Everything posted by aRCH-Z
- RBZ - Industrial - 01
will these seats fit ok ?
Hey guys, i think it will depend a lot on how tall you are! I've just installed aftermarket seats (well.. mostly) in my car and being my height (bout 2 metres) it isnt that easy to get them in and comfortable.. the problem is the back of them (if they're for a coupe) the stock Z seats have sort of a gap at the back underneath the back.. this is so when you push it all the way back it doesnt bump against the ledge in the back before the rear deck starts when u put in aftermarket seats which are sort of 'full' at the back u cant push them back all the way when you mount them on the stock rails.. as you'd need to do with these as they dont seem to have adjustable rails on them already the one other thing to take in to consideration (again mostly if you're a tall bugger.. :dead: ) is the gap between the seat and the steering wheel.. if these seats sit higher then the Z ones you may end up with your legs pressed against the steering wheel. only other important bit is the width but these dont seem to stick out too much on the sides.. there are other ways to install them then mounting them to the stock rails.. but making up new custom seat mounts, cutting out whats there and reinforcing the floor isnt cheap.. if u want more info gimme a yell as it's been a long and expensive process to get mine in! PS: damn nice seats btw! haha
finally painted
Time for a new meaningless poll...
geez i dunno if i could even count how many mine has... mind u it fits about 60 or so cars :classic:
RBZ @ Melbourne Auto Salon '04
My lil car at the Melbourne Auto Salon 2004.. Bit better then my promo girls pic from last year... the one on the left.. omg..
Pictures of Custom Interiors
here's my stereo install.. not really a custom interior but it does change the feel inside the car a fair bit. the middle panel lifts up and my two amps are in there, the big black thing is a bass tube subwoofer Yes.. all the colors dont QUITE match up.. it's a bit less noticable in person (dang camera) but my interior is still awaiting a better retrim. There's now a strut brace across the towers and the subby is held to it with chunky black camping straps i've been quite happy with it! the speaker cabinet is a wooden frame with fibreglassing over it then vinyl
dash lights brighter
if any of you 260z guys are interested, i took a bunch of photos of the process I went through to change the globes in my old 260z to higher watt brighter globes with red covers on em.. looked pretty nice but i wouldn't bother with those rubber covers.. even when matched with the appropriate wattage bulb they seem to expand with the heat and the color gets pale.. colored bulbs or nothing from my experience.. anyways.. if anyone is interested PM me and I can email them to you
Aftermarket Seats
Vipar Z, actually looking at SAAS enforcer seats atm... i'll tell u how i go.. *shrugs* was looking at all the jap auctions.. but i dunno bout using second hand seats anymore.. just doesn't seem appealing for some reason! hehe anyways.. bout to call SAAS and see what they have to say as they sell universal adapters, but being 2+ metres tall i need the seats lower if anything.. They might sell universal adjustable rails that are lower or something as well? Ah well, find out soon!
Racing Harness (Seatbelts)
yeah you're right.. I remember hearing that ages ago.. and yeah, some of those harnesses are a bit :S to unlock when you don't know what you're looking at..
Racing Harness (Seatbelts)
Sadly just because it's sold in a shop doesn't mean it's ADR compliant.. I'm going through the process of buying some bucket seats and harnesses and geez.. you'd be suprised how few are legal! In Autobarn the only ADR compliant seats they sell are the SAAS seats.. as for harnesses.. I dont think you're legally allowed to have them as your only form of 'belt' It's pretty stupid considering how much can help you in an accident but I'm pretty sure if you dont have your normal belts there as well the cops can defect you.. (not sure if this differs from state to state.. but im pretty dead set thats how it is in melb?) Kmack, do you know if 260z have those mounting holes for a harness bar or just the 240z? I've got a strut brace in the back but from what I've heard it's not the best to mount your harnesses to one.. Anyone know a company that makes tan colored harnesses? hehe
Pictures of Custom Interiors
yeah i've got a whole host of ideas... i'll be going racing seats with harnesses.. atm i just slide out of the stock Z ones! hehe there will also be some modifications to the center console around where the headunit sits.. ZRush, Yeah I'd seen that pic, it's very impressive! Was wondering if there were any sort of aiming from the seats looking back? As it's more everything behind the strut towers that I'm unsure of.. And what have you done on top of the towers? It looks so nice and clean! Gav, hardly sick of the RB20! My one is just getting a bit worn out.. I'm thinking of upgrading to the R32 RB20 as mine is just the GTS-X one.. So I figure instead of just rebuilding this old one and buying a new turbo and all the hassles with that.. I might as well just get a newer engine and reap the benefits of a bigger turbo, slightly more efficient head and less Ks! plus while the engine is out I hope to tart up the engine bay a bit! Not quite as nice as ZRush's but still pretty tidy!
