Everything posted by texasz
Austin, Texas area Junk yards with 280z's (or 240 or 260)
What did you end up finding?
(7) Datsuns looking for a home
I've been gone for a while and just went to check this out. Looks like the auction was completely pulled as the links do not open the auction page. I would have liked to see what he had to say...
Capital Z of Texas Show Pix!
No, I do not know about the spoiler or wheels; sorry.
Mikuni 50mm carbs for 240z
Sorry to hear that from your side of the transaction, though glad for the buyer...in a way. People constantly pay WAY too much for things on eBay as has been discussed on this site several times. Part of me hates to see someone get taken though at the same time he is the one who placed the bid and nobody forced him to do so...therefore it's all on him. As for the link, Wolf Creek is not my company...just where I got my Mikuni carbs from. Todd, the owner, is a great guy to work with when buying carbs due to his knowledge, experience, and customer service. Best of luck selling your set. With any luck someone will buy them for Christmas and you will have a little jingle in your pocket for the holiday! :laugh:
Rare F54 Turbo Engine Going Cheap.....
That's a good price, about what I have paid for mine. Too bad it's not closer or I'd consider it myself.
Capital Z of Texas Show Pix!
For anyone interested here's a link to the pix I took at the recent local Z car show. I love the first car!!! It's an RB swap and is very well done. http://www.pape.ws/gallery/2006_Capital_Z_of_Texas_Car_Show
Top End Performance triangulated rear strut bar...
I have to agree about the pop-ups on PDK, it makes navigating the site VERY painful. Please pass on that they really MUST change providers and eliminate this issue. And just what was that 'old racer trick' you used? Pix and description please...
Mikuni 50mm carbs for 240z
New may not necessarily be better. I know that these have been out of production for a while and as such if it's really new and has never been rebuild nor used it's likely that it may need a rebuild kit any how. If it has been used it may certainly need rebuilt due to gas residue et al. On the other hand it may be perfectly fine. The company I was talking about is http://www.wolfcreekracing.com for anyone who is interested. Todd, the owner, is a great guy and very easy to work with!!
Headlight Upgrade Harness's For Sale (again!)
Weren't you also working on a dash light harness using LEDs? What happened to that?
I have a lot of 240Z parts
Would love the fiberglass hood and fenders though the timing is very bad. What is the condition of the license plate light? Those are 4-screw SUs guys, I know someone wants them!
Mikuni 50mm carbs for 240z
Certainly over priced too, just so you are aware these can be had from a very reputable race shop fully rebuilt, polished and looking like brand new for under $2k including shipping. I got my set about 1.5 years ago from him and know....and they are beautiful!!
Buy Spicer brand u-joints this time and you should avoid this from happening again.
8mm rod bolts and racing
Yes, plan B would be alright...though I would still look for plan A if you have a little time.
Found a 240 in the junk yard!!
Nice find! What is the build date?
e88 and n42
Check out ZGarage at http://www.geocities.com/zgarage2001/engine.html
1975 RHD gnose Fairlady basketcase
The carbs are easy to come my, just contact Todd at Wolfcreek Racing. Fell free to tell him that I sent you, I got my set from him and more recently sold him a set to rebuild. Now the wheels are a bit more difficult...
Pulling engine
Here's yet another idea... on one of my parts cars I had already sold the head and then needed to pull the rest of the engine and tranny out so.... I took a tow chain and threaded it through the slot in the motor mounts around under the block through the slot on the other motor mount back up to the top of the block where I attached both sides of the chain to the engine hoist and out it all came with ease. If that does not make sense please let me know and I'll get a pic and illustrate what I'm talking about.
Driving techniques
Consider the alternatives! What would an accident cost you?
Commandeered from ZCAR.COM...Muuhaaaha
I was unable to figure out how to tell it that I had parked. I was in the spot, centered, not touching anything yet the clock kept running....
Driving techniques
I think not Gary. This IS a driving technique, there's no question about that and thus is on topic for this thread. Furthermore, the originator of this thread even said that he was glad I asked because this is something he has always wondered about himself...so there was certainly no hi-jacking happening there. For those that explained this technique in detail thank you. I have heard of people including racers using this technique for years and never really understood the purpose or just how to do it. Seem like something that I will have no need to employ in the driving of my Z. Though another technique that was just mentioned is of interest to me. Dave, please tell me more about this 'Scandinavian flick' as I will be autoxing my Z and feel as though this would be very useful.
#247 Up For Sale
Given the VIN and it's apearant condition the asking price is MORE than fair!!
Driving techniques
Hey, on this topic can someone please explain 'double clutching' to me?
Sourcing new 3.90 R200 VLSD...any suggestions?
Jon, I am not looking to learn the details of how an LSD works...just looking for one for my Z in an R180 3.9 configuration.
3:9 or 4:11 ??????
Here's a little tool that you should play with to give you an idea of what would be best also: http://www.geocities.com/z_design_studio/
Sourcing new 3.90 R200 VLSD...any suggestions?
Here's the link I was looking for the other day. These are the diffs that I am aware of and why I was asking my previous question. http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=1568&perpage=15&pagenumber=2 I've got one of those R180 3.9 units that will be going into my car and if I can get an LSD R180 3.9 that would be even better!!