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About djwarner

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  • Member ID: 26587

  • Title: HLS30A 17574

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  • Joined: 08/05/2012

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djwarner last won the day on August 13 2016

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    1971 240Z HLS30A 17574 L24-021025

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  1. Try the area around Spring Lake SE of Brooksville. Than and the area immediately west of there.
  2. A bad or disconnected vacuum modulator will disrupt proper shifting. Remember a vacuum line has two ends as well as the hollow tube. I would first verify the vacuum hose, then replace the modulator before tearing into the AT again. There is no internal electronics in the AT. The only wiring is a switch for the starter enable and for the backup lights.
  3. This is one of the best restorations I've seen. https://classics.autotrader.com/classic-cars/1964/toyota/land_cruiser/101228839
  4. Found this video on a cheap vapor lock solution. While I never had a problem, I know several others here have. Thought I'd give you the heads up.
  5. Dude, I think you meant metal to mount the VintageAir Mini. If that is correct, I found a variety of shapes in sheet metal at Home Depot and Lowes used in lumber framing. One I used was a "T" shape and I bent the tail at the base of the cross member. Mounted the cross member on the transmission tunnel with the tail pointing up. Other shapes attached to the firewall.  

    1. Dude


      Djwarner ok great! That is actually more help then you could know ?? I will go to Lowe’s/Home Depot and start hunting also how exactly did you bend them to shape? Is there a tool I could buy? “ there is never a bad excuse to buy another tool” ?

    2. djwarner


      Actually they bend quite easily. A bench vise will hold it while you push it over. Use a rubber mallet to flatten the bend to a sharp corner.

    3. Dude


      Sweet now I can buy a bench vice and get started! ?? Thanks again ?

  6. I’m waiting to get into the custom exhaust shop and then get the ac lines connected. Found a guy who makes custom gateways that allows the GM CANBUS talk to the Miata CANBUS to drive the OEM instrument panel. With the hood closed, it will look completely stock. Also added a 2 DIN android tablet so I can run Torque Pro. Formulas found by a Google search say it should 0-60 in around 4.0 seconds.
  7. I acquired a Camaro 3.6L LFX engine and 6L50 AT salvaged from my wife's car after she was rear-ended. The direct injection engine is somewhat unique in that it has exhaust manifolds incorporated into the heads and simple downpipes coming out of each side. The engine puts out 323HP on regular gas and the LFX/6L50 combo weighs less than the Z engine alone. A mild tune can lay 300HP at the rear wheels. When I acquired the drive train, I had planned on installing it in 240Z or 260Z but could not find a sound shell at the time. There is gobs of room in a Z. As proof, I ended up installing them in a 2011 Miata with virtually zero firewall modification or other body welding. These engines are readily available and now stand alone wire harnesses are available from V8 Roadsters.
  8. Don't think you will find any NOS senders for your project. After blaming a 0-90 sender for my low oil pressure for a long time, I finally hooked a mechanical gauge. After that, I had to admit an overhaul was in my future. Check out: His sender will register 10 Bar but never could pin down standards for the gauge itself. I still suspect the 6 Bar sender works with our gauges and the y only changed the face plate to say 90. If you are looking for an authentic sender for a restoration, I don't think you will find any. And there was a service bulletin to convert the 0-140 senders/gauges to a 0-90 senders/gauges once existing stocks were exhausted.
  9. Actually I did the installation more than three years ago. Should be able to search posts made on this site. Sent from my iPad using Classic Zcar Club mobile
  10. For Sale 1970 240Z heater/fan unit. Unit is fully serviceable. Pulled when replaced with VintageAge unit. $200 plus shipping. PM me for more information.
  11. I had exactly the same problem with down draft Weber carbs and solved the problem by mounting an electric pump between the tank and hard line. Rather than powering the pump anytime the engine was running, I mounted a push button switch under the steering column cover. Pushing the button for 10-15 seconds until the bowls refilled and closed the float valves was all that was needed. You could hear the change in the pump pulsing once the valves closed.
  12. The purpose of the water circulation lines in the intake manifold is for heating - not cooling. When the carbs are at idle, there is a large pressure drop for the air entering the intake manifold. The large pressure drop means a large temperature drop. As the manifold is cooled, fuel droplets tend to wet out against them. This pools fuel in the manifold rather than making it into the cylinders. This is akin to your glass of iced tea wetting the outside of the glass while sitting on your patio table.
  13. Damn, If Jay had only released this video a week earlier..........
  14. I would second the motion. Swapping to a MT even if just to facilitate a sale would be worth the effort. At Mecum's I expected there would be enough Millenials and/or wives to stimulate a sale. There was one woman bidder on site but she dropped out at $7k.
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