Everything posted by Bpaccaud
electrical fuel pump
is the Z are all equiped with electrical fuel pump at the rear near the tank? 260z and 2+2 too? Because mine avec not the pump and i 'm interesting to know if someone have remove the pump or if it is normal!!!! and my fuel return line was cork, probably when the turbo kit was equipped The pump looks like the FACET Pump, if i buy one and put it on the car need i a return fuel line?
oil pressure
After 4 year of sleep, my baby take the road for the first time today, i have doing evrything that must to be done for running the engine again and put a new oil pressure sensor, the oil is new my oil pan was cleaning, new filter.... but it seems that the oil prssure is too low (the 1rst quarter of the mano the most of time and when i take to 3000 tr/min nearly the middle but after few time...) What is the right needle place when all is good????? 2- When i slow down i heard a meow sound from the rear, i suspect the R200 :dead: what can be done to test it??? ( there are some new 75W90 oil in it) Thanks B.PACCAUD
unleaded fuel
thanks but is not an EFI systeme but a rotomaster turbo sucking an SU his8 2", my problem actualy is to tune this carburator and rebuilt it without the preparer value for adjustement.... we well see... for the moment the engine smoke because the mixture is too rich and with a bad atomize, and the oil didn't stay in the piston...:dead:
unleaded fuel
yes but that depend on the boost pressure, this not the compression ratio that is important but more the end compression pressure....
which oil type in the r200 for my 260z 2+2
Someone can tell me which is the best oil type for the r200 and for the 5 gears trany?
unleaded fuel
my engine is the L26 with the e88 cylinder head, for this time i ve not already test the engine because the car was park for 4 years and all need to be adjust.... But the sealesman tell me that when the car was in good condition it run very well, perhaps i can tell you exactly in few weeks.... My manual had take oil on it and is in very poor condition so i can't read it.... i will be careful and used an additive we will see.... The difficulty for adjust the engine is that i don't know which tune have to be done with the turbo kit, spark plug type, ignition timing, Su2" adjustement.....If someone knows.....????
unleaded fuel
here we are i ve just buy my new baby after 8 month of deal with the salesman for 1000€. this is the blue one, with the janspeed turbo kit ( you can see it in my gallery). lot of works in expectation..... Can you tell me if i can use unleaded full 98 in my datsun 260 z 1977 with the turbo kit or must i use special additive? thanks ben
which rear shock absorber for a 260z 2+2
Is there a web site adress for MSA? If anybody knows a web adress for AUTO RUST DOCTORS from Bamber Lake NJ 08731 USA it will be nice to tell me thanks Ben
New brakes and suspension
can you say me how you do the adjustable spring on your shocks, is this the original suspension modified? And you use Koni strut cartridge?
which rear shock absorber for a 260z 2+2
thanks for your reply St.Stephen! Reading victoria british catalog i notice that KYB strut cartridge have the same part n° 62-901 for the 260Z/280Z coupe 75-78 than the 260z 2+2 74, and coil spring have the same part n° 62-842 for the 260Z 1975 and the 260z 2+2 1974
which rear shock absorber for a 260z 2+2
What are the models of performance suspension, i could put on a 260Z 2+2, because i see the tokico illumina didn't exist for 2+2. Is there a big difference between 240z, 260z and 260z 2+2 shocks??? probably the load, but with adjustable shocks you can adjust it! please give me your personnal test and experiment about the best shocks for dealy use and road rally! Ben
260z 2+2 Shock absorbers
Someone tell me that tokico illumina shock absorbers are not available for 260z 2+2 "damened:dead: " someone can tell me more about that? what sort of shocks absorbers are available for the 2+2 Koni?, KYB? Is there a realy difference between 260Z shocks and 2+2 shocks? Thanks Ben
S.u Dashpot clearance
when i resstart the engine there was no oil in the carby an SU 2" hif8 from Jaguard i suppose, so last time i tried to do the level with transmission oil, and when i have start the engine and accelerate the oil was entierely sucked....:dead: After the oil was staying in the turbo and it was difficult to start the engine for 15 min:stupid: there was lot of clearance on the dashpot.....
