Thanks for BOTH replies. I guess I never noticed that it was alway on. It's been a long time since I drove the Zapper with any regularity. The car has been started many times, and I drove it a couple of weeks ago and it ran GREAT but we did find problems with the water pump. It had an amazing amount of rust on the impeller and would catch when it was turned by hand. I changed out the fan clutch as i figured i may have let the car sit too long and the silicone may have dried out, and so I just changed it. i also changed the thermostat. The car had a good tune up in 2007, gas drained and replaced, lots of hoses replaced, new plugs, wires, filters, etc. Was scoped and found to be in pretty good shape considering all. Drove it several weeks ago into the city to get new tires. It also has all new brakes, new brake booster, etc. Car was fine, but I noticed the temperature was 5-8 degrees higher than normal and i attibuted it to the hot day. Next day, drove it again to the doc's office about 8 miles away, on the return trip it over heated but I found NO leaks from the gaskets and so i'm hoping no damage to the head (ie warping). I'm also 7000' elevation. I'm not sure if the elevation has anything to do with the temperature of the car. For now, I'm putting everything back together and i'm waiting to hear from another former Z driver about his parting out of his car. I need some interior parts that have broken over the years. But I will get this back on the road. We're hoping to tow my Z with us for winter trips to CA and NV. We'll see how things go. I do appreciate the quick responses and feel a little dumb that i didn't remember the voltmeter staying "up" with the ignition turned off. in any event, I'm happy to have found this site and these forums, and apparently a bunch of people that really do care about each other and the delimmas of owning an OLD Z car. But without trying to sound arrogant, i like mine better than the new models!!! Thanks again, Dianne