Pictures of Custom Interiors
Hey ZRush (both of you!), First off, awesome car! think it looks great inside and out! Has a nice sort of themed feel to it and the engine bay is just jaw dropping awesome! I'm currently in the process of choosing between putting in a new engine and retrimming my interior (probably budgeting about $4000 MAX or so for either job).. Was wondering if you had any images of the back hatch section? I've been trying to figure out the best way to go with the plastic sections in the back.. What did you do with yours? I was thinking of options such as painting them, triming material over them or even making new custom panels! Any help would be ace! Cheers, Will
Looking for Will from Melbourne
hihihi (^-^ )
200ZR... what is it?
sadly not THAT fast from what I've read.. my source may be wrong but the NICS RB20DET which is found in the 200ZR is pretty poor.. bad head design, small t25 ceramic turbo and apparently the ecu lets it down even further (aftermarket mangement could fix that pretty quickly).. Also the Z31 isn't that light and off boost the RB20 isn't that great.. mind you, the engine mounts are QUITE useful from what I hear http://www.fsinet.or.jp/~ranfa/myfairlady-e.htm a very cool 200ZR... notice the duct on the bonnet to cool the intercooler?
What model Z do or did you own?
Have had three Zs pass my way.. First up was 'MY-260' absolutely stock but very clean 1974 260z coupe (sadly automatic) had a kicker of a stereo system and an exhaust which was waay too loud.. my first car (^-^ ) next up.. my current car a 1975 260z coupe which isnt so stock.. my dad bought MY-260 off me and we then bought a 240z as a parts car (had a nice L28 in it and all the bits my dad needed to convert MY-260 in to its current form).. also had some very tasty vette brakes which are still waiting to go on my car... ( ) as you may have gathered, my dad went nuts on my old car.. not really anything original left anymore!
Aftermarket Seats
If you have any contacts, or know people who have contacts in japan, you might want to check out the yahoo auction sites.. recaro, sparco, etc all have seat rails for the Z there.. I guess this means you could probably order them from the companies as well.. just do a search for S30 and a bucketload of stuff will come up! Can spend waaay too much time browsing through it all!
aRCH (Will) & The RBZ
RBZ @ TeamAZM Cruise I
240/260z +rb20 question! confirm or otherwise please!
mmm, i dunno about that similar dimensions bit.. the length is very similar yes.. but the RB is like twice as wide due to the twin cam also the height of the RB20 / 25 tends to be an issue as they have the cross over pipe running over the top of the engine iv'e got a ECCS red top rb20det and it JUST squeezes in under the bonnet! makes for a great car though, would definitely recommend the conversion to anyone, especially as an RB20det can be picked up relatively cheaply! I'm trying to remember what issue ZOOM it was that covered all the different RB20 varieties, but basically it stated the 200ZR RB20 is the worst of the bunch.. however the mounts/sump as you've mentioned are VERY useful ;-) good luck to ya man! hehe
280zx bonnet, nose cones & qtrs on to 260z
ah! damn bout the panels, i'll pass that on! was pretty sure even if they did fit it wouldn't quite look right.. cheers for the quick response and thanks for the comments! the steering wheel and knob are both momo items, was well over a year ago that i bought them.. both were pretty ridiculously priced for what they are, but the quality is excellent and I've never looked back! the steering wheel is a 'fighter legno' and retails for about $450au atm.. the shifter is a 'combat radica' and goes for about $130au or so shift boot is custom leather, still got some work to do with that and for a boss hub kit, just buy an autotechnica one.. they're exactly the same as the momo kit but like half the price
240/260z +rb20 question! confirm or otherwise please!
I've heard this too, however something to keep in mind is that the RB20 which came with the 200ZR really isn't as good as the R32 one.. I'm pretty sure its a red top NICS rb20 with a very poor ECU and equally poor T25g turbocharger.. I think even compared to the RB20 found in R31s of the time the 200ZR model was quite a lemon the R32 RB20 is the silver top ECCS model.. much better turbo and several other small upgrades in the head, plenum, etc.. so the money you save in getting the 200ZR RB20 installled means you'll be starting off at quite a lower point power wise.. It'd still be quite awesome, but you might just want to keep this in mind! The other part of this rumour that I remember is that the mounting brackets from the 200ZR allow you to bolt an RB26dett in to a first gen Z.. a much more interesting proposition good luck!
280zx bonnet, nose cones & qtrs on to 260z
Hey All posting this for a friend who's had a bit of an accident with his Z. He's wondering if the 280z or 280zx bonnet, qtr panels or nose cones will go on to a 260z 2+2.. and if so, would they look normal? I know the 280zx is more boxy but I'm not sure how much this is apparent in the qtrs and nose cones! Any help on 280z or 280zx panels and if they'll fit (or if you'd want them to fit) a 260z 2+2 would be ace cheers guys!
C Prod. Z car
aRCH (Will) & The RBZ
Well, I wrecked it
ouch!! so sorry to hear.. i remember when i had my first lil fender bender with my Z.. i was beside myself that I could do that to my car! *sigh* best of luck getting it all sorted out, the car looks great!!