Everything posted by texasz
Transmission ID Assistance
Only one reply after posting up pix as requested. Is the general opinion that this is a 4-speed?
Being polite on the board
My earlier post was comletely generic and I stand on those statements...that being said I have no clue what thread is specifically being discussed here so I have no input nor opinion on any of that.
Any Pics from the Z Con Car Show in SA?
Ditto!! I was looking for Z club members and asking the owners as I walked through the field if they were members here and if so who they were. Only ran in to two members, one is hardly ever on the site though he said, we did visit for a while about their ZXs (two couples both original owners of their ZX). I did spend a little time chatting with george71z also. All great people! Chris, very disapointed I missed you...after the years of getting to know some of the people on here I was really looking forward to meeting as many as I could. Kinda bummed about that...still had a great time though. Oh hey, did you see the table at the swap meet full of intakes, a head, header, wheels, etc? As long as that was there I was around...that was my stuff I was hoping to sell...unfortunately no sales.
Has your Z/Zed ever left you stranded?
Kinda, my car has terrible blow by on one cyl. (the compression in this one is 40) and the carbs are in desperate need of rebuilding so it does not run very well. I discovered just how bad one day a few years ago when I was kickin' around town and it started sputtering and loosing power. I managed to get her in to a parking lot on the side of the road and began tinkering to see what was up. After pulling a plug or two I found that they were VERY fouled. As luck would have it there was an O'Rileys walking distance, maybe 1/2 mile down the road, so I went and bought new plugs. I replaced them and headed straight home...well wouldn't you know it, before getting home it started doing the same thing again about 20 minutes in to my trip, fortunately at that point I was only about 5-10 minutes from home and managed to make it by playing with the choke and gas pedal a bit. Now at home I pulled the plugs and found them to be in the same fouled condition as the ones I had just replaced. It was at this point that I discovered the benefit of having a blast cabinet with glass beads, cleaned up one of the sets and put them back in the car and it ran fine. I then cleaned up the other set and put them back in the boxes and kept them as spares. This little experience showed me that my car will not run for more than about 20 minutes before needing the plugs changed. So I quite driving her at all and allowed all the registrations to expire and removed the insurance. Since then life has been in the way until late this year when I have become serious about getting her back on the road with a rebuilt engine and carbs (not started yet, saving the money for it though and will be starting soon). I have started her from time to time to keep things moving though and have gone through the remove, replace, clean the plugs routine a few times.
Being polite on the board
I would agree in general, this board is the best Z forum on the net! There are times and have been people/threads/posts that have been in poor taste or inappropriate...that just happens I understand that. When it does things need to be brought back in line promptly though so as to keep this the same great place it's been. I'm neutral on the comment about hybrid because they can get bad over there so I would not disagree with that comment. In my experience zcar.com is the worst, they seem like a bunch of inmature children...or at least a few years ago when I spent more time on that site. I only bring this up to further support my original statement about this being the best Z group around. As for specific actions on this board...well, we are all adults here and should act like it. There are absolutely going to be times when opinions differ and we just need to accept that, agree to disagree, and move on. Some debate is not a bad thing though when it is done in a mature way and has some merit. Examples of these two last statements are clear when the topic of "what is the best motor oil" or "what is the best muffler/exhaust system" come up...those are rather subjective in nature to a point and have no real right or wrong answer so there will be different opinions and debate...now if the debate over oil for example is supported by some studies or data showing why one product may be better/worse than another go for it, I want to learn more. If it's just pure opinion then state it and leave it be...and don't attack anyone else for doing this, just realize it's only an opinion. I could probably go on though I think you can see what I'm getting at here so I'll leave it at that.
Mass Air Flow Numbering Questions
Does anyone have a list/chart of the different MAF numbers and what cars they were stock on? I have a few and would like to determine what cars they were removed from.
P79 Head : Your honest opinion
I have a P79 head for sale. What condition is your N42 in? Maybe we can work out a deal. Shoot me an email to discuss further.
Rear Suspension and Stub Axles
Ok, those splines are a challenge to count and I swear I counted 29 of them...I even counted a second time. Does that make any sense?
Transmission ID Assistance
Ok, so now I'm honestly feeling like a complete idiot...I can not seem to determine if it's a 4 or 5 speed, I'm only able to confirm 4 shift positions which I know is wrong since a 4 speed would still have 5 positions with reverse! Below are the pix, hope they help.
Transmission ID Assistance
How do I tell if it's a 4 or 5 speed all by myself? Just kidding, I can get that far of course...it's determining which of the various flavors it is after that point. I'll put a stick in it and run it through the gears to see if it's a 4 or 5 speed. I should have done this before posting, my bad. While out doing that I'll shoot a pic or two of it also. I would never! Oh, and thanx for the help.....Shirlye.
