Everything posted by texasz
Z's on BAT and other places collection
You have nice flowers though.
Ordered from ZStory lately?
That is interesting Alan, I truly thought that he made them based upon all discussions and information I had. Thank you for the info.
Ordered from ZStory lately?
He has been VERY busy as we come out of the pandemic. He's been backed up on orders and working hard to get them built and shipped. We did a group buy last year, summer or fall (I do not remember) and it recently arrived in town just a few weeks ago. That delay was caused by MANY factors such as supply chain delays, illness, other orders in front of ours, shipping delays, and so on. Be patient with him, he will get you taken care of. And remember that he is likely out building systems rather than sitting at his computer answering emails and texts...and I'll bet he's been getting a lot of them from people wondering where their parts are. He's a stand up guy. 🙂 Hope that info helps a little bit.
Recommend Car Tarp or Cover
I absolutely 1000% agree with @26th-Z!!! Do NOT do that, you will not like the results.
Useful new repair panels on offer from KF Vintage JDM
They have much more, some of which may still not show on their website. One I saw pix of recently is the part of the firewall where the brake booster, clutch master cylinder, and steering column all come through...beautiful piece!
Z's on BAT and other places collection
Exactly what they are, it's in the description though not quite as clear ("and a front tow bar").
Let’s talk about gasoline
Use the Z engine calculator to compute your compression ratio if you really want to know it.
What’s a 240Z shell worth?
Please post pix and build date as S30Driver also requested.
15 Years
I've said it before and I'll say it again, this is by far the best Z group on the internet!!
15 Years
280z Door Lock Cylinder Clip Seat
JB Weld also makes a putty that may work for this situation.
Can you use 79-83 280zx pistons in a 75 280z?
Welcome to the group @Gorp. I'm in the Austin area also. There's a local club you may want to check out if you have not already, Capitol Z of Texas.
Headlight cover install for cheaters
Very nice write up @xs10shl. I'll attempt to remember where I saw this post when I get to this point on my Z.
Which electrical tape do you prefer for wiring harness repair/maintenance?
My issue with electrical tape is the same as what @pogden mentioned, over time it becomes a sticky mess. Use the non-adhesive stuff.
Series 1 Ziebarted Doors
@S30Driver, sent you a PM.
Door panel clear washers for Series 1
Anyone have experience or opinions on this set? https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07DPSDQMD?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2_dt_b_product_details I just bought these about a week ago.
What is painted body color?
That's very interesting, thank you for the pix!!!
Body harness tabs
Many items are made to order so just reach out and make your request/purchase.
What is painted body color?
Have you also got pix of those areas?
Valve cover series 1
You could also toss it in a hydroblasting cabinet and clean it up that way. There's a guy in this area who has done that with good results (they really do look nice when he's done). He's just using a homemade hydroblasting cabinet, there are plenty of guides on the internet to build one.
Z's on BAT and other places collection
If it works like other auctions I've seen my understanding is that RW1968 placed a bid of $100,000 (or something close since I do not know the bid increments for this site) at some point before 01/20/2022 @ 6pm. Then someone came along and placed a bid of $65,000 on 01/20/2022 @ 6pm and was immediately outbid by RW1968 since his bid was higher, this happened again and again until RolenMiller came along and placed a bid on 01/23/2022 @ 9:33am that was finally more than RW1968's maximum bid thus now being the high bidder.
VIN issues
Here are a few places that popped up with a Google search. https://www.zeddsaver.com/collections/datsun-z-car-id-plates http://www.zzxdatsun.com/catDecals.php https://www.datsunpartz.com/search/vin-plate?cookies_currency=USD¤cy=USD&dss=true&price_max=3000&price_min=&search=vin+plate&sort=name https://www.datsunspares.com/en/spare-parts/itemlist/category/3-datsun-body-plates
1972 240z Tool box edge trim.
That is for a series 1 car and he has a 1972 (series 2). @jackmau, if you cannot find someone making this perhaps a piece of rubber or weather striping will do the trick.
Z's on BAT and other places collection
Pix? 🙂
Choosing a 5 Speed and Diff Combination
In the thread I posted the link to read the first section (just down to the first set of screen shots) of post #11 and pay special attention to Zed Head's post that I quoted. This is where he describes the over all drive ratio for 1st gear and the impact that has on acceleration. The lower the number the slower the acceleration, the higher the number the faster the acceleration...so depending upon the type of driving you will be doing, the type of driver you are (i.e. how you want your ride to "feel") will start to guide you to what is the right combination for you. I hope this helps answer your question.