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Everything posted by TKR514

  1. Yes, you and a fraction of the population like the early Z. Of course, a fraction of the population loves the Nash Metropolitan. You gotta change or your limited market dries up. It's not corporate greed, just reality. Who would buy a NEW 240Z today for 20-25 grand? Not many as Nissan found out with their "factory rebuild" program. What, something like 15 to 20 were made before the plug was pulled? The original Z is good, but not so good that you can sell it today.... It was good in it's day 'cause everything else was such crap. I chose a ZX in 79 because I wanted more gas, better aerodynamics, stronger structure than the original Z. I got that and it was lighter than the 78Z's on the lot(thou only by 20 pounds or so). Just glad that the new heaviest and luxurious 350Z is doing well...
  2. Yep, your fiend should. I think that those are out-of-production BSR flairs....
  3. Yuck! Shoulds spent the bucks on rust repair before adding poorly installed flairs....IMHO.
  4. TKR514 replied to owenk's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    "..was Freedom in this case only a welcome argument to motivate young people to fight and die for something else? What are we crying for? Blind obedience? " I don't know how anyone could misunderstand your previous message! No, no one is crying over blind obedience, but cries of thanfulness and respect to the soldier and his family. Simple enough. Semper Fi.
  5. TKR514 replied to MakDiesel's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Datsun/Nissan had to cahage the 240Z. If your a "best seller", then the market dries up fast. Then you have to change the car to find what the rest of the market will buy. That's why the 79ZX was the best seller of all Z's since the sports market was oversold and they went to the next market segment. If Datsun kept the 1st Gen body into 1980 and beyond, it would have died out complely. None are best, they are just different.
  6. If the interior is good as well, it might be worth that much. It would need to be in PERFECT shape to go for $5K. I would start with blue book & have the guy explain why you should pay more for his car. An 82ZX with automatic is hardly a collectable Z and would not command a high price just cause it's a "Z". Your buying a 20 year old car, know that it will have problems. I'm finishing up my 79ZX NA now. The full restoration to NEW condition is costing me $4,000 in parts. That was my limit 'cause I knew the blue book on a ZX was very low. It seemed silly to spend more than could ever be recovered in a sale.
  7. TKR514 replied to korg_geek's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Nissan has THE WORST web site design of any I've seen. Lots of flash, but takes time to figgure out how to navigate quickly and find the info that you're looking for. How much does the roadster weigh?
  8. TKR514 replied to owenk's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Doehring, please have a little respect for the dead and their families. Muchas Gracias.
  9. TKR514 replied to DakotaZ's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I finally saw it on tape. It was a snooze, little technical stuff and no manufacturing footage. It seemed that at least 1/4 of the show was just a Z or two driving by the camera. The only thing it said about each new model was that it "was more luxourious". I did like the part about killing the British sports car imports. I had forgotten jus how quickly they died off after the Z came to market in the early 70's. Of course they did not mention anything about the Z's competion from the RX7 in the late 70's and early 80's leading to big changes in the design of the Z's ...
  10. Very, Very Cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Best of luck with the installation. It looks great!
  11. TKR514 replied to antipodalboy's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Agreed, buy the best one you can find. Parts and body restoration can eat you alive. I'm doing a full "refresh" all myself and it's hitting $4K in just parts. It would cost about $10K - $12K if I farmed the work out to local shops. Don't be fooled by buying a $1,200 240Z over a $7K-$10K one that has everything redone or one that has no rust and ready to go....
  12. TKR514 replied to z_boi's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    It used to be done quite a lot. It's not done much any more. I do not do it. For some reason I do not like the idea of breaking crud loose in the engine and having it move around and hopefully come out in the "right" place...
  13. TKR514 replied to MakDiesel's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    ANY brand of natural 10-30W, cheapest is fine. If it's well worn, bump up to a straight 30W. It won't make a heck-of-a-lot-of difference after 20+ years. Just keep it clean and go for it would be my guess.
  14. TKR514 replied to ZwolleY's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Clinton WAS formally impeaced by the U.S. Senate on Friday , February 12, 1999, and recieved a majority of guilty votes on perjury but did not recieve the required 67 Guilty votes (a 2/3 majority) that would have been required to remove the President from office. Denial that the 42'nd president was impeached seems a bit silly... As far as Iraq, no, I do not have experience in Foreign affairs or direct military service. I assume that there is a reason for what is happening and that many will use the events there for political their own political gain over humaitarian gains. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.....
  15. TKR514 replied to ZwolleY's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    "if you cannot hate it enough, kill it." That's funny, I need to remember that one! I'm working on a book on Prejudice. One chapter is on "Politics is Prejudice". Can I use your entire previous post? It matches perfectly with the chapter. One side is loving, the other is hateful. One side is reasonable, the other side is compassionate. etc. My theory is that the same mechanism for prejudice is the same mental wiring that legitimizes group hatred in politics. The "other" side is wrong irregardless of what they do. Same as racism. Thanks!
