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Flooding ... Leaking Fuel Pump Replaced ... Won't Start
My mechanic noted that if they pinched the fuel line coming from the FPR the engine would run well....let it go and ran terrible = too much fuel. He decided to pull the fuel line running from the FPR that goes back to the tank, let it hang to the ground and see what it does...and, sure enough, it ran well = line back to the tank has some blockage?? Blew "shop air" into line returning to tank, hooked all lines back up and is running great!
Flooding ... Leaking Fuel Pump Replaced ... Won't Start
Update.... my mechanic has discovered there is an "overflow line" from the fuel pressure regulator that goes to the gas tank...and that line apparently is not allowing the gas that exceeds the amount regulated by the regulator to return to the tank, rather it is being forced into the chambers via injectors .. HENCE, Flooding. We suspect there is a problem associated with the evap system.
Flooding ... Leaking Fuel Pump Replaced ... Won't Start
75 280Z with 114K miles. Took my z in to have the rear tranny seal changed and my mechanic asked if I had been smelling gas in my car .... Yes, I have been for several days. Turns out the fuel pump was leaking. That may answer the other problem I have been having ... in the am the car would start up right away but run rough until warmed up. If It died before being warmed up, I would have to crank the car for long period of time (40+ secs, 2 or 3 times) before it would eventually start, acting like it was flooded, but got through it and ran well. Would have no problems for the rest of the entire day, stop and go, starting fine. Forgot to tell my mechanic about the morning ritual when I left it at his shop the night before to get the tranny seal fixed and sure enough, in the morning he started it, didn't make sure it keep running and it died ... after cranking it for a little bit, he concluded it ran out of gas and called me for the gas cap key. After me explaining the morning ritual, he said that he had gone ahead and just pushed the car on the rack and got to work on the tranny. After fixing the tranny, he changed the leaking fuel pump, but now can't get the car to start. He says the fuel pressure is good, has spark and is getting so much fuel it's "washing out the cylinders and the oil smells like gas". Suggestions?
Fuel Pumping Out of the Tank Fill Point
My Bad...... 1975 280Z Fuel Injected
Fuel Pumping Out of the Tank Fill Point
"Tank Fill Point" (where you put the gas in) ... Last week I filled my tank and noticed the smell of gas driving down the road. I'm at a stop light and I think the young lady rolling down her window wants to comment on how neat my car is;).... Instead, she tells me I have gas leaking out of my gas cap area. It took a while of repeatedly shutting down and letting the gas settle, starting it up only to still have it pumping gas up and out of the fill point.... finally got in and drove home a few miles hoping I wasn't going to blow up. It stopped and hasn't happened again, but then I'm afraid to fill it up and have it repeat the problem, so I've been only putting 10gals in at a time. Ideas?
Difficulty Starting When Hot...Fuel Injected '75 280Z
I'm noticing that, after shutting off engine for awhile(to run into the store for 10-20mins)AND if the engine temp gauge is reading well toward the hot side(Before Starting),the engine is difficult to start...acts as if it is either flooded or can't get enough fuel initially and slowly ramps up to normal operation. After it has time to cool down, it has no significant problems starting.... Ideas???
Changed Alternator, then the cap/rotor/wires and now runs rough
Long Story Short.... looks like the Temp Sensor (not "Switch", which btw only pertains to automatics which have dual pickup distributors and rely on the temp "Switch" to control the retarding and advancing of the distributor... My Z is a Manual, hence, the temp switch had nothing to do with my problem)...as I was saying, looks like I bumped the Temp Senor lead while changing my distributor wires. :oops: Apparently, the senor "tested ok" but after fixing the lead the sensor then needed to be replaced. Car is running well but still working kinks out...such as I'm noticing that, after shutting off engine for awhile(to run into the store for 10-20mins)AND if the engine temp gauge is reading well toward the hot side(Before Starting),the engine is difficult to start...acts as if it is either flooded or can't get enough fuel initially and slowly ramps up to normal operation. After it has time to cool down, it has no significant problems starting.... Ideas??? And Don't Say "It's the Temp Sensor"!?! ...Kidding
Fuel Injectors Pulsating Too Fast and Flooding Engine - Problem? ECU?
Already swapped with new distributor ... Not the solution. Is electronic ignition Confirmed pulse of injectors with a Noid Light
Fuel Injectors Pulsating Too Fast and Flooding Engine - Problem? ECU?
75 280z manual Fuel Injectors Pulsating Too Fast and Flooding Engine Fuel pressure is 30-35 (appropriate) When fuel line is clamped off, engine will run til existing gas is depleted. However, when fuel is allowed to be injected at the rate the injectors are pulsating, it floods the engine. ECU?
Changed Alternator, then the cap/rotor/wires and now runs rough
Unfortunately, the switch for the '74 has different temp specs than the '75-78. Still trying to find one... may have to try and repair the existing switch.
Can't find a water temp switch for '75-78 280z
Any leads on where I can find a Water temperature switch for '75-'78 280z. I'm seeing a lot of interchange of the terms "water temperature switch" and "water temperature sensor". From what I'm seeing they're not the same. The FSM says "water temperature switch"
Changed Alternator, then the cap/rotor/wires and now runs rough
Looks like we found the problem... Broken wire on the water temperature switch. Any leads on where I can find a Water temperature switch for '75-'78 280z. I'm seeing a lot of interchange of the terms "water temperature switch" and "water temperature sensor". From what I'm seeing they're not the same. The FSM says "water temperature switch"
Changed Alternator, then the cap/rotor/wires and now runs rough
Update.... my mechanic thought maybe the distributor may be bad ... We swaped w reman'd distributor and made no difference. He is now wondering if the timing has jumped. Going to pull the over and check it out :-\