Everything posted by texasz
Exterior Rear
- Exterior Driver's Side
Exterior Front
Hood has a little ding in the front center. It appears to have been replaced as it is not oxidized the same as the rest of the car, then again maybe it was just repainted for some reason.
Exaust System & Cat Converter
The previous owner took it for the inspection. He took it to an Exxon station near Lamar and Braker somewhere. I did consider taking it somewhere else but will give them one more try since I now have the information needed about the cat converter. I bought the bulbs for the license plate this morning on my way to work and am hoping that it was only the bulbs. Then I will begin looking at the hi/low beam indicator. I may change my mind and take it somewhere else any how.
Removing Door Panels
I need to remove the door panels from my '71 and do not want to damage them. What do you guys use; the specail tool that can be purchased, just a screwdriver, or what?
Thanx 2many!!! This is the car I ended up buying! :classic:
Header or No Header?
PrOxLaMuS©, it does have a header! And I now own the car too! :classic:
Stalls at Idle
Ok, my new Z does not like to idle and I suspect that the carbs may not be adjusted quite right. Is this an easy thing to adjust or must you be a carb expert? I have a mostly '71 with round tops and a header (the only non-stock part I know of).
2.25" or 2.5"?
So if you go with a pipe that is too big you will loose power on the low end? So it sounds like 2.25 is the best size to go with unless you have a fairly modified engine.
It's Official, I'm a 240Z Owner!!!!
After many months of daily searching I now own one! First I'd like to thank everyone who helped in one way or another during my search! The end to a long journey! I will post pix to my gallery later this week. She ain't much to look at right now but she will be when I'm done with her! OH!! It's an early '71 (8/70 production date) 240Z, VIN HLS30-08215 So here's the story. I was on my way to a wedding on 5/10 and saw a Z in front of an office building but was in a hurry and did not have time to stop. On my way home I noticed that it was still there so I stopped to try and talk to the owner to see if it was for sale. The office was locked up and there was nobody around. I decided to leave a note on the windshield asking if the car was for sale or if they would consider selling it. After one full week went by with no call I figured that they did not want to sell...no big deal, it was worth a shot. Two full weeks had now passed and the owner called to tell me that the car was for sale. Great news! I asked a few questions about it and then asked about the price. They wanted $3500, to which I replied that it was out of my budget but thank you for calling me. She talked with her husband (it was his car but he did not speak much English) and then said that he would sell it for $2500. For those of you who had seem my post know that this was still too much for me and I again explained and thanked her. She talked with her husband again then came back and asked when I wanted to see it. I figured what the heck and made arrangements to look at it two days later. After a test drive and inspection I took my list of my findings and told them that I'd have to look into the cost of repairs and call them back. After adding up the parts needed (no labor) there was no way I could even pay $2k for the car so I called to inform them and thank them for their time. She explained that she really wanted to see me get the car as she could tell that I would take care of it and the other person interested in it would only destroy it over time. I told her that the most I could give was $1500 and she talked with her husband and he said he'd let it go for $1800 to me. A tempting offer but staring at the list of repairs totaling over $1400 in parts alone I just couldn't do it (only a few of the repairs are needed immediately). I stood firm on my offer. Over the next week we went back and forth over the price and I finally agreed to buy it for $1800 ONLY if they got it inspected and it passed. They agreed. Today I got the results...it failed! Reasons were due to the license plate light not working, the hi/low beam indicator not working, and the cat converter missing. Armed with this I renegotiated the price to $1500 expecting to have to do some exhaust work and took the car home. After sever replies to my post I now have found out that this car is not supposed to have a cat converter so all I have to do is fix the lights and take proof of the car not needing a cat converter back to the inspection place. :classic:
in desperate need of a 240 rolling car
The one for $800 has no engine and I do not think that it has a tranny. The one for $400 has no engine but does have the auto tranny in it still (this one the seller claims to be completely rust free); this guy has no title for the car though.
Exaust System & Cat Converter
I just got home and have put your advice to work. I pulled out my Chilton's book and sure enough it states that "All 1975 and later (California) models, some 1979 (49 States) models and all 1980 and later models, are equipped with a catalytic converter, which is a muffler-shaped device installed in the exhaust system." I will make sure that this book goes back with the car when taken back for a re-inspection. THANK YOU!!!! :classic:
Exaust System & Cat Converter
Nothing on TxDOT about inspections, this info is on the DPS site. However, I did not see anything that made reference to this. What I was really asking is where is it documented that the '71 240Z was not manufactured with a cat converter. This way when the car is taken back to the inspection station this can be shown to them so the car will pass. I'm expecting to have to prove it since they already failed the car once partly for this reason. The other reasons it failed was that the license plate light was not working (probably a burned out bulb) and the hi/low beam indicator was not working either. These are the only three things they marked against it.
Hi/Low Beam Indicator
In an early '71 (8/70 production date) 240Z where is the Hi/Low Beam indicator? How hard is it to replace the blub? Is there a fuse that runs only this indicator? The car failed inspection partly due to this not working and I'm figuring it is a burned out bulb.
Exaust System & Cat Converter
Where is this info documented so that I can show this when it goes back for it's inspection?
Exaust System & Cat Converter
Does anyone in Texas, Austin specifilcally, know if a cat converter is required on a '71 240Z for it to pass inspection? I'm looking at buying one that failed inspection because it is missing the cat converter.
oil leak question
I would tend to agree with you presure statement. It would help to know where the oil is leaking from to narrow down the possible causes.
Battery hold down
You could always try a bungie chord. I had an old Honda that I autoxed and having a bungie holding the battery in place it still passed tech inspection for autox. Super easy and cheap way to go but not really the best solution...just an idea.
in desperate need of a 240 rolling car
I'm not sure about the weight of the sunroof. There are two cars I had in mind for you. One in Austin with sunroof, the guy was asking $800 and another in Houston which has not been on the road since at least 1989 for $400 (it's an automatic). If you are interested I can dig up their contact info for you. Just shoot me a PM or email.
in desperate need of a 240 rolling car
How much do you have to spend and how far are you willing to go? Is a sunroof a problem?
FOR SALE w/ pics.
Will that intake fit on a P90 head?
Help!!! I want to go from an auto to manual...
The deal on this car fell through. The seller did not have the title nor had he ever. The owner before him MAY have been the titled owner, but I do not know. After looking into this I decided that what was best for me was to have the current owner obtain the title. However, he must not want to get rid of the car that badly as he pretty much said that he had no time to do this and would just donate the car to charity. The joke is on him though, to my knowledge nobody will take a car without a title. So I'm sorry that I will not have any parts to pass on. But you may ask this guy, I bought the engine about a month ago and while I was there they pulled the auto tranny off it as I did not want it and had no need for it. He may still have the tranny and sell you the parts. I know that he was in need of the money do continue his V8 conversion.
Not bad, but........
Has anyone even noticed that it is up over $7000 already!!!!!!!
Good NGKs Cheap?
Is BP6ES the part/model number for the NGK plugs or what?
Header or No Header?
These are some of the things I was trying to do, compare what I remembered seeing on the car to what I saw on yours Ernie, and also the pic in the MSA catalog. I'm pretty sure that it had a header. If all goes well I will be buying it this weekend! I have put a couple conditions on the sale that the seller must meet first (i.e. car must pass inspection as it expired in Feb and he has been driving it anyhow).