  16. TKR514 replied to ZwolleY's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Well, if BambiKiller has a problem with what's going on in Iraq, GO TO IRAQ and help out and set these guys straight. Go and stop the violence, go and stop the looting. I guess you can sit on the sidelines and complain(i.e the French position) but that hardly gets anything done. Do something or quit making angry noise would help support you ideological position. The Thread was started on how Clinton is responsible for the brilliant military victory in Iraq. That's a stretch, I'll only give him credit that he did not screw it up too badly for the next president to make limited use of it to enforce the 1991 Gulf War cease-fire agreement between the U.N. and Iraq. As far a Clinton the man, he's brilliant but not smart. A nice guy but an adulterer and lier. An elected leader but impeached. Charismatic but empty. I think he's the best PURE politician in modern times.
  17. TKR514 replied to ZwolleY's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Argh! I guess no one reads history. The French did indeed loot their own city in 1789 in an overthrow. I can site other instances in Russia, India, China, and elsewhere in the middle east of widespread looting AFTER a dictatorship/empire is toppled. It happends and damn near impossible to stop as history has shown. I'm personally glad that we now have adults in the leadership that seem to have things well understood. I won't blame OUR leadership yet. If you wanna blame someone, go blame the "human shields" that were protecting fascilities or the millions of Iraquis that stood by and let their hospitals, etc be looted.
  18. TKR514 replied to DakotaZ's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Looking forward to seeing it Saturday. My only thought when I bought my Z in the 70's was that not the the Z was great, but that everything else was a piece of crap. The Corvett was bloated and heavy, The British cars always "needs work", The Porsche was fast but parts would eat you alive The Mustangs were a joke in the mid-70's. Itallian cars cost beyond reason. That's the only reason I bought a Z (and still have it). It was reasonably priced, fun, and reliable. The same formula will make any new car sell. The same thing happened for the early Mustang and sold more of them in 2 years that ALL the Z's combined... nothing great, just well done.
  19. Any car can be a POS. I've seen 240's that are rusted through and smoking that I would call that too. I bought a 280ZX parts car that was a POS for $200. Total rot but low mileage mechanicals that are highly prized in Zdom and going on my non-POS car. I did not see the show, but maybe it was a POS car that just happened to be a ZX?
  20. TKR514 replied to ZwolleY's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    They raped themselves, we did not do the looting. Yet it bugged me that they let it go for a few days, but the same thing happends here (U.S.) when the Bulls or Lakers win a championship. THERE ARE NOT enough troops in Bagdad to control 4-6 million folks 24/7. Same in the USA, there are not enough cops to stop things if enough folks decide to go crazy. It's terrible, but you can't blame the cops/troops. Sure the oil filds are secure, that's because they are very hard to loot AND are generally away from the people (a small number of troops can stop a small number of people. I feel sorry that the Iraqi's are steeling from each other. I also feel sad when people riot and burn down their own neighborhoods. It is brilliant to not start shooting people if they steal a chair or an air conditioner. If we did shoot them for theft, how would we be different from Sadam? Not much... Hope all settles down there soon.
  21. TKR514 replied to ZwolleY's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Bambi Killer want's Martial Law? Absolutely brilliant to do NOTHING for a few days. Now the entire world is chanting "Have the U.S. take control in Iraq, they have to something!". That's a big change in world opinion. Now we step up and restore order and everyone is thankful that the U.S./U.K/Aus. are imposing order to Iraq. Outstandingly Brilliant!!!!
  22. TKR514 replied to jeffhop's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Yea, check on rates. My ZX is classified as a "sports car" and the rate are higher than new cars with twice the horsepower, go figure. The Z is a simple car, generally dependable, parts are available, and there is still support. Why not go for it instead of getting a boring $1,500 car?
  23. TKR514 replied to ZwolleY's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    All presidents inherit what came before them. The difference is what you do with it. Clinton is history, let it go.... or else we need to credit him with the war dead too.
  24. I gave up. I'm in the middle of a "frame" up restoration and I agonized as to what color to paint (since I would be stuck with it in the engine bay, etc). I finally decided that no matter what I painted it, it would look fine. I settled on Nissan 2003 "sparkly red". I figgured you cannot go wrong with a Red Z:love:
  25. Yes, water spits out when the engine is healthy, because water is a natural by-product of combustion. Water is streaming out of teh tailpipe the ENTIRE time the engine is running. You can only "see" all that water when the tailpipe is cold and acts like a long condenser and drops the temp so the water drops out of the exhaust gas. When the tailpipe gets hot after running the car for a while, the tailpipe does not condense the water out and it goes "invisibly" into the air. So yes, all healthy engines, by definition, are streaming out water through the tailpipe. You only see it when it's cold....

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