Everything posted by monster875
damn such a nice car, for such low price... u're damn lucky dude. can't wait to see the new engine
Nissan L24 engine block dimensions
well, i took the Forza 4 model (Datsun 432Z) and changed it's interior and body components to the 240Z's. but i'm actually doing it completely 3D for GTA IV (i know, completely 3D for a bad optimized game isn't good, but my car is very light in MB and doesn't make the game lag at all considered the amount of polys). but the problem is that the engine itself is kinda... very inaccurate, so there's my problem is. most of the other stuff is accurate enough. i just hope if anyone on this site could give me those dimensions so i could do a perfect engine instead of guessing if it's accurate enough :/
Nissan L24 engine block dimensions
hey guys. any of u who can post the exact size of everything on the L24 engine block? i wanna recreate the block in Inventor (a 3d software), and it uses both inches and mm (i'm using mm's btw). so i'd be very plaesed if u guys could give me the dimension on it
original 1970 240Z rim
i love those Ansen Sprint rims they're georgeus on the Z. but i like cars all stock.
original 1970 240Z rim
wow, lots of good info here well, i now know u guys can help out very quickly. Escanlon: as i know, then it's the 72+ hubcap that has the "Z" in it
original 1970 240Z rim
ahh tnx guys u saved me for alot of research
original 1970 240Z rim
so there's simply no original ones except the steel one?
original 1970 240Z rim
ey guys. i've been looking at google for some time for the original 1970 240Z rim, but i keep seeing different ones. so can u guys tell me and show me the original rims there's used on the 1970 240Z?
Yuasa battery
i thought there was alot more than just that :S sry motorman7, didn't see ur post. but well, the 2nd pic u posted is of another Yuasa battery
Yuasa battery
tnx any where i can find out the text there's written on the battery?
Yuasa battery
sry if this is posted in the wrong section, i'm all new to this site (my first post). well, first of all i wanna say i don't own a Z, but i might get one when i have a license and when i can afford one. i'm doing a 3d model of the 1970 240Z, but i came to the battery, and i just can't seem to find pics of the original battery. the battery is a Yuasa. pic: http://lh5.ggpht.com/_h0T954qJFdU/TD4c2EDa6PI/AAAAAAAAGF0/bvjUulWSh2g/s640/S30-060-01.JPG i hope some of u guys can provide pics that shows color of the battery and all the text there is on it.