Rear Suspension and Stub Axles
# of splines, perfect! Thank you John, that's exactly the kind of information I needed. I may have to shoot a pic when I dig out the rear suspension section (it's all assembled still) to help identify it better.
Rear Suspension and Stub Axles
Is there a way to visually tell if the rear suspention parts and stub axles are from a 240Z or 280Z or 280ZX and from an R180 or R200? I have some rear suspension parts that I'm needing to identify.
Any Pics from the Z Con Car Show in SA?
Yes, I was there Tuesday for the car show...here's a link to the pix I took: http://www.pape.ws/gallery/v/Our_Life_Together/Our+Hobbies/Allan_s+Hobbies/240Z+Car/2009+ZCON+-+San+Antonio/
New Oil Pan
If you want a stock Z oil pan I have one for sale, please shoot me an email if you are interested.
Transmission ID Assistance
Really? I can't believe there's been no replies to this...
Windshield Wiper handle
Are you talking about the part that is under the cowl cover? I've got one of those for sale, check out my website for pix and price www.TexasZ.net and shoot me an email if you are interested in it.
Transmission ID Assistance
Ok, I've searched and found some good yet slightly confusing information about identifying your transmission. On the one hand ZHome seems to indicate that I have the B type 4speed as shown here: http://www2.zhome.com:81/ZCMnL/tech/69-83TrannyShifterDrawing.jpg Then on the other hand this page seems to indicate that it could be either the B type 4speed or wide ratio 5speed: http://www.gracieland.org/cars/techtalk/gearing2.html Is there a better, more definitive way to determine which transmission you have since these two sources which are both referenced several times on this site seem to be inconsistent?
Calculating Diff Ratio Using Gear Code Stamp
Perfect, thank you!! That's what I thought, just wanted to confirm.
Calculating Diff Ratio Using Gear Code Stamp
Ok, I know it's on this site somewhere and I've been searching for about 20 minutes and still can not find it! Using the numbers stamped on the ring gear how do you calculate the ratio? Do you just divide the two numbers such as: 39-10 = 3.9 37-11 = 3.36
Can Someone Translate These Cam Specs To Plain English....Please, Please, Please
Thank you for the info, it will help! Yes, the 3.9 R180 is quite rare and it took a while of searching to locate mine. As it turns out it was pulled from the truck when it was only a couple years old because it was totalled and had sat on the shelf in the junk yard ever since. Got a screamin' deal on it too because the guy at the yard didn't think anyone would ever buy it! I had done tons of research a few years back on diffs and tranny ratios and settled on this combination. That's not to say I may not want to change it. As for the seals and bearings, the shops I contacted (even some that are very acquanted with Z cars) none would touch it. Locally all roads dead ended except for the dealership. The other shops didn't want to take it apart and attempt putting it back together again due to the aformentioned tollerances. *shrug*
Can Someone Translate These Cam Specs To Plain English....Please, Please, Please
Jon, There's a 5-speed in the car now though I don't know which one. I have a '77 5-speed and an R180 with 3.9 gears to install. The tranny has already been gone through...I just can't find anyone willing to touch the diff and replace the bearings and seals due to the extrememly tight tollarances Datsun/Nissan has on it...the only place I found was the dealership and we all know how their prices are. This is another story though. I'm going to use triple Mikuni 44s on the engine (already got them from Wolf Creek a while back).
Can Someone Translate These Cam Specs To Plain English....Please, Please, Please
Thank you for the added input Mike. Jon, no I didn't drive it...the head is off the car and is what I'm looking at buying. So I've never driven nor even heard a car run with this head/cam. The seller just said "that is was peaky and made most power above 4000 rpm. When the power came on, it really pulled. It idled rough, like a cammed V8. " Now if this is true I'm not sure that's a good fit, making most of the power above 4k seems pretty high to me. ARGH!
Can Someone Translate These Cam Specs To Plain English....Please, Please, Please
Jon, I've done a bit more research and calling on this and agree it does appear to be the Stage IV Schneider cam from MSA (I can't remember if the seller said it's an Isky or Schneider). Anyhow, I just called MSA and the guy said that he'd really recommend the Stage II instead citing that the Stage IV power band is 3500-7000. This seems pretty darn high to me! Sounds like no power off the line unless you are rev'd up over 3500RPM and then you're likely spinning the tires instead of putting it to the ground. Any experience/input on this? Car use will be to autox, maybe road race (a buddy has been enjoying a track he recently found more than autox so I may give that a shot), and some street use (not a daily driver).
ZCON 2009 Anyone?
Will the classicz group have their own corner to hang out in? It would be cool if that could happen...
Can Someone Translate These Cam Specs To Plain English....Please, Please, Please
Jon, thank you for the info...that helps a lot!! This is exactly the kind of info I was after. Now if I apply that info to a stroker bottom end you'd be in good shape it seems since with this cam you are giving up some torque it's no big deal because the stroker has so torque already.