Santa Barbara Vacation - What to do and see suggestions solicited.
I'm not sure how far it is (not very) from Santa Barbara... but make sure you get to Solvang... a little "scandanavian" town with grat restaurants, bakeries and shops. Good way to pass an afternoon. An I agree... Santa Ynez wineries are great... the movie Sideways was filmed in and around this area. Enjoy!
Emblem Removal
A delicate operation... I will proceed with caution to minimize damage to the pins ans the paint finish. Thanks for the heads-up.
Emblem Removal
I've noticed some "bubbles around the edge of the Datsun and 240Z emblems on the rear hatch. How do I remove them without damaging them. Do they just pull out or do I need to remove the panel from the inside of the hatch. Thanks.
Touch up paint for a 240Z ?
Z Mechanic In NY/NJ area
Anyone have the name / # of a good reliable Z mechanic in the NY / NJ area. I'm in Staten Island and have a 72 240 in need of a new exhaust system and carb balancing / adjusting. Thanks for the help.
clutch prob?
Had my 72 z out for a ride tonite. Got stuck in bumper to bumper traffic and began to notice that the clutch was acting funny. I had to continuously keep the revs up... as hi as 4 grand to keep the clutch from chattering, the engine from shaking and the car from stalling. Once I cleared the traffic jam it seemed to be OK. What was wrong and how do I fix it. Thanks. Joe
Front Bumper Over Rider Bar
Looking for a front bumper over rider bar for my '72Z. Should be very good condition or better. Thanks
- Z - Side
Wanted: Decent 240Z in Wash./Oregon
Have you checked with ZManofWashington?? www.Zspecialties.com He's always got something that is mechanically solid.
- Z Sunset on the Kill
- Sunset on Staten Island Z
How to insure?
Try Hagerty.com I insure a '72 for $10,000 cost about $125. They are flexible and have no mileage limits. 1-800-922-4050. I called a bunch of places...they were the most reasonable. Hope it helps. Good luck!
Insurance rates
Try collectors insurance at Hagerty.com if it is not a daily driver.
Restoration in NJ
Stephen... I'm in Staten Isand and just got a 72 240 this spring. I could use the names of a few reliable Z mechanics in the area as well as some info on the NJ Z Club (if you'll consider a Staten Islander). Thanks. Joe
Accelerator Linkage
I have a '72 240. I need to replace the accelerator boot but I'm not sure how to tale the linkage apart to do this. Also after I'v accomplished this what do I use t secure the boot to the firewall? Thanks.