i have a 1978 datsun 280z. I am experiencing what i can best describe as "engine pause". driving down the road and suddenly nothing for about 3 seconds, then all is well again. As the days went on, 1 pause became 2. then 3. then 4. then one day pause and died to a rolling stop aside the road. I pulled a spark plug and could see spark when i tried to restart. had it towed to the mechanic...started right up! replaced the fuel filter... next day, still paused. so, took it back to a mechanic and told him to drive the car for a while to replicate the problem. he did. for a week. nothing. so i brought it home...a week later...pause, dead. ugh. took it back to him. he drove it for a week and was finally able to get it to replicate and die. towed it back to his shop...then restarted before he could figure it out. ugh. you can nickname me "stumped z". fuel injected, fuel filter good, fuel pump good, has spark, full compression in all 6 cylinders. only thing i have not changed on this car is the good old cpu. thoughts? anyone? bueller?