Everything posted by texasz
Going to electric pump
It is possible to have both electric and mechanical fuel pumps on a 240Z. There is even wiring already in place for the electric pump in the rear near the fuel pick up/sending unit. My 240Z had both when I bought it. I'm making several updates to things and replacing many old items including the electric fuel pump (the one that was there was not wired using the stock wiring and what was run was attached with a twist and some electrical tape...can you say fire hazard!). To select your electric fuel pump there are some threads on here that discuss different pumps...the largest complaint seems to be that some are loud. To help with the noise, no matter what one you get, use rubber isolators when mounting. 😉
Which Clutch Slave Cylinder To Buy?
I thought that this had been discussed yet I could not find the thread via search. I have a series 1 car (1970 240Z) with a 5 speed. I'm replacing the clutch slave cylinder and wanted to ask which one I should buy? There is the manually adjustable one which appears to be for the 1970-1972 and has a hole for the return spring then there is the non-adjustable one without the hole for the return spring which appears to be for 1973-1983. These are available from MANY sources so I'd also be interested in which you have had good or bad experiences with so I can further narrow down the one to buy.
Fiberglass glove box
I am not sure about a fiberglass one though these are out there... Aluminum ($109-129): https://skillard.com/product/datsun-240z-aluminum-glove-box/ ($95-115): https://bhjautomotive.com/shop/interior/240z-aluminum-glove-box/ Paper/cardboard (like stock) ($30): https://www.thezstore.com/page/TZS/PROD/40-3351 ($50): https://zcarsource.com/glove-box-compartment-240z-70-73-new/ ($40): https://zcardepot.com/products/glove-box-liner-240z-1970-73 ($30): https://www.datsun-garage.com//collections/datsun-240z-260z-280z-s30-interior/products/glove-box-1970-73-240z ($45): https://jdm-car-parts.com/products/glove-box-inner-for-datsun-240z?variant=774861081 There may be some others out there. I'm not sure what you are shooting for though for $40-$50 for the stock type that may be a good enough solution for you.
Repair panel
Taking a closer look at your picture I think you need more than one piece. The lower area is available from more than one place, check Klassic Fab as I've been hearing good things about them lately, I also just saw that part here https://resurrectedclassics.com/collections/sheet-metal/products/datsun-240z-rear-taillight-body-panel as a result of reading another thread on here and following a link. The upper piece is also available and again I'd check with Klassic Fab first.
Repair panel
It sticks in my mind that Klassic Fab may have that. If you do not see it on the website reach out to him and ask, there are new parts in development and coming available...he's been hard at work this past year or so. 🙂 https://kfvintagejdm.com/product-category/datsun/
Floor pans
One additional thought...if I recall correctly the floor pans that MSA sells are from Zedd Findings (please correct me if I am wrong or if this has changed).
Floor pans
Oh wow that's a blast from the past! I had completely forgotten about showcars. Yes these are two different companies and different people. Showcars as I recall offers a variety of fiberglass kits/pieces for the Z, I've honestly not heard that name in over a decade and am not even sure if they are still around...though from what grannyknot says above perhaps they do still exist.
Floor pans
Zedd Findings = company name Charlie = owner founder, he's the man datsunzparts.com = the internet domain (aka website) for Zedd Findings...it is not terribly uncommon to find a company with a URL that does not match their company name Charlie has been doing this a long time and is quite reliable.
Differences between Transmission Crossmembers
Yes I'm looking for the early one, no bushings on it at all, and the bolts that attach it are vertical. As you mentioned, there is a picture of it in my post quoted from someone else though you do have to click expand to see it. I hope this clarifies what I'm looking for, if not please do not hesitate to ask me more questions. 🙂
Differences between Transmission Crossmembers
That one is a different style.
Broken Expansion Tank
Another option is to just get rid of the vapor tank. http://www.zhome.com/Racing/FuelTankVaporLineMod/FuelTankVaporMod.htm
Differences between Transmission Crossmembers
Ok, now I'm looking for one of these also. Please let me know if you have one.
Seat breather holes?
I wish I could remember why this it is stuck in the back of my brain that there was something with the early cars vs later ones and having/not having vents. Maybe just poor memory.
Seat breather holes?
I was just looking at HLS30-08215 and it does not have the vents in the seats. It sticks in my mind that the early cars did not have them. Can someone help elaborate on this? @Carl Beck @KatZ @HS30-H or others, maybe one of you have details.
air cleaner housing connections
Same reason, you can have air in the master cylinder that gets 'stuck' in there rather than passing into the lines and ultimately to the corners of the car. I ran into this with in replaced all my brake components a few months back. After bleeding the master cylinder I was able to get enough pressure to then bleed the corners and all was good.
- Muffler
air cleaner housing connections
These are good points about the master cylinder. What brake booster and master cylinder do you have in the car?
air cleaner housing connections
The filter and cover do not just slide straight down and over the backing place. You have to put the filter in the cover then carefully work it on at an angle...lean the top towards the passenger side to get it past the airhorns then straighten it out and secure using the long wing bolts. It is already a very tight fit so your second gasket may be just a tad bit too much depending upon how thick they are. Edit: Removal is the reverse of the above in case anyone else reading this asks. 🙂
Z's on BAT and other places collection
I believe that the Mustang you reference was sold as a 1964.5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ford_Mustang_(first_generation)
Z's on BAT and other places collection
Maybe it's just in 4th gear.
Exhaust Design & Maintaining Scavenging Performance
Not exactly. I've talked with him about this and he does not do anything that directly fits the MSA headers out of the box, it will require a small bit of pipe and fabrication to mate the two systems. It did not sound like very much, and knows of others who have mated the two systems so it can certainly be done.
Cleaning drains
Yes, that is correct.
undercarriage color
We were installing the fuel tank this morning and I noticed some stuff peeling off of the under side of the car in the VERY rear. While most of the under side does have body paint this area seems to have some kind of coating over the orange paint and that is what is flaking off. See pix. The fuel tank is back in the car now so I no longer have access to this area, hope these pix help.
Restoring and prepping hardware for plating - the "easy" way
Nope, the filters nor the expand/collapse functionality is available. I do no think that is a huge issue though since the sections are expanded we can see everything and I believe that if some one were to save a copy then they could make use of the filters and expand/collapse functions (I did not test this though).
Z's on BAT and other places collection
I don't see when this ad was posted. I know I've seen this one listed for sale before though.