Everything posted by texasz
2009 International Z Convention-San Antonio, TX
Cool video, wish I could download it.
ZCON 2009 Anyone?
Just curious if anyone on here is planning on going to ZCON in San Antonio at the end of September? http://www.zcon09.com/
REI Wheels?
That fits...they reminded me a lot of the Enki 82 style. I remember in the late '80s I wanted a set of Enki 82 for my Accord I had. Thank you Arne for confirming my suspisions about these wheels.
Can Someone Translate These Cam Specs To Plain English....Please, Please, Please
Medium sized cam being good for top end or low end power? I really don't know much about cams if you can't already tell that.
REI Wheels?
I have a set of wheels with R.E.I. cast in the back so I went searching the web and turned up nothing. Can anyone help identify these wheels?
Can Someone Translate These Cam Specs To Plain English....Please, Please, Please
There's a guy locally selling a ported & polished N42 head with these cam specs: 495 lift with 290 duration I think it was 107 lobe seperation. Only pulled about 9 or 10 inches of vac. at 1000 rpm. Pulled like a bitch in heat after 3000 or so rpm. That head made 191HP to the wheels on a stock bore flat top bottom end with a header and standalone efi. What does this mean in laymans terms?
Datsun Scarab Info
Absolutely!! More information on this would be great especially first hand info.
Massive Pile Of Parts!!!
Ok, I'm ready to publicize the site now....here's a link: http://www.texasz.net/ForSale.htm I've also already posted this in the classified section. Please ONLY contact me via EMAIL for parts!!!
Quick AC Part Question
I'm having a complete blonde moment...what is the part that mounts between the front grill and the radiator called? Condenser?
Part ID Please
WOW, that's a great resource that I've never seen before!! Certainly going to bookmark that one. Thank you!! Thank you for the info and the support document, that's perfect.
Part ID Please
I have three parts that all look the same, one has a label that can be read clearly and it has this information on it: 17011 N4765 A40-000 008 8214 L28 The 8214 is 'stamped' on the label and presumably the serial number, I can only guess that the L28 indicates the part is for the L28 engine. I have Googled the other numbers and come up with nothing. Has hose inlet/outlet so I'm thinking a pump of some kind. I have another part to add here, it's a section of wiring with a part number 27155 E4400 which I was also unable to locate via Google.
EGR vs. Non-EGR Intake
Can someone please school me on this? I'm not up on FI systems and have heard this tossed around...what's the difference? What's the advantage/disadvantage either way? Pix to compare/contrast would be great!
Does anyone have Reddat's Phone #?!!
I'm with most of the others on this as I have said in past threads about this guy...NEVER do business with him.
Massive Pile Of Parts!!!
Not taken negatively at all. There are a couple R200s in there as well as a couple more on the cars (there are 4 cars total I also acquired). In fact that pic was taken even before I had picked up everything...the pile is even larger now that it has all been picked up from the seller's shop. I highly doubt there is an LSD in this group and if I find one I'll likely keep it for my Z. Sorry man. Now if there are two of them.... ME NEITHER!! Yep, that's my plan...if you look at the pic you'll see it's kind of that way already with all the suspension and intakes together, lots of interior parts in the same boxes, etc. I have a lot of work ahead of me though. I've already got some stuff photographed and entered. I am setting up a website that will have a complete list of what I have. I'm doing it this way because I'm a member of at lease 4 Z car forums/websites plus there's always craigslist and I just can not maintain an accurate list in all those places. The site is done and I've started populating it as I've been taking pix and documenting what I have. Probably another week or two before I release the site to the public and really start selling stuff. Income = Money For My Z Project!! So please buy everything I have!
Need Wiper Arms
I have some of these also that I would sell if there are others looking for them. Shoot me a PM after Arne's are gone.
Unknown Misc Parts - What Are They?
Thank you all for the replies...I knew I recognized the top right part, I just couldn't figure out where I had seen it before.
Fuel Tank Differences
Hmmmm....I guess that's possible as there was a 300ZX the guy wanted to include in the sale and I turned him down as I have no use for an empty shell (engine, tranny, and entire rear end were already gone).
Massive Pile Of Parts!!!
Not in this case, many good parts! I'll have to get back to you, I've got more I'm picking up tomorrow then will begin the task of determining what I have, photographing it, pricing it, and posting it for sale.
Massive Pile Of Parts!!!
Holly cow would you look at this pile of parts I have to log, photograph, price, and list for sale!!! This isn't even everything, there's a couple engines, several dors, and 3 cars still...I must be nuts!!! :stupid:
Unknown Misc Parts - What Are They?
Fuel Tank Differences
10 different part numbers!?!? Geeeezzzz!!! I had planned on posting a pic if no answer was received, I just had not been able to take the pic until this evening. Here it is...
Fuel Tank Differences
Good info in that thread thank you. Though it does not address my specific question. I think the fuel tank I have is from a 280ZX and would like some input on what that tank looks like, size, etc. Anything to help identify it.
Fuel Tank Differences
Anyone got pix of the different Z fuel tanks? I have a square-ish one that I think may be out of a 280ZX and would like to confirm this.
Need Upper Grill
I have 2 of these available. Pix of them are located here: http://www.pape.ws/allan_and_rosanne/Hosted-Pix/Front%20Grills/
Long pigtail to short pigtail fuse block?
Not to change the subject...what is a grapefruit alternator? I've not heard that term before.