I believe the "H Plate" allows for a stop point for the cable housing. I ended up fabricating a bracket for mine. See Dave's 1972 Datsun 240z: Throttle Jerk Fix
Are the rear diffs on these cars a little whinny
I've got the clunk but no whine in the R180 in my '72 240z. I don't know which is worse to have!
Headlight Wiring 72'
I would highly suggest either buying the Dave Irwin harness from MSA or build your own like I did ... Dave's 1972 Datsun 240z: Headlight wiring harness with relays
1971 Rear Strut Replacement
Is there any reason that I should be hanging onto the original strut inserts after I upgraded to tokiko's? They're 42 years old & I didn't think they could be rebuilt. Should I keep them or send them off for scrap?
Another MSA door weatherstrip problem
I had great luck with an early Cavilier's weatherstripping. Dave's 1972 Datsun 240z: Door weather seals
E-31 head, whatch'all think?
On a related note, I'm in need of new valve seals, and probably could use a clean-up and valve job on my 72 240z (E88 head). Would it be worth me just purchasing a $400 head from Datsun Parts LLC which is already reconditioned, or should I take my existing head to a machine shop to have it rebuilt? Also, what is everyone's opinion on valve seats...should the be replaced to accommodate unleaded fuel?
Any floats yet?
This looks like a steal, but based on the pictures these might be reproductions as my OEM floats don't have the molding lines. Datsun 240Z Su Carburetors Floats Pair L R Nice | eBay
Recommended Spark Plugs with a PerTronix Ignition Kit with new coil
I just upgraded to NGK (7133) BPR6ES-11 and have a Pertronix...I run much better now. Its more the spark plug gap than the plug in this case. The old points needed a smaller gap, where as the electronic ignition fires best with a wider gap.
Vapor Line Adapter Kit?
Yep, sounds like the same guy. When I saw the prototype, it looked great. Being aluminum, rather than copper, it wouldn't be as corrosive when gasoline passes through. I believe they said they wanted to get $50-80 each & my initial feedback was I'd buy one for $20.
Vapor Line Adapter Kit?
I know someone out here in IL was working on a "U" shaped metal tube with flares on the end to aid in the nasty vapor hose that does the 180 degree turn. Haven't heard much since last summer on it.
Z therapy SU carbs not running right.
Sounds like the diaphragm in your vacuum advance might have a leak, thus leaning out your mixture.
Pay it forward!!!
PM Sent
Rear Hatch Louvers
Anybody have any experience with Willpak louvers? Willpak 10532 Aluminum Rear Window Louver | eBay
Need help for the connection of Evaporation Tank 's Evaporation hose ..1971 240 z
The geniuses at Nissan used different sized hoses for each of the vent tubes. This seems like a pain, but it actually makes connecting the right hose to the right connection much easier! At the bottom of this blog post (Dave's 1972 Datsun 240z: Smelly Situation) you will find several diagrams of what size hoses go where. Good luck!
Blowing fuses trying to install Electric fuel pump.
Sounds like a short in the OEM wiring that you're using. Here's how I wired up the electric pump in my '72... Dave's 1972 Datsun 240z: Electric Fuel Pump Installation
Throttle Jerk Fix -- Universal throttle cable
Thanks for all of the compliments! It means a lot especially coming from the Z-guru Blue! I still reference his tips all the time.