Everything posted by texasz
- New Owner
Valve cover differences
What's this one say? I can only read part of it. And here's a whole nother thread on this topic: http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?t=20901
New guy from Canada
The question is what won't you learn here!! This site has some of the most helpful and knowledgable people of any Z car site out there! Welcome Sunroof....NO! Don't cut a hole in your Z's roof...as stated it is just one more place for water to leak in, and it will de-value your classic car. Just get a new headliner.
Valve cover differences
Just came across this link which shows a new valve cover which I have never seen before, the "NISSAN 2000 OHC" http://www1.odn.ne.jp/yooopage/myskyline-engin_cover.html
New to the site
Hi. Alright, I'll say more than that...welcome!! I'm sure you will enjoy being a member here just as the rest of us do.
New to site
Welcom, I believe this to be the best site on the web for early Z owners. It's full of info and helpful members!!
i need bumpers
You should post this in the Classified section, you may get more action on it there.
New 240Z Owner Saying Howdy
Welcome to the best early Z car site on the web. There is a TON of great info here and many wonderful members who are always willing to lend some advice.
New guy in the place
Welcome, make yourself at home. Nice looking series I you have there...I'm looking forward to when mine looks that pretty and shiney!
Reported posts - Wrong Forums
I have reported a few lately too. People just are not paying attention it seems. Some of the ones I reported were from newbies...1, 2, 4, 8 posts showing in their profile...so these people just don't know yet and didn't read before posting.
Valve cover differences
Kinda of a trick question as the lines are quite blurry at times when you are talking about what part came stock on what car with the Z. In short here's what I know: "NISSAN 2400 OHC" came on '69-very early '71 "NISSAN OHC" from '71 to '83 (non-turbo cars) "TURBO" on the '81 - '83 turbo 280ZX "NISSAN" is a JDM item and I do not know the years "BOB SHARP" is a custom item for the Bob Sharp race team "" I have no idea about these
coolest looking spooiler, i think
Just remember that everyone is entitled to their own opinion and everyone's is different...that's why there are so many different air dams out there as well as things like wheels. Just think, if everyone like the same thing then there would only be one style of wheel made worldwide...now how boring would that be!? My opinion, I do like the way it looks in the lower portion, the signals look like crap though. And even though I like part of it, I still would not put it on my car as it's not the look I'm going for.
Variation in Series 1 ashtray covers
Thank you for posting the link, I was just about to until I saw your post. By the way, that is my site and if you would like for me to add any info or credits please let me know.
Variation in Series 1 ashtray covers
Thank you for posting the link, I was just about to until I saw your post. By the way, that is my site and if you would like for me to add any info or credits please let me know.
Selling my car... again
Shipping to AR will not be cheap either...
tripple webbers from an aston martin
I'm curious what you are asking for such a set up?
Valve cover differences
This seems to happen to the two of us rather frequently. Great minds....
Valve cover differences
That is correct! The ONLY difference is the lettering on the top. There are 5 that I have seen and are as follows: "NISSAN OHC" "NISSAN 2400 OHC" "NISSAN 2000 OHC" "NISSAN" "TURBO" "BOB SHARP" "" <---------this one is blank on top, I believe this to be a modification (i.e. ground off letters) Furthermore, if you have the 2400 or NISSAN styles and wish to sell them to me for a fair price I'm always on the lookout for one of these.
Why So Many Project/Parts Zcars For Sale?
ROFL That's funny!! The perfect quote! ROFL
uh yeah...need help
Welcome to the club first off, this is by far the best Z site on the web!! I agree with Arne, please search as this topic has been covered many many times and there's a TON of good detailed information on it available already. Next, please post in the correct forums, this one is not for questions it is for articles which have been written describing how to do something. There are many forums on this site so please take a moment to review them and the information in them (ok, this may take FAR more than a moment depending upon how many threads you choose to read...when I joined a few years back it took me days to review all the archives). Posting in the correct forum will gain you more replies and better ones at that.
To all that knew James Burgess aka "ZmeFly"
Carl, good to see you again...please stick around I have missed your posts. Zmefly, f*** off!!! Do not come back to this or any other site as it's clear that you are just out to take advantage of people and screw them. You should be spending time in jail with a large guy who makes you his bitch then see how you like being screwed.
Missing Tow Hook
Ditto the above info. Do NOT uese the bracket that you are talking about for towing, it WILL come right off as this is not what it's designed for nor is it strong enough for the task. Had you only realized that you needed this a few months ago when I still had my two parts cars I probably could have supplied you with one. Best bet is to hit the junk yards or contact someone with a parts car and get it that way. Just weld it back on, there's no concern about strength since it's only a support bracket for the front grill and lower valance.
Stroker.. Or ???
Here's something else for you to read (just to add to your research): http://geocities.com/zgarage2001/z.html
looking for Z parts call this guy
Oh please tell me he has a website with info and pix!!!!
the one that started it all is up for sale!
Here's the link: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Datsun-240Z-1973-12-second-street-car_W0QQitemZ4615464886QQcategoryZ6187QQrdZ1QQcmdZ ViewItem