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Everything posted by texasz

  1. I'll be trying to pull these this weekend if it stops raining long enough. Just a question on the mustache bar...Is there a way I can get away with pulling it without pulling the whole diff?
  2. texasz replied to catfish_wiskerz's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Hey catfish, sorry for the delay...I found that I have at least one of the kind you are looking for. How many do you need? If you need more than one I'll look through the box that has them over the weekend for more (I have several in a can in the box but happened to find one just sitting on top of the box).
  3. texasz replied to sblake01's post in a topic in Internet Finds
    Just wait guys, they always shoot up at the end.
  4. As items are sold I mark them as such in the original list, so that list is current. If you want something that's not on the list you must ask since there is still a stuff on the car and I could not begin to mention all of it. I can say that the interior is pretty well stripped out except for what is listed, there is no glass available, the doors and fenders are rusty so they are worthless.
  5. Very nice idea!! I may be interested in this down the road a bit (a headlight upgrade has been in the back of my mind since I got the car)...but would also require the installation instructions. If you have the instructions available now I'd really like to review them, can I get a copy?
  6. Please forgive my ignorance but what is the purpose of these? What will they do for me? What am I replacing by using this? etc...etc...etc..
  7. texasz replied to sblake01's post in a topic in Internet Finds
    Right...mostly. The '81-'84 Maxima is what the LD28 was in. I just went back through some of my notes to find this info. I could swear that some of the late 810s came with the LD28 but I must have been mistaken.
  8. texasz replied to catfish_wiskerz's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    You're looking for the front one right (the one that's angled)? I'm almost positive I have several of those style in my spare parts. Will check tonight.
  9. texasz replied to GregP's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    I would have thought so too but I do recall a package that came from her reeking of smoke so if she is a smoker that may have affected the sound of her voice. Looks that way. Very sad. Maybe if she's no longer interested she would at least be willing to do a brain dump and share all of her sources and other info with us so we can still get parts like she used to do for us.
  10. texasz replied to keiths71240Z's post in a topic in Interior
    Are you going to be asking $494.99 for this item?
  11. texasz replied to sblake01's post in a topic in Internet Finds
    Incase anyone wanted to know this car has a gas engine, not a desiel. I emailed the seller yesterday asking about this.
  12. texasz replied to catfish_wiskerz's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Will try and look tonight...my wife works several evenings a week plus weekends so I get to play with out 4mo old...makes Z work difficult. Sorry for the delay.
  13. texasz replied to GregP's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Well check out this person's profile!! They are in Kansas!!! http://www.thecatsite.com/forums/member.php?u=8705 Plus they signed that one post as Chloe! It's GOT to be her. Note in the profile she's a new member of that site, just registered on 8/13/2004 and last activity was on 9/24/2004 She listed herself as self employeed....with no more customers at this point.
  14. I have seen a Z recently where someone just took some angle iron and bolted it to the remains of the seat mount then drilled holes for the seat to attach. This was the owner's way to "fix" the fact that the holes were ripped/torn out. Talk about cheap...but it's doing the trick I suppose...just as long as he's not in a bad accident with it as it may or may not withstand that kind of force.
  15. You know that shipping will be a killer since these items will be coming from the US. I have not shipped anything to Oz so I'll have to look into it for you. It sounds like you need these parts very quickly so I'm not sure that I'll be your best source as it may take me a bit to get them removed and prepared for shipping.
  16. texasz replied to Dans240z's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    You'll be looking at $600 on up depending on where it's coming from, who you choose to ship it, and if you want it on an open carrier or an enclosed one. I got a price of around $600 from Cali to Texas on an open carrier, and this was one of the lower bids I got.
  17. texasz replied to catfish_wiskerz's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    I have several of these. Can you post a pic of your's so I know what to look for? I have a couple different styles and you will want one that matches what you already have.
  18. texasz replied to keiths71240Z's post in a topic in Interior
    Did you have him make you a mold and then make you a new pannel? If so you should have him make a few more and sell them on eBay yourself.
  19. Very cool!! I was really hoping to win it myself. How is the car? I had heard later that it wasn't really in very good of condition. Let's take this conversation to PM or email so as not to derail my parts sale thread please.
  20. Yes, I do have these items. I went and shot them with PB Blaster this evening to make removal easier. Please shoot me a PM letting me know how quickly you need them and what kind of price you had in mind.
  21. texasz replied to catfish_wiskerz's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    As everyone else has said...WELCOME!! On another VERY long thread it was mentioned that you may know of a company that is/was based in your area called MidwestZ. If you happen to know anything of them please let us know.
  22. mperdue2, is that plow your next aftermarket part for your Z car? :stupid:
  23. I have a brake booster from my '73 parts car if that will work for you. Please let me know if you are interested via PM.
  24. texasz replied to TTDRIVER's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    That's a good point...I have been watching for the return of the Downloads and Links sections of this site. Does anyone know anything about this?
  25. Any idea when or where!?

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