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Everything posted by RyuZ32

  1. Just hooked the starter up an same boat. Any ideas?
  2. Bought an Ultima from O,reilly's and just now got it tested, tested amazingly 5 times. The stud on the solenoid were a bit lose so they said that might be an issue, gonna try this. If this fails what's next on the agenda fella's?
  3. Randomly when you turn the key you hear an odd whine sound while it does nothing as well...Maybe that helps the case?
  4. The (N)Everstart battery that's in te video is the one from my DD 300ZX, it's also only about 6 months old. I'm gonna buy new cables and terminals on Tuesday when I head back over to the shop. I also put a nice jump box on both batteries and got the same response. So I'm gonna try the new cables and terminals and maybe test the starter to see what happens.
  5. Ok guys, Brand new starter, swapped the battery out of my 300zx and this is what it did. What am I missing? I remember reading Zed I believe said that maybe the negative terminal isnt such a great idea on the starter/bellhousing. What am I missing here guys?
  6. Jeff I feel your pain. Ok guys batt is charging and the starter is on its way, it will be here shortly and I'll be back at the garage soon to put it on and try again
  7. Got the wiring on the starter swapped and finally got lights and a reading on the volt gauge batts dead its on a charge right now and I'll be giving her the first start attempt here shortly
  8. @HR369 - Yeah, the Fusible Link was missing cause it popped, I just hadnt fixed it when I took the pictures. @dltalfa - The terminals are new(ish) replaced last year, just idiot people assisting my engine re-install like to lose things and buger them up. @madkaw - I will be switching that wire tomm after work and hoping for a turn around on this. @Zedhead - The fusible links I am getting the upgraded kit found here. - http://www.hammondsplains.com/s30upgrades/maxifuse/index.htm @rcb280z - The wiring throws me off a lot on the alternator because everything i found picture wise via google looked 100% different, less plugs and all sorts of nifty stuff, i wish i knew what the PO did to the car all the way. thank you guys for all of your help and I really appreciate it! I am hoping for a brighter day tomm. If i get it running and work out all of the bugs, my next tackle will be wiring in the factory stereo in that rats nest under the console. But one step at a time...baby steps thanks guys and keep the info flowing, ill report back tomm around 3pm EST with an answer.
  9. Here's some more pics, my multimeter isnt working and I dont have access to another one ATM.
  10. I have the negative on the bellhop sing behind te starter per the FSM, is that not good enough?
  11. I've done that a few times and lost power inside the car. Found out why and solved that problem but still no electrical power or nothing
  12. This is all the pics I just took. I'm stain right next to her as I post this. Any help is greatly appreciated. All the splices were done like this when I bought the car.
  13. The one that goes to the battery, has been spliced into before. I popped one of the fusible links the other day so I'm putting a fix on it to see what's up. But hopefully I get some sort of response with that later today. I don't know. I will probably take some pictures so people can see what the PO did before I bought it.
  14. And every ground I could find is hooked up.
  15. Ok sorry. Stressed to the max. Previous to pulling the motor everything worked. Motor is rebuilt and back in the car. Now, I have no headlights, no tail lights, no interior lights, no power to anything inside or outside the car. When I put the test light on the harness it lights up. Terminals are new, batt cables are new.
  16. Almost two years ago, I got my dream car. A classic Datsun Z!(77 280 EFI) After trial and error working on it trying to figure out why it would not run for longer then twenty minutes I finally just pulled the motor. Blown Piston rings, crappy injectors, and after some financial issues, I finally got to finish up my rebuild this past winter. Motor is in, trans is in. My car does not work.. at all. Everything worked before the pull, now something is toasted. I have no lights, no electrical power what so ever. New batt, new cables, new terminals, new EGI relay, new ignition control module, still no juice. While testing theories the other day with a wire jumper to test connection I popped a Fusible link under those little white caps, now im fixing that, but still no juice. The batt has continuity, the harness shows juice with a test light, but still nothing works, also the other day while testing what had power the ECU started to heat up rather quickly. I hope someone can help, all the money i just poured into her shes still sitting still. Any help is greatly appreciated, i have searched forums after forums and no one seems to have my exact same issue. Lmk what you guys think please? Thanks in advance Thomas

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