High pitched whine. Alternator? 1973 Datsun 240z L24 Engine
How does a fan clutch go bad?
Fan clutch? A whinign noise is coming from it
So i recently replaced the alternator, water pump, and fan clutch (200 miles ago) due to a whining noise after replacing these items the whining ceased. However just the other day the whining came up again and I'm sure it is the fan clutch. I was wondering if there is a problem causing it to go bad or how they go bad in the first place? I drive my car hard but the fan clutch is also brand new so not sure what to do
Muffler suggestions
I want to keep the original headers for now (money wise) and just get the best exhaust i can find
Muffler suggestions
Im going for a deeper sound yet not ricey thanks for the advice ill keep checking and looking into things
Muffler suggestions
Looking for a performance muffler from flow master for a 1973 240z. Im looking for a throaty deeper sound and added power any suggestions? However I do not want to sound like a cheap ricer either. Please put forth your ideas!
High pitched whine. Alternator? 1973 Datsun 240z L24 Engine
I got the 60 amp alternator I believe and it was mainly the fan clutch it purrs now thanks guys i was getting very irritated when it wouldn't go away!
High pitched whine. Alternator? 1973 Datsun 240z L24 Engine
I believe the alternator I bought was 6o amp not positive though. I think the problem is the fan clutch now i am picking one up in the morning and hopefully it will work I will keep you informed
High pitched whine. Alternator? 1973 Datsun 240z L24 Engine
I would like to add that the whining appeared out of nowhere about 300 miles ago
High pitched whine. Alternator? 1973 Datsun 240z L24 Engine
So here is the deal. There is a high pitched whine when I accelerate. I was lead to believe it was a water pump problem so I replaced that. We ran it afterwards and the whine was still present. However we took off the belt that goes to the alternator and the fan and the whining/whirring was gone. What does this mean? Not sure what to do
Turning over but will not start 1973 240z
I've spent a year fixing my baby up and I was fairly ticked when she died the other day. What is the matter with yours?
Turning over but will not start 1973 240z
Thanks for the suggestions Zulaytr was correct and was able to isolate and fix the problem and sorry about all the threads I am new and thought I posted to the wrong thing and made new one and I am trying to figure out how to delete
Turning over but will not start 1973 240z
1973 Datsun 240z Brand new coil and checked the spark plugs they are in good condition. Checked the distributor looks good and new fuel pump and filter. Not sure what to do it turns over but will not fire up what should I do?
Turning over but not firing up 1973 240z
1973 Datsun 240z Brand new coil and checked the spark plugs they are in good condition. Checked the distributor looks good and new fuel pump and filter. Not sure what to do it turns over but will not fire up what should I do?
Turns over won't start need car for work!
It has been running for about 150 miles since the filter change and about 500 with the pump and they were replaced due to lack of fuel. and thanks i will try checking the spark plugs. I am running points on the distributor. all the spark plugs are in the correct order. The last thing we were messing with before it stopped working was the spark plugs and thats what makes me think it might be those
Turns over won't start need car for work!
'73 datsun 240 running strong previously and just this morning stopped. Spark plugs or timing is my best guess as I just replaced the fuel filter and pump