End compression pressure
If I well understand you think that when the car was modified at Janspeed shop they probably add a decompression plate to reduce the pressure? But 8.5 compression ratio is not enormous for a turbo! I actually try to contact Janspeed to have explanations about the assembly and the different modification done on this engine, I send them a mail but no answer at that time. Next time I will see the car I’ll be careful to this plate. Thanks Ben
End compression pressure
Sorry for the European unit! Like Steven explain 1 Bar is = 14.5 PSI To explain the problem, the engine didn’t turn for 3 years and has 124000 km, and it has a Janspeed turbo kit. I check the pressure when it was hot, with full open throttle. And I was taking it twice. Cold the engine smoke badly and when you revs at 3000 rpm and up a wreath of smoke goes out….but after 30 minutes turning, the smoke begin to disappeared. I suspect the valves seals The carburetor is in bad condition and the combustion was so not good. Explain me what you are thinking by compression plate? On the gasket??? When the seller had parking the car 3 years ago it was because when it was hot the engine warm and turn badly, ( but with the carby, and general condition and tuning of the engine I suppose It couldn’t be good) The next time I’ll check with another tester to find where the pressure is lost and I will inspect the cylinder by the spark plugs with a little light. Perhaps the rings are glued, and the engine need more turn and time to breath new, I can’t take the road actually to test the car and the engine in reel condition. What did you think of all that? Ben :dead:
S.u Dashpot clearance
how can you solve the dashpot excessive clearance? you must change the carby? if you have excessive clearance i suppose that the oil don't stay a long time in the dashpot? And the nozzle and the needle will suffer by this clearance? thanks Ben
End compression pressure
Checking the compression ratio from the car i would to buy, here is what i find cyl1: 7 bars cyl2: 7 bars cyl3:6.5 bars cyl4: 6.5 bars cyl5:6.3 cyl6: 6bars it seems to me, to be Low no???? What value could i must to find with a 2.6 l with E88 head 260Z 2+2 1975???? Ben
janspeed turbo kit testing
Someone had already testing a Janspeed turbo conversion on a Datsun Z? I would like to know, how it run! If someone had one can you tell me if you are satisfied by the power, reliability? , fuel consumption, maintenance and tuning? Thanks Ben
diagnosis turbo oil leak
Mr Camouflage, Yes it is, it was the only things the seller find to enrich the mixture:stupid: but below there is a big direct intake air filter.....(i take off the tea towl, as i could do it...) Last time i take the compression ratio, because 3 spark plugs are black (normal, the carby is in poor condition and there is no oil in it) and 3 spark plugs are Wet (by fuel apparently), so the combustion it very bad for them.... probably i'll check the impeller shaft, but it usualy not representative for the oil leak, and i have no seal to take on the carby after.... For the car condition, after 3 years parking here (near the sea aliminium corrode very well, the body too... i'll probably give 1000 Euros for it, but i must check differents point befor:ermm: thanks for your reply Ben
diagnosis turbo oil leak
thanks for your help steve! As you could see in my pictures about this car in my gallery the turbo is exactly dry on his seals but the engine run only one hour (after 3 years no running) i can't test the car because it was on a big hill and if i broken down i could't return to his parking!!! i will test the car like you say next time!!!! I suppose the valves seal are probably bad, but i prefer be sure about the turbo because it 's not same cost!!! See you later Ben
electric fuel pump on 240z 260z?
yes i study the question (buy or not buy) i must be crazy:stupid: But itch time i see the car i hear a little voice from the car tell me (please help me, don't let me in this condition, buy me....save me) i probably gives 1000 euro for the car, as you say it will have lot of work, and itch time i see it, new things appears to me, adding to the list already long...... about conctact Janspeed, i tryed to contact them at Janspeed.com but no reply actualy..... I tryed too at hyperperformance (janspeed exhaust) and give them pictures but no answer ... Where is the return line? The hard fuel lines comes at the right front rail: the arrives line goes to the mecanic pump an then to the carburator! and i think the return line will be goes from the carby to hard return line (near the right front rail). (As you could notice on the picture of the engine the carby have two plugs clogged by two hoses and screw) the return line will be plug in one of them????? thanks for your help Alan See you later Ben
diagnosis turbo oil leak
ok with you, but as the car is not mine (not yet), it will be difficult to take the turbo off to see, and i have no seal to take on after.... but I can try to ask if the seller is ok! by take off the turbo i can esasly see if the turbo leak to the inlet, but if the turbo leak oil by the turbine to the exhaust it will be difficult to make difference with a valves seal leak? spark plugs are not oily! what are exactly the symptom of valves seals leak? smoke at idle or at high rates, when the engine is cold or hot? when you return to idle? someone can tell me precision?
diagnosis turbo oil leak
Someone can tell me how can i check the car to make difference between an turbo oil leaks or valves stem seals oil leaks (Always for the 260Z 2+2 i puchase seeing in my gallery) When i run the car to 3000 rpm there was lot of smoke at the exhaust, but how can i define where is the leak? when the car is at 800 rpm there is also little smoke (when it was cold) the car can't take the road, so i didn't know if the turbo climb well on pressure..... Thanks for help
electric fuel pump on 240z 260z?
I read on Victoria British catalog p73 that 240z and 260z have 2 full pump (1 mécanic & 1 electric). is it exact? it's not common with carburator! I suppose there is a relay, which activate the pump when you switch the key and stop if you didn't run the engine, but where is it? I suppose too that if there is an electric fuel pump, there is a fuel return line to the tank? On the car i puchase (260Z 2+2 with Janspeed turbo kit), there are no return line (switch off) and i think there are so no fuel pump (probably take off when the kit was assembling). futhermore when i restart the car (after 3 years), the fuel didn't come easyly to the fuel filter, and i 'd must force fuel on the mecanic pump with a manuel pump to start. Is the electrique fuel pump important for the engine run with this engine assembly? if yes i hope the pump is still on the car! because it was expensive normaly where is the fuel pump, near the tank but where exactly? Thanks for your answer Ben
what sort of carby it is?
thanks Alan for your reply Is this carby was assembly on Jaguard? And HI, i suppose means hitachi? is it renowed to be a good carby?