Everything posted by RyuZ32
Days and Days of searching, I need help please?!
Ok guys, i will definitely give this a shot Thursday. My phone has the forum on it via an app so its easy access. Ill respond with pics just hopefully I wont be stuck for 4 hours without a response Thanks again guys, hoping to get through this on thursday.
Days and Days of searching, I need help please?!
I agree, Im just sick of it sitting. Ive owned it for two years and just ready to see it on the road. I will try my hand at this wiring adventure on Thursday afternoon after class. I will post pics with my findings hoping for an answer if I am unable to make it work. I have to work on set this weekend for a 24 hour film festival challenge, so Thursday will be the last day i tinker for a few days. Hopefully we figure it out.
Days and Days of searching, I need help please?!
Forgetting to turn it off makes sense, but couldnt I just wire it to the ignition?
Days and Days of searching, I need help please?!
I have it, but it just seems half arse I guess.
Days and Days of searching, I need help please?!
Wasn't aware of the connection under the passenger seat. I'll check it, the fusible links, the Alt wiring, the FL from the positive terminal, anything else? If those do not work is it dangerous to run wiring for my fuel pump from te battery to a switch?
Days and Days of searching, I need help please?!
Days and Days of searching, I need help please?!
Days and Days of searching, I need help please?!
rcb280z - some of the links are of darker tint than the copper, however they still work like the headlight one and such
Days and Days of searching, I need help please?!
I didnt notice any signs from the burnt links. Agreed Zed, but figuring out that reason is a challenge. I will try and fiddle with the wiring on thursday but If not I will probably run the switch for the fuel pump. So id have a push button start and a fuel pump switch..almost a race car ( kidding guys)
Days and Days of searching, I need help please?!
Hey Zed, all good thanks. The under the dash one I have already fixed, I did mess up one the Fusible links in those plastic covers but got a fusible link connection and built one to take its place due to the inability to locate one of those OEM ones. I have been searching and not quite finding the exact problem but read that wiring on the ALT can cause issues...is that true?
Days and Days of searching, I need help please?!
Hmm, the problem is its been wired tampered by the PO. Theres one fusible link( the plastic looking one ) that runs from the Positive terminal...is that the EFI one?
Days and Days of searching, I need help please?!
Hey Zed, that main EGI relay I just purchased from Nissan and replaced it. Thought it was my original problem. Isnt there a fuse or relay under the hood or on the passenger side?
Days and Days of searching, I need help please?!
I know that the pump only gets power when the key is in start or while on. While turning the key i pulled the fuel line and placed it into a gatorade bottle to confirm the gas, its not coming out. The pump does not prime when you turn the key to ON. While turning the key no fuel is coming out of the lines, my sparks are dry and ive pulled lines off the fuel rail. NO fuel is coming out. Pulled the fuel pump and hot wired it to a batt and heard it going, problem is finding the correct relay to check it. Ive debated just wiring it to a switch if i cannot find the actual relay.
Days and Days of searching, I need help please?!
Zed, no i know that. It doesnt prime or anything. Just sits there.
Days and Days of searching, I need help please?!
trying to figure out where the Fuel relay is under the hood, anyone have an idiot pic for me?
Days and Days of searching, I need help please?!
Its a 1977. I have replaced the Main Relay under the dash already I just dont know whats next.
Days and Days of searching, I need help please?!
Ok guys now the fuel pump isn't working, however I pulled it off and hooked it straight to a battery and it worked fine, any ideas?
Days and Days of searching, I need help please?!
Ok guys, after twelve grueling hours of cutting the bolts from the driveshaft(PO had a various amount of different sized bolts with different heads and they were seized in. It was ridiculous. Dremel and hammer/chisel combo later it was out. Pulled the transmission and found it was the torque converter wasn't in the alignment notches. Once it was all back together we hooked everything back up and hit the key...she turned over. Didn't fire, I could imagine due to plenty of things I was too tired to track it down at 12:30 at night. So spending today with my family and ten back at it tomm after class. I'll post videos soon guys, thanks for all of the help and support!
Days and Days of searching, I need help please?!
Just as an update to everyone Sunday we are gonna pull the transmission to see what the problem is thanks for everyone's help and will continue to update!
Days and Days of searching, I need help please?!
Quick question, If im missing the bottom half of that plate between the bell housing and block, would that cause it not to turn?
Days and Days of searching, I need help please?!
Well the thing is I left the trans in when I pulled the engine. I think it may have gotten messed up either when the car got knocked off of jack stands during a horrible storm, or when te engine went in, the guys had to walk it together with bolts so I'm assuming there lies my issue. Hopefully.. I want my baby to run. My old lady is letting me keep her (was gonna sell to welcome our son into the world but she won't let me get rid of it)
Days and Days of searching, I need help please?!
Hey Zed I put the socket on the front of the motor and couldn't turn it. All I did was shift the engine a tad. I doubt the motor cant move because it spun freely just like it was supposed to before it was in the car. I think it's something to do with the transmission.
Days and Days of searching, I need help please?!
I'll try rocking it on Wednesday before I pull the transmission. It is an automatic. My anniversary is on Tuesday and I'm taking my wifey out so spending today & tomm getting it all ready. On Wednesday I'm taking some guys over to the garage, gonna get the trans out, and check it. What does rocking the car determine btw?
Days and Days of searching, I need help please?!
I remember we tried pushing the car into a better position one night and couldn't get it move and chocked it up to us being lazy asses, so maybe I'm not sure
Days and Days of searching, I need help please?!
Well I fixed the wiring issues now I have discovered certain things. One, the motor would not turn, I took cylinder 1's spark plug out and tried to turn the crank, (ratchet on tighten) it did nothing. Two, the motor free spin before I installed it. When the car was towed to its new location to finish the engine install, for some reason the rear end fell out...literally. The bolts broke (yes it was neutral). Got the rear end put back in, could that maybe have damaged the transmission or linkage or something? It all worked before and before putting the motor in I could turn the rotating assembly. Any ideas?