Everything posted by texasz
adjust timing
Sorry about hijacking your post, I had not expected it to take on a life of it's own. I originally only asked about just cleaning my plugs, echoing the question from the post above mine.
adjust timing
bambikiller240 Yes, I am just getting into this issue with the car. I have not even owned it for 4 weeks yet and find new things all the time that need attention. I will work with the plugs this weekend. Don't sweat all the questions, they had to be asked. sjcurtis The engine may well be heading that way. Doesn't bother me too much as I have an L28 in my garage that will replace it but it needs to be worked on first. I realize that these are all temporary solutions to a bigger problem. That's really all I was looking for until I can get the L28 ready and put in. I was planning on this even before I found my Z but was hoping that I would get one that ran good enough to where I would not be rushed to get the engine ready (I know nothing about this and will be learning along the way so this will go slower than what many of you can do). beandip Ok, so I just tried driving it and decided that I didn't have the time to mess with it as I really just needed to get to work. Anyhow, there was no blue smoke when it started nor while I had it running. While sitting at a and warming the engine I reved it a few times and did notice some smoke from the exhaust but by the time it got up to the driver's door where I saw it I could not tell the color (it was not very noticable). I have no clue how many miles are on the engine. It does have the appearance of having been rebuilt at some time or another (it's really pretty clean and the paint on the block is in good shape). What I can tell you is that the odometer reads 59xxx which is likely to reall be 159xxx or 259xxx or maybe even more. I think I covered it all. Thank you all for the help, I'll post after I review the plugs and compression with what I find.
adjust timing
Whoa, whoa, whoa....let me catch up with you... :cross-eye I have not pulled them yet, I will this weekend. I had someone come out and look at the car Tues. night and he helped me get it more in tune so now it idles without stalling. He told me that I have some blow-by and that it's probably a ring that's not seated properly. What's going on is the hose that comes off the valve cover empties into the air filter. There is some oil that has accumulated in there and due to how this is angled it messes with the rear carb. With this hose pulled off the car runs MUCH better, however then the oil just lands on other parts of the car (I'm going to get a valve cover breather, one of those little filters to help this). It doesn't seem to be real bad but I won't be out racing the car like this or anything. I have not checked compression, I will do that this weekend also. I do not have the a leak down tester, I have a compressor just not the tester so I can not do this test. I wish I could because I would really like to do one. The guy that was helping me is a mobile mechanic that my family has used for many years. He said that it is likely that the plugs are fouled due to the blow-by. This may have also been an idea that he thought about while we were test driving it as it did seem to miss on hard acceleration sometimes. Whew!! I think that I cover it all...for now at least.
adjust timing
Well, I have some blow by and I'm sure that it's fowling plugs and instead of replacing the constantly I was thinking that I could just clean them up every couple weeks or so. I will not be driving the car much, probably once a week or so. Then when this problem is fixed I would replace the plugs. This is what I was thinking any how, maybe this is a bad route to go. I don't know.
adjust timing
What, no replies? I'm sure that this is a stupid question but I just would not want to use the wrong thing and mess something up. The weekend is approaching and I would like to buy the stuff beforehand.
parting 240Z
I guess your first statement was what got us asking... I agree! This is why everyone has been asking about parts, you advertised it as as such. You even started to part it out selling parts to other people. Would have been nice to have corrected and updated everyone instead of just ignoring us all. Oh well, thanx for getting back to us. We'll all just have to find parts elsewhere now.
I Thought All 240Z's had a Single Key
Sell my keys!?!?!? Then I'd have to hot wire my own car everytime I wanted to drive it! No way!! ROFL
colour ideas photoshopped
Fade + Flames... Same feeling as previously...like it kinda but would never do it. SERIOUSLY... I do like the blue and am seriously considering it. My wife first said red and I liked the idea but then we talked again and both thought that blue was better. Strange how we think alike without having discussed it.
