- Oil Pressure Guage malfunction
Oil Pressure Guage malfunction
Thought i would throw this out there to see if anyone else may have encountered this problem. After 15 months in the body shop and all the dust that goes with it, I encountered a few electrical glitches. I corrected 99% of them by removing the ecu and cleaning contacts and plug. However the problem with the oil pressure gauge remains. Gauge seems to operate correctly after warm up. Whenever I hit the gas pedal the gauge dumps to zero then returns to normal as soon as I release it. I have extra gauge cluster to replace it with , but thought I,d ask if anyone had any other ideas before i remove the dash.
- What makes a Z a Z? What modifacations go too far to be called a Z?
convert automatic zx to 5 spd
I have a 1980 280zx with automatic. Just came upon a 1980 donor car with 5spd. How much trouble to convert. What pitfalls might I encounter in the switch? Any and all opinions/help/advice welcome.
- 1980 280zx
- 1980 280zx
- 1980 280zx
- 1980 280zx
- 1980 280zx
- 1980 280zx
1980 zx still hard to get parts
These parts have been long out of production.
- 1980 280zx
- 1980 280zx
- 1980 280zx
- 1980 280zx