Hello From SoCal
Welcome! From a fellow SoCal guy...Ventura County...
Lets talk rusty frames...
My story is a little different,but kinda the same.The guys here have heard my story...so real short...I was real lucky when getting my '72...I got it in Wisconsin,shipped it out here sight unseen...VERY lucky there was no rust prolems...at least discovered. With that being said,in this last year I have put $20,000.00 into her...and this was a pretty sweet car the way she came! Beyond the other great points brought up here,money is going to figure into it in a big way....just a thought FWIW...Tim
Bought Another Z! 1988 300zx Turbo
Very nice and clean! A beauty! From California....with love....Enjoy my friend!
- Torby's 240Z Project
Used Parts
I said email....I meant web site....
Used Parts
Hey all. I'm in the process of having my engine rebuilt,plus a few other things.I'm using the services of a place called SunWestMotorSports in Ventura,Calif. Dave,the mechanic and I were talking the other day and pointed towards 3 big metal shipping containers and told me they were filled with used parts collected over a period of 40 years. According to Dave, there are so many parts and such that they're not sure of everything they have. Might be a good place to check if you need something hard to find. Their phone number is..... (805) 644-9644....email is sunwestmotorsports.com, but I'm not sure if the web is set up yet.This place was just recently purchased from the original owner who was a mechanic at Universal City Datsun back when the Z first showed itself. Hope this helps somebody!
One more question(for now)
No offense taken at all!
One more question(for now)
Never at an auction...2 previous owners only.
posting to classifieds
I agree with you,LeonV.Seems alot easier...
One more question(for now)
I know my Z didn't come from a wrecking yard....far from it! And the bracket looks original to me.
One more question(for now)
Hey everyone...Hope everybody is doing good!I have a question/puzzle.I'm going to be rebuilding my engine soon,and along with that,I'll be repraying my engine bay.Yesterday as I was looking,I noticed a "45" painted on the bracket of the hood latch "reciever".Can anybody shed some light on the significance of this number?Should I save it when the engine bay gets painted...or is it of no importance?Any feed back would be welcomed.Thanks....Tim
Kinda Cool
Well I've learned two things from this thread...That the car cover is not original....but more important,next time I think I have something,instead of saying "This IS"....I will start with "IS THIS".Lesson learned!And don't worry Dennis,my parade has been rained on a helluva worse than this.
Kinda Cool
Dennis...How long of a run was the "EN" fabric? Is it now discontinued?
Go baby go!
She's a beauty!
Kinda Cool
You didn't rain on my parade... I want to know if I'm talking out of my a$$...I was told by PO that it was original...Oh well...All readers,please disregard what I wrote.... Tim B.