I Thought All 240Z's had a Single Key
Ok, here's the scan of my keys. The one that says Nissan, the oval shaped one, is for the ignition. The other must be for all the other locks (I have not really used it yet as I have never locked the car. I figure if someone is going to steal it they are going to steal it, at least this way they will not have to break any glass or locks etc to get in.
colour ideas photoshopped
Just for fun??? Please don't shoot me but I kinda like it! I think that I'll do mine like that...ok, not really. I do like it a little but would NEVER paint any car like that. As a side note, could you imagine how much a paint job like that would cost! And damn if you have any kind of accident and have to try and match the paint!!
I Thought All 240Z's had a Single Key
The keys on eBay look the same as the ones I have for my Z. I own an early '71 (production date of 8/70) so yes, the very early Z cars did use these keys. I can post a pic of my keys when I get home tonight if that will help any.
adjust timing
What do you use to clean the spark plugs? I need to do mine.
Dashboard Changes on 240Z
I know that there were changes to the dashboard over the years that the 240Z was made. Did any of those changes involve in ANY way the glovebox? I need to know so that I know what years I can take the 'box' part of the glovebox from to replace mine.
'70-71 240Z Glovebox
I need the inside of the glovebox for my 240Z, I have a VERY early '71. If other year models work that's fine, but I need the actual 'box' of the glovebox. This seems to be some type of paper/cardboard material and mine is trashed. Used and cheap is good as long as it is intact, new is ok too but I have not found anywhere that has them. ANY HELP WOULD BE GREAT!!
L24 enough?
My intent is to put the following set up into my 240Z: L28 engine F54 block with flat top pistons P90 head Carbs (most likely round top SUs) '77 5-speed tranny R180 3.9 diff From the research I have done this seems to be the best route to go without really getting into some work and money (i.e. V8, turbo, EFI, etc).
colour ideas photoshopped
I like it, great color! I also wish I knew where this car was, it has Texas plates...I'd love to see it in person.
Funny Story!!!
As some of you may remember I found my Z by just driving by it and leaving a note on the window asking if they wanted to sell. Well this worked out quite well for me as it has been now sitting in front of my house for about three weeks. I cam home last night to see a note on the window and thought that maybe someone was complaining about it being parked in the street. Upon looking at the note it was someone with the same idea as me! He just happened to drive by it and left a note asking if I wanted to sell. I just spoke with him and he's a wonderful Z enthusiast (sp?) who has owned three Zs in the past. He's not actively searching but if one comes up he is prepared to jump on it. So he is looking for a '70 (and ONLY a '70) model in Texas. If anyone has one or sees one for sale let me know and I'll pass the info on to him. It is not my place to publish his email and phone number on the web so just let me know and I'll contact him. Thanx!! I just thought that this was quite funny, I wonder how many others have done this.
1971 240Z parts
How much would you want for the outside door handles and the in-door mechasims attached to them all the way up to the inside door handle? Does the hatch strut hold the hatch open? If so how much would you want for that?
parting 240Z
Well, since I never got a reply to my PM on 6-11 I'll just post my needs/questions here for you. How much would you want for the outside door handles and the in-door mechasims attached to them all the way up to the inside door handle? Does the hatch strut hold the hatch open? If so how much would you want for that?
I need computer help big time!!!
I agree!! Ad-Ware is the thing you need to resolve this. aaw.zip
Parts and car for sale!
Check your PM...
Parts and car for sale!
What were the carbs you replaced with the DGVs (round tops or the original crappy flat tops)?
Does anyone have an A/C unit that blows COLD in an early Z?
landmizzle, Please post a link to the information, it does sound interesting and many others may be interested in it (I know I may be).
What tranny do I have?
The question here isn't what is stock nor what could be in the car, it is how do we identify what is in the car (i.e. casting codes, etc). [EDIT] Sorry if this seems harsh. Stress and having dealt with too many incompetent people lately has shortened my tolerance a bit and overall made me a little frustrated. I'm certainly not talking about anyone here, it's people at work. Like mperdue politely says below, I should have just kept my mouth shut and waited to hear from other people. :disappoin My bad, please ignore my above statement.
What tranny do I have?
Good question! I'd like to figure out which tranny and diff are in my car too.