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That car is in "North" Texas.
Outside rear view mirror
Was the outside rear view mirror on the '76 280z 2+2 the same color as the rear panel? This appears to have been the case for my faded mirror housing.
Where can I get lower door skins for the 2+2
There are '77 2+2 doors on ebay now (11/11112)
Compression test
Is 145-150 psi on a compression test gauge normal for an engine with 119,xxx miles on it?
I do not understand car shows...
One more note about the local hot rod car club - when they do their annual car show, the vehicles of the members are not eligible to win any of the awards. They display them for show only and give out participant's choice and people's choice trophies. Bring the Z to the Baytown show.
I do not understand car shows...
Car Shows are a hoot. I have taken my restored Willys CJ-2A to a show where the "judge" asked, "isn't it supposed to be green?" (CJ=Civilian Jeep) - oh well. My vehicles tend to tax the show organizers as to what class it should be in - it really isn't that important to me as the shows let me meet some very interesting people, see some nicely done vehicles. By the way, I saw the 240 at the show Saturday (really well done car) -had a nice chat with the owner and left before the awards. I will take my '76 280 to shows when it is finished for the fun of the show. I have taken a restored 1942 Dodge Military Ambulance to shows - it has been "street/stock original", "truck", "special interest", "4x4" and probably some classes I don't remember. I did go to one show where the classes were year of manufacture - that was interesting. Our local show has only "participant choice" and "people's choice" awards. To win participant choice was really the most meaningful award that I have taken home.
repro window sticker
I have the window sticker and invoice for a '76 2+2 with A/C(no cat), port of entry Seattle. I can email jpeg image if anyone is interested.
Miss and Low Vacuum
I don't know much history on it - it sat for a good while - ran good and then current state. Checked for vacuum leaks, found a couple of small ones - can't find major one. When vacuum hose is disconnected from intake manifold engine speeds up. ?
Miss and Low Vacuum
My '76 starts easily and runs - but with a miss at all speeds. I checked the vacuum and I only have about 10" of steady vacuum. I intend to pull the cam cover to look for problems - any hints, suggestions, condolences, etc.?
Engine miss
I have fuel (35# at the rail), new fuel filter, new injectors -- I have spark (new rotor, cap,plug wires and plugs) -- I also have a miss (at all speeds) -- in the process of cleaning all connections on the FI system - don't know where to go next. Ideas?(or experience?)
77 280z front bumper shocks
What is bolted to the front bumper shocks captive nut on the inside top quarter of the mounting plate?
Another bumper question
The drawings in the two manuals look the same - the part number first part is the same, the second part is different - hence the question.
Another bumper question
Is there a difference between the '76 and the '77 280z front bumper mounts (shocks)? If so, can it be overcome?
Emblem background color
What was the original color of the background for the Z in the 280Z emblem on the lower front fender and on the quarter panel of the '76 280Z 2+2? Mine is faded out/chipped and I want to repaint it close to the original color. Is there a match for the color?