Help to Identify
So without the thermotime switch can I make the cold start injector active while it is turned to start or just crank it until it starts without the injector's help? I guess my concern is it will flood out if the injector is active when the engine is warm. I will try to find a used one locally but even my OCD is not worth 75 bucks.
Help to Identify
I am trying to get it close to a daily driver. I don't think a FI car should be cranked more than a few seconds before it starts. After this is the cold idle. Just my OCD I guess.
Help to Identify
I have a zx engine. P79 head on a F54 block. the sensor with the plug was on the Passenger side on the rear portion of the head so I guess it will be the CHTS. the other was in the thermostat housing with no wires running to it. (obviously since the wires are mostly gone). The only other sensor in the thermostat housing is the engine temp sensor and then there is a plug in another hole.
Help to Identify
Does anyone recognize either one of these as a thermotime sensor? I am trying to trouble shoot my cold start circuit and I am not sure if I have thermotime sensor. Thanks Glen
Batery tray repair
I wish the junk yards around here had some older Zs but I have seen ZXs before. I will have access to the metal again this weekend so I was going to get a measurement. as far as resale my 73 is no longer stock since a L28 and 5 spd swap. the floors are pretty much gone also so I want to get it sound again as much as I can. I am going to get the fender off soon so I will see how bad it really is in there then but it feels bad. I do have an old truck bed that I could cut up but it may be too tough for me to shape. Thanks for the sensible replies and not laughing at the idea.
Batery tray repair
Hello everyone. I am about to dig into my hole under the battery tray and I have a question. Now this might seem stupid but I want to know my options. I am trying to find a source of inexpensive sheet metal and came up with an idea. It is not a new idea but is it an ok idea? Would the sheet metal in a freezer or refrigerator be thick enough to use in the repair. Maybe there is another appliance that would provide a suitable gauge. I see appliances all the time set out for the trash and I have three freezers right now that I could strip down instead of taking them to the scrapper. Thanks. Glen
search options
his30.com Thanks for the search terms I will try those too. SteveJ Google did give me specific results for my terms for this forum. The Google approach is like a lot pf GPS systems. Seems like a long way to go but hey it gets me there! Thanks
search options
How can I get the advanced search function to search for an exact match to a phrase or multiple key words? I have tried several combos to try and find posts about "Electric fan" it never gives me results for both electric and fan. Can you use boolean operators like "and", "or" ie. "electric" and "fan" thanks.
metal on transmission drain plug
Point taken. I will refill (minus the flush) and check it again in 2 to 3 hundred miles to see how it looks. To go to synthetic fluid wouldn't I have to get all the old dino oil out first somehow or is just draining it out ok? Thanks for info guys.
metal on transmission drain plug
I don't believe it is the original oil. I was going to put a magnet into the oil to see if there was any in suspension in the oil. I would be amazed if the magnet catches all the metal in the oil. That is why I was thing of pouring some gas into the trans to flush out any metal on the bottom through the drain hole. I wouldn't drive with the gas in there just use it as a medium to carry any other metal out. I have seen some metal in other transmission oil but I don't remember it being this much. Here is a pic of the metal. Thanks for the reply.
metal on transmission drain plug
Hey all. I went to change the trans oil last night (5 speed from an zx) and it had quite a bit of metal on the magnetic plug. How much you ask? well if I spread it out it might be the size of a quarter round and thick. It is all fine metal but still I am wondering if this is a problem. I have no idea when the last time the trans oil was changed. I want to flush with say a quart of gas then after a nights wait refill it. Might do it again after a couple hundred of miles just to see the new amount. Any thoughts?
pre 73 front bumper brackets
Here a pic.
pre 73 front bumper brackets
I am now the proud owner of a pre 73 front bumper but I need the mounting brackets. I have seen them and of course I think I could make some if I had the layout. Does any one have a drawing with dimensions that I could use. May be if I had a template on paper that I could use to get the bends right I could mark and drill the holes. The width of the bar i use will be dictated by the bumpers attachment point. Glen
Identifing Ingntion coil
Blue I did check the leads for resistance and it was 0.00. I just was trying to figure out which way to go with this thing. Thanks for your time in making a reply. Glen
coil help
I may get in trouble for this but I posted a question over on zcar mods>engine mods and have not got any help so I am putting a link here to see if anyone will chime in on my issue. http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/forum179.html