Everything posted by Jarvo2
Help! 240z suddenly lost power
Sounds like an ignition problem to me. I'd suggest to check your timing first, and confirm your spark plug wires are all connected properly. The fact that it was backfiring through the exhaust tells me that the engine was getting fuel, it just wasn't combusting until it was out in the hot exhaust pipe. I recently ran into an issue with my vacuum advance failing which caused timing problems. Other things to check will be your points, rotor, and distributor cap. Best of luck!
New from Virginia, United States
Congrats & welcome! Looks similar to my '72 which I'm slowly resurrecting. http://jarvas240z.blogspot.com/
'72 Vacuum Advance Dashpot
Thanks ZedHead. I can't for the life of me find a replacement vacuum advance canister! The closest I could find is one that appears to be the same as ours, but is for a Honda Civic. I just don't know if its worth the $60 risk a wild chance. Do you have any suggestions of where to obtain a Hitatchi-compatible canister? I spent the day calling CourtesyNissan, NissanPartsZone, etc. all of whom show they're in stock but they actually don't have them. http://www.enginepartsrus.com/standard-motor-products-vacuum-control-honda-civicvc291-p-2528.html
'72 Vacuum Advance Dashpot
Other than single vs. dual points configuration, what is the difference between an AT and a MT distributor? I'm currently running a Petronix electronic ignition within my troubled MT distributor. I'm wondering if I can just pick up an AT distributor, pull the dual points out & put my Petronix in & be set. Has anyone attempted this?
Vintage racing weekend - Elkhart Lake, Wisconsin, several Zs and 510s running
I'm hoping to go next year! When I was a kid I used to go to Elkhart with my dad quite a bit & look forward to getting back into it with my kids....especially now that I have a '72 I'm restoring.
'72 Vacuum Advance Dashpot
Looks like this might fit, I'm surprised that other Datsun models aren't listed. Any thoughts? http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=370643483078&fromMakeTrack=true&ssPageName=VIP:watchlink:top:en
'72 Vacuum Advance Dashpot
So I've narrowed my issues down to a bad vacuum advance dashpot (the breaker plate was lubed up & moves very smoothly). I can't for the life of me find anyone who supplies the dashpot alone; every place I check says to buy the whole distributor and a new dashpot will be included. Does anyone have any suggestions of a source for new dashpots?? Thanks!
Innermost Shifter Boot - Any Clamps Holding In Place?
Mine had a zip-tie around it, but it might have been from the previous owner.
Did jay spill the beans?
My guess is they'll call the Mini-Z which has been discussed here quite a bit (http://www.motortrend.com/future/future_vehicles/1207_nissan_working_on_mini_z_to_target_frs_brz) the 'new 240z'. Makes perfect sense since Automobile Magazine has compared the FR-S to the original 240z (http://www.automobilemag.com/reviews/driven/1210_respect_your_elders_1971_datson_240z_vs_2013_scion_fr_s). I agree with the others...I'll keep my '72.
POR-15 Question
Pour some rubbing alcohol into the tank and slosh it around, then dump it....should dry it all out well.
240z antenna mast possibile reproduction
I certainly would be interested in a reproduction at a reasonable price!
240Z Appreciation $$
Very cool! Glad that I just picked up my '72 for $2300, pretty much rust-free, along with a ton of NOS parts! Let the restoration begin.
Pay it forward!!!
I'm looking for a front engine-hook (the on that goes on the front of the engine near the mechanical fuel pump that I can use for hoisting the engine out) for my '72 240z. If anyone has an extra laying around & wouldn't mind passing it forward, I'd be eternally grateful. Thanks.
Bob Sharp Racing Springs and Struts?
I have several old Bob Sharp catalogs, and I guess it depends what year the springs/struts were replaced. In the catalog there are three main brands: Kontrolle, Hulholland, and Koni's.
FYI Fuel Tank Vent Hose Info
Where were you able to obtain the NOS hoses? I'm just about to start this project as well on my '72
Vacuum Hose Size Guide
I've searched high & low without avail and I'm hoping someone can assist me with identifying the various sizes (I.D.) of vacuum hoses that I'll need to replace on my stock '72 240z. I'm going for functionality, not points so I'm fine going with auto-parts store grade vacuum hosing. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
1971 240z air conditioning.
Make me an offer.... http://www.datsunclassifieds.com/showproduct.php/product/7226/title/72-dealer-installed-a-c-kit/cat/4
240z Am radio sells for 635 bucks on ebay
I recently posted a glove-box FM Tuner / 8-Track combo in the classifieds section for anyone looking to add a period-correct accessory. Includes the brackets and instruction sheet. PM me if you're interested or have any questions. http://www.datsunclassifieds.com/showproduct.php/product/7227/title/beltek-8-track-amp-fm-tuner/cat/4
Dealer installed A/C
Here's a picture of what I have: - Condensor (new, unused with plastic plugs still in the ends - Airbox coil (used, all of the 'guts' are still inside) - Compressor (net, unused in original box, appears to have been ordered by the previous owner to replace the original) - 2 Dryers (both look new, but hard to tell) - A/C Switch with temperature sensor (used) - Pulley with electromagnetic clutch & belt (appears to be used) - Box of miscellaneous fittings, hoses, connectors, etc. I should be able to pull the mounting bracket off of my engine block as well (not pictured) if anyone is seriously interested in this kit.
Dealer installed A/C
I have a complete dealer installed A/C system that was in my '72 240z. The former owner included a new/unused condensor, new compressor, and new dryers along with the foot-well box coil, switch, etc. Is there any market for this antiquated system or should I talk to the local scrappers to see what they'd give me for the metal? I figure if I ever want A/C in the Z I would buy a newer version from VintageAir or somewhere similar. Any thoughts?
Has anyone got the Petronix Ignitor and Flame Thrower 3ohm coil to work correctlyHELP
Here is the best write-up I've been able to find. Great diagrams. I installed the Pertronix without any issues on my '72 http://www.zhome.com/ZCMnL/tech/ZXPertronix.htm
Backfiring on deceleration
After a complete tune-up and adjusting the SU's on my stock '72 I am now experiencing a backfiring sound coming out of my exhaust when I decelerate (cruising at 40mph, let off the gas & leave it in gear). The carbs appear to have the proper air/fuel mixture as per the tip of raising the valve 1/16th of an inch to hear a slight RPM increase and then return to normal. Vacuum tests are showing great results (steady needle 'in the green') and I have steady power under load without a backfire. Idle is steady at ~750RPM and the SU's are synchronized. If I lean the SU's out anymore than I have right now the car boggs down during acceleration. Any suggestions on what to check next? I appreciate any help you can give!
'72 Vacuum Hoses
I really need to replace all of the vacuum hoses on my '72 and after searching the web I can't find all of the hoses (not even MSA). Has anyone used the generic Silicone hose kits or injector/fuel line hoses? I know I won't get the pretty bends, but I'm thinking as long as I keep the arc wide enough I should be fine. Any suggestion on what sizes (I.D.) I'll need? Thanks. - Dave