Everything posted by texasz
Whine on CB radio
From what I recall from when I was in to big car audio if the whine goes up as the RPMs do this is an alternator issue...basically in many cases you have an improper ground loop. This can be resolved by finding a better ground point. The other option is to hit the car stereo store and get a filter for the noise (had to do this in an old Honda back in the late '80s).
Short throw
Yes that's correct.
Crank Scraper - Worth it or not?
Will, it's amazing how life changes... Since I bought the car in '03 I have had two children and a major career change all resulting in far less time and money than I had when I started. No worries though, I am NOT getting rid of the car nor giving up on it...my plans have just been drawn out a bit longer than expected. In short, no I have not got the new engine to put this in and test yet.
Opinion on headers
Interesting info Tom, thank you. From my research I had always found that the 3-2-1 style was best...though you provide a bit more detail (low vs mid vs high end).
#305 on Ebay
Not hardly! #27 just sold what was it 2 years ago I believe...now we have #51 and #305. There have been a couple others over the past few years as well. This is hardly a once in a lifetime occurance. Rare yes, once in a lifetime NO!
#305 on Ebay
I saw this one this morning and knew that it would spark some discussion on here. Carl, I was right in there with your estimated value. $10k is ENTIRELY too high!! This guy's clearly smokin' something!!
So I hear they are making a Speed Racer movie.
Wow, I had not seen the wikipedia info!! Thank you for that link. Why do you say that 52 episodes is a coincidence? For what it's worth I have them ALL on DVD!! :devious: It's not anime like you would think of today nor what you see today. If I were to see it today for the first time I may not like it...though having grown up with it, well you know.
Differential Upgrade
I stand corrected, I had been told previously that it was flipped upside down. Sorry for any confusion.
So I hear they are making a Speed Racer movie.
Arne, no worries of being branded as old...though I do not know your age. Speed Racer was the first Japanimation show to hit the US back in the '60s and there is still a very strong following. If you don't know Speed Racer then you likely will not care that there is a movie. For those who know and liked the cartoon it's kinda cool to see it coming back around in a new incarnation some 40+ years later. There is no way, of course, that is can ever compare with the original...as is usually the case with most things.
BSR valvecover on EBay, wowzers!
All I can say is UNBELIEVEABLE!!
Turbo Carburated?
Did you get is? Got pix and more info?
sandblasting cabinets
Do a quick search on this, a few of us have discussed the Harbor Freight blast cabinets before.
1970 240Z Dilema
Do you still have this? If yes, please tell me more.
Bumper Over Riders for 1970 Z
If you still need the front I have one I'll sell.
Sweet Z Video
Nice imagery, thanx for that. Have you recently read the rules for this forum? I've just been noticing the general language in your posts and am certain it is in violation of this forums rules. As for the video, great!! Anyone know if videos from youtube can be saved to your local computer?
Differential Upgrade
This is the same diff all they did was install it upside down in the front of the trucks. I have one and will be putting it in my Z!
New to the z and will have plenty of ?s
Welcome!! What part of the state ya in?
Welcome!! It's always nice to see someone else in the area (so to speak) with a Z.
So I hear they are making a Speed Racer movie.
This is TOOOO cool, I can't wait!!! I have always loved Speed Racer...as is obvious from previous discussion on this topic.
Z cars need a home
http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/datsun-280z_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ6783QQihZ002QQitem Z120122500883QQrdZ1
New Club DVD!
Hey Will, I'll review what information I have and let you know. This is a great idea!!
Does Such a Z Part Really Exist???
Thanx Arne, I don't know how I missed that thread yesterday. I was thinking the same thing...especially since there have been NO bids on it...I figured that since it was the first time I had seen such a thing (and I frequent eBay and these forums) that it must be rare and that there'd be a ton of bids from the people doing restorations.
Does Such a Z Part Really Exist???
Is this really a Z part??? Spare Fuse Leather Pouch that attaches to the wire's under the dash. After asking around, it appears these were only put on the very early 240Z. Both snap's are intact and work. The stitching is intact and there are no tears.
Tranny ID Help
I have been searching the forums for over an hour now and just do not have the right combination of search terms to locate what I'm looking for. There was a thread a while back that was discussing the differences between the various 5-speed tranny models. In the thread was a pic of two 5-speeds side by side standing up on end (I think that the background was orange) and one was from a '77. It illustrated the difference based upon the mounting ears on the 'nose' of the tranny (one ear vs. two). Does anyone have a link to this thread?
Rally Clock ~ Clocks ~
Count me in! Would of course need the whole assembly to make it run.